The Secrets To Bouncy, Swingin' Pressed Hair

Techniques for uber straight, silky hair starts way before you pick up those pressing combs, and that flat iron. - Obtaining salon results at home is easy if you employ these methods.
  1. Shampoo your hair thoroughly with a clarifying shampoo. This will rid your hair of excess oils, and products that will weigh your hair down causing it to be dull, lifeless, and limp. - I usually shampoo my hair until it is squeaky clean [i rub the hair between my fingers until I actually hear a squeak], then I follow up with a moisturizing shampoo to impart some moisture back into my hair. Pay special attention to the crown area; as this tends to have the most buildup.
  2. Condition, and condition well. You want your hair to be in the best shape it can possibly be in prior to thermal straightening. I usually deep condition for about 30minutes w/heat, or an hour without heat. A good deep conditioning treatment will ensure that your detangling process is a lot smoother [reducing tangles, shed hair, damage from combing], and it will also impart sheen, and softness to your hair that will greatly affect the final outcome.
  3. Rinse THOROUGHLY, I can't say this enough. If you still have conditioner in your hair; you more than likely will not get the body, and "swing" you desire. Rinse with cold water; as this closes the cuticle, and makes for shiny hair. You will know if you still have product in your hair if the pressing comb is smoking. It should not smoke. Steam, is ok. Smoke means there is still product residue present [pressing your hair w/residue will also cause an odor to be left behind on your hair as well]. I will more than likely re-shampoo at this point if I notice smoke.
  4. Use GOOD pressing combs. All pressing combs are not created equal. Trust; I have had almost every brand known to man, but always come back to Kizure. They are supreme in my book. 
  5. TEMPER your pressing combs. This is SUPER important. I would like to point out that Kizure advertises their combs are "pre-tempered", however I temper them ANYWAY. Well tempered combs hold heat evenly along the comb which ensures an even, straight press [this also cuts down on heat passes]. If you have ever had to put your comb back in the oven several times before getting one section straight; your combs weren't tempered properly. I can straighten 2-3 sections with my pressing comb before needing to place it back on the heat source - Temper the combs by leaving them in an oven [hair oven] for 6-8 hours. After that point, they should well tempered, and ready for use. Another bonus for tempering is that it removes any finish left behind from the manufacturer of the combs. 
  6. Use smaller sections to press hair; I suggest parting in 11/2 inch sections. 
  7. Avoid using a STOVE TOP for pressing. Invest in an oven, pressing your hair on the stove top can cause serious dryness as that is a completely different source of heat. All heat sources are not created equal. 
  8. When pulling the comb through your hair; flip your wrist so that the hair somewhat wraps itself around the comb; it is the BACK of the pressing comb that does the pressing, not the teeth.

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