Win In Calmness

Hello, I hope you are all doing well today. I think I'm going to try "flexing my calmness" to life's usual stresses and challenges. What have I got to lose, probably nothing but over reactions to situations that never deserved all that energy in the first place! Give it a try too, and see if it makes your day a little bit better.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Your Strength is not in your muscles. It does not come from fighting negative situations or winning against a negative enemy. Your strength is in your calmness, in the clarity of your mind. Strength comes from putting the negative aside without reacting. Win in calmness, in consciousness, in balance. Win without fighting.
~ Yogi Amrit Desai~

Happy Weekend!

Hello, Happy Saturday my friends! As all of us are, I'm happy it's the weekend. My week went pretty good. I am pleasantly surprised to find I'm enjoying my new work environment. The ladies I work with are all about my age and have a good sense of humor. It helps considering we work in what probably should be a condemned building. My new Apple IPhone takes great pictures and makes the place look better than it is, trust me. That first door on the left is a bathroom that at first I was so happy to have right in front of me, (you know, quick access is appreciated the older you get!), but then this week it broke down, and to hear my co worker who was born in Ireland and still has a great Irish brogue (that I just love to listen to all day ) come out with, "it looks like a New York City Subway bathroom in there" you can't help but laugh it off. And I swear, as I move their boxes of files that I have to go through and organize to ship off to somewhere else, I feel like I've been bitten once or twice by a flea! But hey, it's what you gotta do for a paycheck right! So today me and my hubby are going to do our usual errand running, get food for the week, go to the bank and putt around the house fixing and cleaning things. I'm starting to fix up a playroom for the grand kids which I love to do, I'll share some pictures with you when it's finished. Then we will indulge in a dinner of surf and turf, soooo good huh! Then we'll kick back and relax to a good movie or stand up comedy routine. Yes, this is what makes up a good weekend for me. What have you got planned?? Well whatever it is, I hope you have a great time doing it!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

My view at work!

Din, Din!

We watched Jim Gaffingan last week, very funny,
here's some of his routine, I hope you enjoy it!

You are

my everything quote wallpaper

You are nothing short of my everything.


Chill Out!

Hello, Here are some images to help cool you down if your in the middle of this heat wave like me! Yikes it is hot out!
Stay Cool,
Janet :)





Transitions Edited

Hello, I hope your enjoying your weekend. The past few years have been a time of many transitions for me. Maybe it's because I'm reaching middle age and this a time when they happen more, I don't really know. My transitions have consisted mostly of loss. Loss of my Mother, which was tough enough, only to be compiled with the loss of my Mother in Law, and two dear friends to Cancer within a years time. I've gone from jobless to job and back again! So I've experienced a wide range of emotions throughout these past few years, but I was so busy trying to stay positive and upbeat all the time, you know, just trying to smoothly sail through the changes, that I denied how I was feeling to myself and to others around me. In denial, I chose some unhealthy ways to sail through those changes, only to be left with regret and remorse. But I realize now, even more so after reading this article, that I needed to take the time to feel the losses, take the time to process the transitions in order to get back on with my life in a healthier way. By sharing this article I hope it helps any of you who are experiencing a less than positive transition in your life, because I know now from my own experiences that when your in one, your not always aware of what is really going on inside of you. Sometimes it takes an article like this to raise that awareness.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Change is the one constant in life. And yet, we are often surprised when it comes. Parents reward us for mastering routines of hygiene and self-discipline. Our educational system grooms us for progressive levels of security, reinforcing the belief that skill mastery yields the predictable comforts of a settled life. As we age, we are measured by our gains, not our losses, our stability, not our vulnerability.

That's why so many people are devastated when the temple of their familiar world is shaken through unemployment, divorce, disease, death, and similar forces of upheaval. We believe in change as long as the wheel of fortune spins in our favor. When change defies our expectations with unpleasant results, a lifetime of conditioning can become suspect, unleashing the dark designs of our imaginations.

Throughout the centuries, philosophers, theologians, and psychologists have attempted to illuminate the nature of change, from the ancient hexagrams of the I Ching ( the Chinese Book of Change) to the stages of loss identified in the last century by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D., who describes a non-linear progression through denial, sadness, anger, bargaining, and acceptance. One of my favorite frameworks, however, was written by a little-known English professor whose last name is practically synonymous with change—William Bridges.

In his 1980s groundbreaking book "Transitions," Bridges maps out the cycle of change into three discrete stages that is at once counter-intuitive and overly simplistic. According to Bridges, every transition begins with an ending and ends with a beginning. In between endings and beginning is a discomfiting neutral zone that most people would rather avoid but is essential for personal growth.

Why begin with the end? Writes Bridges: "Divorces, deaths, job changes, moves, illnesses, and many lesser events disengage us from the contexts in which we have known ourselves. They break up the old cue system that served to reinforce our roles and pattern our behavior."

Within the rubric of "endings," he identifies five fundamental tasks one must master in order to successfully move to the next chapter. They are disengagement (separation from the familiar), dismantling (letting of what is no longer needed), disenchantment (discovering that certain things no longer make sense), disidentification (reevaluating one's identity) and disorientation (a vague sense of losing touch with one's reality).

Once endings are complete, people progress to an uncomfortable but growth-filled neutral zone which Bridges describes as "an empty in-between time when... everything feels as though it's up for grabs and you don't quite know who you are or how you're supposed to behave."

Most people would prefer to skip this stage. However, by attempting to leapfrog past the neutral zone, they may miss important insights and gifts, putting them at risk of poor decision-making in the future. Bridges explains that, not unlike the concept of meditation or the Sabbath, "only by returning to the formlessness of primal energy that renewal can take place. We need it just the way an apple tree needs the cold of winter."

As the neutral zone is discomfiting, beginnings can be anti-climatic. Usually, there are no bells, whistles, or red carpets, just a "faint intimation of something different, a new theme in the music, and a strange fragrance on the breeze." Although some individuals may feel invigorated by beginnings, often it takes time to become adjusted to a new identity or situation. Even a beginning considered positive by societal standards—like getting married, having a child, or getting promoted—can be extremely stressful as those affected become attuned to an unfamiliar landscape.

Although no one can escape life's inevitable transitions, people's coping styles vary depending on a variety of factors from biology to their family of origin. Talking to a trusted friend or mental health professional can be helpful if you or someone you know shows signs of depression and anxiety. Reflecting on Bridges' framework, however, may help demystify transitions so they don't seem quite so scary or overwhelming. Liberated from our fears, we can dance courageously with the unknown, mining important life lessons from every little step.

Heart Possess

heart quote wallpaper

To handle yourself, use your Head, to handle others, use your Heart.


Wild Things!

Hello, I hope your doing good today. This new temp job is going good, much easier than the last one. So I'm feeling good about things right now. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support. Remember that famous childhood story "Where the Wild Things Are", well I think they have shown up here in Cape Cod Massachusetts. Lately in the news it's all we have been hearing about. Bears and Sharks, OH MY! This one Bear has had quite the adventure for himself around Cape Cod, only to be captured and brought to the woods in central Ma. Then surprise, surprise, he showed up again in Brookline Ma in someones's tree! The poor thing had to be tranquilized again and brought back to the woods. I can only sit back now and wonder where and when he will pop up again. Chatam Ma has had an increase in shark sightings to the point they have had to close the beaches at times. I think they are after the seals! That poor man in the Kayak didn't even know he was that close to a shark until someone pointed it out to him, talk about a close call!! So stay tuned for possibly more wild thing sightings here in Ma!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Quick, someone Que the theme song to Jaws!!

Bigger Than This

Hello, As I did last Monday, I'm sending out a little motivation. I think it is going to be my theme on Monday's for now on. I know these are some of the words I will be telling myself as I step into a new place of work, with new people. I hope these words help you find your strength if your facing anything challenging this week.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Learn to compromise

Always learn to compromise... Because it is better to bend slightly than to break the relationship for ever.


Catch You

Hello, I hope your all doing well today, I am doing good! This saying could not ring more true to me at this point in time in my life. I've come to realize that despite my best efforts to make life work for me the way I want it to, it keeps working the way it wants to. Although I have always believed that what is meant to be will be, there is a plan for all of us, I can see now that I was trying to hard to control the plan. There is not doubt in my mind now that there is a God (or a supreme being, which ever you choose to call him) that has a plan for each of us, whether we like it or not, no matter how much we try to control the plan! I was sure that the Job at Blue Cross Blue Shield was what I wanted and needed, it was a great job and I was lucky to have gotten it, blah, blah, blah, as I told myself and everyone around me told me. When things did not work out, and I was not able to learn the skills I needed for the job, to say I was devastated was an understatement. I felt like just having a break down, how much more disappointment could I face in myself, in front of my family, and so on and so on. But for some reason I didn't, and from somewhere I got strength, and began all over again. One day I just got up and got on the computer and applied at more jobs than I could keep track of. Then out of the blue I get a call from a Temp agency to work for the State Of Massachusetts! Another great place to work where I live. I had applied there many times before for various positions because of it's good pay and benefits. After a few days of working things out with the employer I got the Temporary job and I will be starting this Monday. Even though it starts out as a Temporary position, I think there is a very good chance it will turn into a permanent one. If it does not, at least I will now be able to add working for them on my Resume and apply on their job board for other open and permanent positions. It will put me in a favorable position for future jobs with them or anyone else, if need be. The work will be easier than Blue Cross, Blue Shield was. I feel I can manage this work just fine. Data entry and scanning documents, basic clerical work, not customer service with non-stop demanding, complaining people!! It has all been a blessing in disguise. So I'm sharing this with you today in case your in a place that you wish you were not, like I was. If your not happy with the way your life plans are working out, trust me when I tell you to hang in there, it is happening for a reason. Stop chasing after what is suppose to be your "plan" in life, and let life's plan catch you!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


4th Of July

Hello, Happy 4th of July! Today my family and I did our yearly tradition and rode our 1954 Chevy in the hometown of America, Plymouth Ma Parade. We had a great time. Now we are going to enjoy a little cookout and then of course to top the day off, some Fireworks. Although the picture below looks like our car, it is not, but it is the same parade. I hope if you are celebrating today, your day is filled with a little bit of everything below!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Happy Birthday America!
American Flag Pictures, Images and Photos




What Moves You?

Hello, I'm starting off the week with a Motivational Monday! I need it and I'm sure there are many of you out there who feel the same as me. I have taken Zumba classes before and I loved them. Zumba gives you faster weight loss results than some other workouts, while you dance around to great music. You almost feel like you are in a Latin Movie! It can leave you feeling invigorated, and a little more sexy! So here is a couple of videos I found on Youtube. One shows beginner moves, and the other shows you a typical Zumba Class. So if you've been thinking of starting a new exercise program, give it a try. You may just find it is what you needed to move you in the right direction towards better overall health today, and always!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Party yourself into shape? That’s exactly what the Zumba program is all about. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party!

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