On This Day

Hello, I couldn't let this day go by without paying tribute to my Father. In 1987 I had written this poem for my Father as a gift on Father's Day. I could not wait to give it to him. Sadly he passed away on June 3rd of that year of a massive heart attach while at work for the Boston Globe, before I could give him this poem on Fathers day. So it was read at his funeral. I was a lucky girl to have had him as my Father. 25 years later his little girl still misses him very much, and he is often in my dreams. My friends use to tell me he looked like Walter Matthau. I kinda think so too. Happy Father's Day to all of you Dad's out there today. If your lucky enough to still have your Dad in your life, don't wait for this day each year to tell him how special he is. Time will slip through your hands and before you know it, he will too.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

On this Fathers day
we want you to know
how much we appreciate
that through all the hard
times you didn't go.
through thick or thin
till death do us part
you never let the love
of your family leave
your heart

On this day you deserve
our praise
if we only knew the exact
words to say.
you should have had received
the man of the year,
brought about all mankind
for a cheer

But since these things
are out of our touch
let us thank you so much
oh so very much

"Albert James Buresh II"
Fondly remembered

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