Stillness is The Move

I found this really cool dress in H&M for only $25 dollars. It was hanging in some random area, and I snagged it immediately. I love Maxi Dresses because it gives you instant glam with little effort. This dress is a bit on the sheer side; so I threw on some black tights underneath, and all was well.
Can I also tell all of you that I have been sleeping on Castor Oil? Wow. I made a mixture of 1part Camellia Oil to 3parts Castor Oil [with three drops of rosemary oil] and put it in a flip top bottle. I spray my hair lightly with water daily, then seal with the Castor Oil mix and my hair has never been softer.

So far nothing has worked better than my lil ole water and Castor Oil routine. It was even soft after shampooing w/a clarifying shampoo [which is rare for me], so I skipped the moisture shampoo follow up that I normally do.

If you are having trouble finding Camellia Oil you can buy it here [it's where I get it from].
To all of you that are going through a major hair drought, try that mixture and see how it fairs! Make sure you spray your hair with Spring Water [I find it makes my hair much softer than using tap or distilled] if you can!
Ring: Forever 21
Dress: H&M
Cuff: Forever 21


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