For The Budget Fashionistas - My Top Picks For Transitioners

Hydracap Processing Cap {$3.99} - Don't have the dough for a heating cap or hard-hat dryer? All you need is your favorite heavy duty DC [even suave strawberries and cream or herbal essence hello hydration, mixed with four tablespoons of olive oil will work] this processing cap, and a blow dryer and your hair is in for a deep conditioning treat it will thank you for later!

Jilbere Shower Comb {$1.59}- A nice [cheap] no frills seamless comb that detangles well! This should be a staple in everyone's "hair kit" whether relaxed or natural.

Herbal Essence Hello Hydration {varies; $3 and up) - Perfect for co-washing, deep conditioning, and using as an aid to help in the detangling process.

Henna {varies; $.99-3.99} - Yes you can use Henna if you are transitioning, as long as it is Body Art Quality. It's a natural, inexpensive way to fortify your hair, minimize breakage, as well as shedding.

Pantene Relaxed & Natural Breakage Defense Mask {5.99} - I have a lot of transitioning & relaxed friends that swear by this. I have even used this on my natural hair with stellar results! If you try this, make sure you rinse thoroughly with COLD water to prevent any type of film, or buildup [and to close the cuticles of course]!

Apple Cider Vinegar {varies; $.99 and up}- This can be used to gently remove product buildup, and it also helps close the cuticles if used during a final rinse [which helps a great deal with detangling]!ACV also gives imparts a nice healthy sheen to hair.
I swear by ACV rinsing, it also helps to remove minerals left behind from hard water as well! Try this simple recipe for starters.
2 Tablespoons of ACV + 2 Cups of Spring Water
Pour this mixture on your hair after rinsing out your conditioner; and leave in [the smell will go away after about 10minutes or so], your hair should be a lot more manageable, and shiny to boot!

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