A New Years Wish


Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing well, I am doing good, I felt the need to write a poem for the new year for me and you as well, I hope you all have a Happy New Year, Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care, Janet

A New Years Wish

I wish for this new year,
to bring happiness and peace
for me and all my friends indeed.

I wish for less stress, more time
to sit and relax. Taking time to see
the sun shine through the trees,
as I enjoy upon my face a gentle breeze.

I wish to carry less baggage, free
my heart and soul from all that has
happened. Letting go of the pain
of loved ones lost, but remembering
the memories that mean the most.

I wish to learn progress not
perfection, as I turn my life
in a new direction. Take
small steps, that will lead me to my
true self.

My wish of a growing family has
come true, My niece Kim in August and
Christa in June. As the loved ones have
passed, so much has been given back.

I wish for all of you these same truths,
life takes and gives, and we should make
every day a new years eve. A time to start over,
a time to once again believe.

The Mindful Minute

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. I had a great Christmas with my family. I bought Briana a princess castle pop up tent and we played and laughed in it for most of the day. I wanted to write another loving kindness meditation today and when I went through my book I found this picture of Elsie in her garden with this loving kindness meditation. So I took it as a sign or message that I should share this with you today. What a beautiful garden she had here on earth. I am sure she is still surrounded by a beautiful garden. Thank you for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

The Mindful Minute
The real mindfulness practice is being present in your daily routine and actions. The goal is to cultivate mindfulness in any enviorment. You can learn to artfully create a spacious stillness in your mind, a radiant calm that allows you to be fully present as the world around you shifts and tilts.
As you walk through your day today see if you can repeatedly return to the present moment. While you're working, can you bring your attention to your breath? If your body begins to ache, can you take a moment to stretch and breath? As you're talking to others can you remain aware of your own inner dialogue and quiet it down so you can truly hear the other people?
Start today and commit to twenty four hours, one hour or even a minute of mindfulness. Wherever you are right now, choose to pay attention, on purpose, to the world around you. When your attention begins to wander say to yourself, "May I be calm and at ease." "May I be peaceful" Don't try to fight or change your experience: just stay in the moment and see what comes.
You might be surprised to find that the more you're able to calm your inner chatter, the more your senses and awareness will come alive. You'll be able to see the world as it is, not as you think it should be. Not only will you benefit, but everyone in your life will benefit from your increased awareness and calm presence.

The Last Gift Edited

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well. I am doing pretty good. I don't want to come across as being depressed for the holidays as I also have much joy with my family and especially Briana who is so much fun lately, she is a hoot!! and I am so grateful for my friends and all the new friends I have met through my blog. You have helped me in so many different way this year I can't thank you all enough. But I also want to share with you what is going on in my life as well. Tomorrow will be two years ago that I last spent Christmas with my mother and mother in law. I still have moments of tears, tears of missing our traditions even though my sister carries on my mother's tradition by giving me socks every Christmas and I love her for that. My mother loved the holidays at my sisters house with all of us and her grandchildren. She would always go out and buy a new sweater or shirt, and do her makeup and hair. She was living on Disability but she managed to give of her six children and 10 grandchildren a gift, even if it was small. The thought behind those small gifts was simply I love you, and this is my way of showing it no matter how big or little. To be remembered is all that is important my mother would always say. What a sweet soul she was. I am grateful to have had both of them in my life, I miss Elsie's special cream cheese and celery every Christmas and her candy and smiles. I noticed today my father in law is also having trouble with his new normal, he just did not seem himself. He was just going through the motions. He is lost without my mother in law. At his tender age of 83 I worry he may just die of loneliness. It was said to me that after the losses it becomes your "new normal", but I don't know how long it will take me to get used to the feeling of this "new normal" or if I ever will. I will always long for the "old normal" even when I have been healing and starting over and have gratitude for everything and everybody in my life. I am sure all of you who have lost loved ones will understand what I mean.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

The Last Gift
At this time two years ago my mother was in Hospice care. She had suffered a double stroke 16 months earlier. At first we thought there was a chance she would recover. But the damage was too much for that to happen. She was paralyzed and had many other issues. Amazingly enough she could still talk and remember the past and all six of her children. At times she was so clear you would not have thought nothing had happened to her. As time went on she began to get aspiration pneumonia and urinary tract infections over and over again. It got to the point that she could not eat regular food because her throat was damaged from the stroke. She had to have puree food and thick it. Her quality of life was slipping away. After treating her many infections, it was clear they were not going to go away. Her health was failing. The Doctor said there was nothing more that they could do. My siblings and I discussed the situation and we knew what we had to do as painful as it was, we had to let her go. She had fought and suffered long enough. My brother being her health care proxy had to sign her into hospice care. The Hospice care began around Thanksgiving. When Christmas came around she was very weak and heavily medicated, but could still converse with us. I wanted to buy her a gift for Christmas, but every time I went into the store, no gift seemed right. I froze in a way. I could not handle the fact that I was buying her the last Christmas present from me. After a few attempts to buy her a gift, I just gave into the fact that I just could not do it. The shiniest diamond would not have brought her a moment’s happiness or peace. I don’t think she was fully aware of any gifts she did receive. Now that I am reflecting back I think I know why I could not buy that last gift. Even though I was in a lot of pain my instincts knew the only gifts she needed that Christmas were spiritual. I realized I was giving her those gifts every day. I gave her the gift of time, by leaving work to be with her as much as I could. I gave her the gift of comfort as I held her hand when she was scared. I gave her the gift of unconditional love as I kissed and hugged her when she needed it the most. I gave her the gift of peace when I told her everything will be alright, and I would take care of my brother Jimmy who she lived with for 20 years. I feel the last gifts I gave her were the best gifts I had ever given her. The gifts she had taught me throughout my life by example.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

Two Beautiful Women that I was blessed to have in my life!!

Let go of the Negatives, Focus on the Positives

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all doing well, I am doing good. I have been busy working and getting ready for Christmas as I am sure you are all as well. I am enjoying my new job even through it is the busy Christmas season in retail. Today was a great day because it was my first Sunday off in a while, we had a big snowstorm so we made warm meals all day and decorated some more for the holiday as the logs in the fireplace added to the coziness of the day. I wanted to share the next two ways to live the 365 ways to live the law of attractions. I am sorry I have gotten behind, I will be posting again before Christmas.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

#7 Let go of the Negatives, Focus on the Positives
A thorough understanding of the fundamentals of the law of attraction allows us to quickly achieve our goals and get more of the stuff we want and avoid attracting the things we don't want. With deliberate and focused application of the principles of the law of attraction we can all achieve our full human potential and perhaps work together toward creating a more harmonious and just world. The law of attraction as already noted works in response to thoughts that have become energized. What if deliberately focused your attention on something that you wanted to call forth in your life...something you deeply desired to manifest? Would the law of attraction bring it to you? The answer is yes, always.

#8 Anyone Can Use It
Anyone can work with the law of attraction to deliberately make choices about what he or she wants and doesn't want in their life. He can use the law to help him work out his dreams, desires, and ambitions. So, too, he can repel the things he does not want. Indebtedness worries, for example, can bring more debt. But when thoughts of poverty are replaced by images of abundance, the law of attraction springs into action to replace lack with abundance. The law of attraction is not wishful thinking, daydreaming, or momentary flights of fancy. A wish is not a strong enough intention. The law is always working to give people the very thing they most desire.

Christmas pictures of Briana

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. I wanted to share these Christmas pictures of Briana with you. We also did her 2 yr.old picture. She did not like having her picture taken, she wanted no part of it, so we were lucky to get what we got. I enjoyed babysitting her yesterday, she just loves her Mimmi, she won't let Christa do a thing for her when I am around, no Mimmi do LOL! I have gotten behind on my blogging now that I am working full time. I will get back to the law of attraction, lovng kindenss meditations and Angels 101 one at a time over the next two weeks, So thank you so much for continuing to follow my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

Gift of the Heart from a Blonde with Curls


Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well especially during this busy holiday season. I started my new job at Target in Hanover Ma and like it so far. It is easy working in Photo and the service desk. You meet some interesting people, if you know what I mean! This time of year is wonderful to me spending time with all of my family at my sister's house. We always have a lot of laughs and the love we feel for each other has survived many turbulent and traumatic times. I feel the worse is over for us having lost both Mom and Dad who instilled in us strength and forgiveness no matter what. Family is the most important gift you will ever be given. So this year I am grateful to all the true gifts my parents gave me, values to live by through power of example. My selfish side still wants them physically here with me, but I have to remind myself, their spirit is and I will be reminded as I look at all they left me with, loving brothers and a sister who is the salt of the earth. The generations to follow are receiving their gifts as well through us. This story touched me because I agree with Bonnie, gifts of the heart are learned even from a child who bounces and smiles not knowing if tomorrow will come. Look at all the gifts around you and pass them on. Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

A Gift from the Heart,
by: Bonnie, A Heartprint Original

December is the busiest time of the year. Everyone's busy preparing for the holidays and continuing family traditions. Has it ever crossed your mind, as to how many really stop and think what Christmas is all about? Are we teaching our children the true meaning of Christmas or how many gifts need to be bought? If we have taught our children the true meaning of Christmas, what we've instilled in them will be carried into generations to come. I like to see families create traditions all year long. Afterall, the original gift to all of us here on earth, was given from His heart. For through our hearts, one single gift of kindness, can touch an endless amount of hearts forever.

This is a story about a child that saw the importance of giving and never thought about giving up. Some may think a child isn't old enough to carry enough wisdom to teach us all a lesson in living. But I've learned a heart grows from life's many challenges and sometimes a child's challenges can be far greater than some adults. We met a little girl seven years ago, during one of my daughter's occasional hospital stays. Her name was Beth and she was my daughter's room mate for a week. Beth was a very happy girl despite her medical problems she was facing. Her long blonde curls always seemed to bounce with her smile. The girls got to know each other well and had become good friends. On the pediatric floor of the hospital, we saw many seriously ill children. It was so sad, even though my daughter had an uncurable kidney disease and not a very good chance of living to see old age herself. We always saw many children with all kinds of cancer, and sadly enough Beth was one of those children. She was doing two weeks of chemo and radiation. I was amazed at her will and determination to never give up despite how very sick her treatments made her. She was always concerned about my daughter and the other children with cancer she grew to know over her many hospital stays.

My daughter's IV treatments were done after a week and I was happy to finally bring her home. We were awaiting the final discharge orders when Beth appeared from the other side of the curtain that separated their beds. She said, "I want you to have this. I know you need a new kidney, so keep this angel pin with you till you get better. She will watch over you so you smile all over. My friend, John gave this to me to watch over me, but it's time for this angel to watch over you. When you get your new kidney and smile, you can give this angel to someone that needs her too. I'm done reading my book so here's my bookmark that has a poem on it called, Don't Quit!, I know it by heart anyhow." My daughter thanked her and the girls exchanged hugs and big smiles. I knew, we may never see Beth again, but we never forgot the gift she gave from her heart that day. During that year, we found out Beth has passed away. It was so sad to know such a beautiful little girl was no longer bouncing smiles to everyone she would meet. Her sincere kindness will stay with us forever.

We kept that angel for six more years. My daughter had gone beyond what medical journals had studied and expected from her disease. Was it the angel watching over her or pure luck? My daughter ended up on kidney dialysis for over a year, and one month after almost loosing her, a kidney became available and she received a transplant. My heart tells me, an angel upstairs was watching with a loving smile. My daughter had kept that angel pin and now she felt it was time to give it to someone who needed watched over till they could smile again. She gave it to an elderly man trying to overcome the damage from heart problems and undergoing extensive therapy. His family has informed us, that when he returns home he wants to give the angel to someone he knows suffering from a brain tumor.

How many families and hearts this angel has touched no one knows for sure.

But all it took was one single gift of kindness, that has and will touch an endless amount of hearts forever.

So this Christmas season, look around and see that gift that can't be bought. Create a tradition with your children or maybe someone you love. Make someone's day and do the unexpected, let a friend know you care, or greet a stranger with a warm smile. Give the gift that keeps on giving. It's open twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, it's a gift from your heart. After all, isn't that what Christmas is all about?

Facebook Abuse

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well I am doing good. I thought I would share this funny video with everyone, especially facebook users, you will have a good laugh :) Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,

Angels 101


Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. Recently two dear friends I met through my blog who are bloggers as well have loved ones who are ill. One friends family member is very sick and they are having trouble figuring what is going on. The other friend's family member is in hospice care. I remembered a book I turned too everyday when my mother was very ill and then put into hospice care. The title of the book is called Angels 101 by Dorothy Virtue PH.D, An introduction to working, and healing with the Angels. I would look through the book and pray to the different Angels for different needs as they arouse on a daily basis. It did bring us comfort I feel and somehow guidance would come to me in small ways. What to say, how to comfort, how to stay strong when all I wanted to do is yell at God or the supreme being for having her suffer after all she had been through in her life already. When my mother passed somehow I put down the book, and stopped praying to them and reading it, not sure why? I had an Angel reading once with a friend, it was a beautiful experience, I could truly feel light and energy all around my body. It was a lot of white light around me as well. As soon as I heard of my friends situation I turned to the book again. I prayed to Raphael who's name means "one who heals" for their loved ones. I thought this would be good to share with all of you who believe in the Angels as well. It is a good time of year to bring spirituality back into your life if it has slipped away in the daily grind of life. I will begin by describing the higher Archy of Angels and then sharing them and what their specialties are. I am going to begin to read it again and use it as a tool in my daily life. Looking forward to sharing the real life experience of other people in this book with you as well. Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

Archangels are managers over seeing our guardian angels. They are one type of the nine choirs of angels (which include angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions,thrones, cherubim and seraphim). Of these forms of angels, guardian angels and archangels are the most involved with helping Earth and her inhabitants.

Compared to guardian angels, archangels are very large, loud, and powerful, yet they're also extremely loving and egoless. As nonphysical celestial beings, they don't have genders. However, their specific fortes and characteristics give them distinctive male and female energies and personas.
The Bible names Archangels Michael and Gabriel. Some versions of the Bible also list Archangels Raphael and Uriel. Ancient Jewish texts expand this list to 15 Archangels.

You'll notice in the list that follows that all but two of the archangels' names end in the suffix "el" which is Hebrew for "of God" or "from God." Two exceptions were Biblical prophets who lived such exemplary lives that they ascended to archangeldom following their human lives.

The archangels are sometimes called by different names, but her are the most common ones, along with their specialities, characteristics, and brief histories.

Raphael. His names means "One who Heals" He heals ailments and guides healers and would be healers and helps the suffering. He's one of the presently sainted archangels (the others being Michael and Gabriel, although at one time seven archangels were canonized). In the book of Tobit(a canonical Bible work) Raphael describes himself as a servant before the Glory of the Lord. He is believed to be on the three archangels who visited the patriarch Abraham. Because he assisted Tobias on his journey, Raphael is considered a patron saint of travelers. His main role, though, is in healing and assisting healers.

Balance The Waves


Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well. I am doing good. Had a great Thanksgiving with all of my family. I hope you did too. This loving kindness meditation is very helpful to me at this point in my life. I often feel I am balancing grief and true happiness. Layers of grief have been peeling which is therapeutic. I find myself lately having those "moments" about my mother in law Elsie. I have not really grieved for her, it was to much too soon after losing my mother. It's as if I blocked her death out completely, just went through the motions. The mind is kind and can only handle what it can to survive. I hope this meditation helps you to balance what you need to in your life.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Take Care,
Janet :)

Finding balance sometimes may at times seem like a struggle. Life is filled with extremes, some painful, others pleasurable. You may be grieving over the death of your beloved Grandmother-and a few days later you may be surrounded by family and friends celebrating your birthday or a holiday. How can we hold these two extremes without shutting down?
The Budda said the greatest happiness is to know peace that is unchanged by changing conditions. With this inner stability, you can ride the waves of contrasting emotions and experiences without losing your balance.
The next time you're overwhelmed by the contrast of joy and pain in your life, say these phrases to yourself either formally or informally.
"May I ride the waves of pleasure and pain with ease"
"May I be peaceful and at ease"
It's possible to experience happiness in the midst of pain and sorrow. It;s possible to be happy and sad at the same time. This is part of the balance of life and practicing acceptance of this pleasure and pain dynamic helps us let go of our need to control our experiences. Accepting this duality is the birthplace of balance.

76 Years Ago Today

Mom & Dad

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well. I am doing good. 76 years ago today they broke the mold when my Dad was born. I may be predigest but aren't we all. I was blessed to have him as a Father, a teacher, a provider and so much more. The more I write on this blog, the more I find myself able to open up easier, remember the past in a better light. Pain always blocked the good that was there. I had an appointment with my counselor today and she agreed with me that I have been having breaking through, shedding years of baggage filled with pain. I am able to feel real happiness like never before. Not that I have not been happy in my life, but it is at a whole new level that I can't explain in words. I am at peace with the past. Letting go is so freeing. I am in such a better place and things have gotten better in time. As I write this I am listening to I'll Remember by Madonna, one of the songs that remind me of him and I am remembering more and more. It is bringing me so much happiness. Even if a tear falls here and there. I remember his wink at me when we would sit in the living room and watch TV, mostly red sox's, yes he made me one of God's most pathetic creatures, a Red Sox fan, I got that from a line in a movie, and I love him for that! I remember how he comforted me every time my mom was sick and the first night my sister moved out when she got married, he took the time to check on me at bed time to make sure I was ok by myself. I remember all the cookouts with big pans of shrimp and lobster and corn. His pool parties with his friends from the Boston Globe as he strung Christmas lights up around the pool and everyone partied hardy until the neighbors called the Police at 4 in the morning. He built that Ice Skating rink in the backyard for all of us kids and the neighbors. I use to dream I was Peggy Flemming in the Olympics out there. He taught me to dream without knowing it. One of my favorite pictures is him in front of his Garden in that hat. He was so proud of it every summer and it was delicious. I remember when he took me to get a car and I turned on the radio to see how high it went he said, "I guess your all set". I am thankful for the beautiful home in the suburbs he bought us, the pool, loved cruising around in the 53 Chevy that stayed in the family for a long time. How he supported my brother Al during his baseball years and all my brothers. Al was a good pitcher and always made the papers, Dad kept every article. I liked it when he brought my grandmother down to watch him play. I always thought she looked like Edith in All in the Family. My father was the first one to tell you too that he was Archie Bunker and I already thought that before he spoke it, so that show will always have a special place in my heart. I use to say to my Grandmother when are you coming to live in the country?? LOL! She lived in Dorchester and that was big city to me. I will always remember most of all that he took care of all of us and his own family when his father passed away when he was only 11. He never asked for sympathy. Sure sometimes it got hard on him and you knew he hurt, but he got right back up the next day and continued on. He loved Children and was a good Grandfather. He is in the pool with Robert his first grandchild below. In the last years of his life he was concerned he may pass away any day having heart disease. So every holiday was special and our last Christmas together was one of the best I can remember. Lots of wonderful food, generous gifts for all us kids. He had a ways through the globe to get those hard to find gifts for the grandchildren. He was able to get the talking Big Bird for Christa and Lauren which was a big thing in 86. He was a great example of a father, a man, a person. When he passed all six of us sat in his room to pick certain sentimental items to keep. I took his dog tags from the Korean War. I remember my brother Al took his cowboy boots. He use to break horses in when he was younger too. I was so touched when I found in his dresser Birthday cards I had bought him and he saved. Inside I always wrote I don't know what we would do without you. I love you. I still have them today and they are more precious than I can say. I can't remember what everyone else took, but it is funny how you know what you need to hold on to. If I had the chance to go back and change anything up until today I would not, it was what has made me the person I am weather or not it was good or bad. So today Dad I hope you and Mom are dancing in Heaven. I know you both have the love and happiness together that was long overdue. Happy Birthday Dad.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

A Tribute

Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing well. I am doing good. At my last job I met a dear friend Donna, that now looking back was with me in a time in my life that I needed her more than she will ever know. There are few people who I consider the salt of the Earth, Angels among us. She is and not to make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed Donna I know this from all the similar experiences we shared losing our Parents. Both our Father's passed without warning, no chance to say goodbye. Our mother's suffered, yours much to young. You unknowingly showed me how to survive my mom's goodbye. I always felt sad I never met your mom, but doing this post today I realized I do know her, because her spirit lives on in you. Children are there greatest tribute how proud she must of been of you. I got behind this year on posting a poem for her Birthday on November 8th, but without checking my past blogs I knew instinctly it was that time. Although our lives keep us indifferent directions now, You are always in my thoughts and I still sense things like I did when we were together a lot. We had so many great laughs together and someday I look forward to having them again. This song was mine and my mother's as I played it softly and whispered it in her ear many a day in the end, I know you will appreciate it more than others.
Take Care,
Janet :)

So in tribute to your beautiful mom I hope you like this poem and this song.

When I came into this world, your
arms did secure.
When I cried
to thrive. Your touch
brought my spirit to life

When I found my feet,
Your hand gave me trust,
And I learned to step to my
own beat as let go you must

When life's lessons I could
not understand, only a child,
your words made them less grand.
Ok I knew I would be
and smiled

When I grew and needed to find
who I was deep inside, your example
taught me I would find the path for me
and walk in the light.

When your Journey was reaching
the end, We laid together and prayed.
God and the Angels had come your way,
I felt your peace as your spirit slowly
transcended and flew away. With a gentle
kiss, I let go as I must.

[hebrew chants]
Im-ninalo (if they were locked)
Daltey Nadivim (doors of the generous)
Daltey Nadivim
Daltey Marom (doors of heaven)

Im-ninalo x8

Staring up into the heavens
In this hell that binds your hands
Will you sacrifice your comfort?
Make your way in a foreign land?

Wrestle with your darkness
Angels call your name
Can you hear what they are saying?
Will you ever be the same?

Im-ninalo Im-ninalo
Im-ninalo Im-ninalo

Remember remember and never forget
All of your life has all been a test
You will find the gate that's open
Even though your spirit's broken

Open up my heart
And close my lips to speak
Bring the heaven and the stars
Down to earth for me

Daltey Nadivim

Im-ninalo Im-ninalo
Im-ninalo Im-ninalo

Im-ninalo Im-ninalo
Im-ninalo Im-ninalo

El- Hay (god -alive)
El- Hay Marumam Al Keruvim (god- alive to elevate cherub)
Kulam Be-Ruho Ya'alu (everybody in he's spirit will rise)

Wrestle with your darkness
Angels call your name
Can you hear what they are saying?
Will you ever be the same?

Im-ninalo Im-ninalo
Im-ninalo Im-ninalo

Im-ninalo Im-ninalo
Im-ninalo Im-ninalo

El- Hay (god -alive)
El- Hay Marumam Al Keruvim (god- alive to elevate cherub)

Sorry Entrecard Droppers

Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing well, I am doing better. I want to apologize to my entrecard droppers for not dropping as much as I usually do the past two weeks, since I had my last bug I have been finding myself falling asleep earlier than I use to. I always did my drops at night so I returned them all. Now that I am feeling better I can stay up longer to drop back and I am also trying to drop earlier in the day. I am catching up and appreciate your drops that you have done for me. Over the weekend I will do more catching up, thanks again for your support and thanks for visiting my blog. Take Care, Janet :)

Sorry Pictures, Images and Photos

Baby Steps along the Journey.


Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well I am doing good. I have been reflecting on my life the past few days for some reason??? But I truly feel happier than ever before. So I opened my notepad and wrote this down. I hope you can relate to it as we all share common trials and tests that make us the unique individuals that we are today.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

I was born a little baby girl, who
became a sibling and a sister
and a part of the world. I learned to
survive when chaos was a part of my daily

Young and given more than I cared
to bare. Mom needs a rest and that
is all they would share. Left to wonder
did I hurt her and make her disappear.
Off to Aunties for you and your brother,
When I cried in protest, a drug you gave
me to forget.

This cycle continued for many a year,
each time filled me with more anxiety and fear.
I wanted to fix you, but did not have the power

A young Mother I became, No regrets,
no shame. I had the mother daughter relationship
I had longed to claim.

Different trial and tribulations followed throughout
my twenties, but stronger I grew and happiness was
at my last at my door. Especially thanks to
Pete my hubby and two children I adore :)

I learned that my Journey has only made me
the person I need to be. I learned why my mother needed a rest
and know now she did her best. In the end she was my
best friend. I had that mother daughter relationship thanks
to the small moments of loving tenderness we shared as the last
20 years passed.

On the day we laid you to rest with Dad, I was
stayed strong, and a held onto what little
peace I had. When I arrived home, the knowledge
of never seeing you or feeling your touch became to
much. I exploded into whales of tears and pain throughout
my body that I have never experienced and had to
hide until they subsided.

I woke the next day, having to start my Journey
once again, one baby step at a time. I fought
through the pain, and focused on the light. You
are with me in spirit as I travel on. I will continue
to walk along the path of life, mistakes and pain
will always show their face. I will take them as they
come, because stronger I have become.

I reflect on the past, yet chose not to
live there. Many a regret along the path
I could not change, it went by in a flash,
into thin air. I am grateful for all the pain
and tests as it has brought me today
To a level of happiness that is the best.
I feel nothing but light upon my face each
day, I feel so complete and carefree. My
spirit is soaring and shining

Remember, remember my friend and
Never forget all of your life has all been a test,
welcome the challenges and pain as they will only make
you learn and grow. Every day is a baby step, and
you are in control of your response as you walk the Journey
of life on your own.

Flowerfields and Sunrises Thanks to our Veteran's and Soldiers

Hi Everyone,


I hope you are all doing well, I am doing good. At least I am awake, my Doctor gave me this new medicine to help my heart rate or pulse that she thought was a little high. My blood pressure is normal. At first I had no problem with this new med, then the past two days all I have been able to do practically is sleep. So I did not take it today. I know they are helping us, but great now I go from having to high a pulse, to what I guess must be a low one. I will call my Doctor tomorrow to see how to straighten this out. I am also going to follow my sister the nurse's advice and take Omega 3 which works naturally on both so I should hopefully get off them soon. This Veterans day touches me even more seeing the recent events in Texas. They should be free of that here on our soil. I was listening to the Earth Song on the way to my Dad and Mom's grave to bring him flowers. As Micheal sings about War he also sings about the flower fields, the sunrise and the beauty that surrounds us. I thought again about all the ones who serve us again in a new light. Yes the Soldiers and the Veterans before them have protected our freedoms and provide us safety, asking nothing in return, but they also allow us the bonus of waking up to beautiful surroundings such as a flower field as they see only desert and destruction. I am graced each day with sunrises and sunsets, as they endure bloodshed and death. They are more than Heroes, Soldiers and Brave souls. They are to me now on another spiritual level that we who sit complacent everyday will never know. They are in my book now Angel's on Earth, working as Warriors for all of us. I also realized today to me my Dad has been my hero for sticking by our family. Yet he was also a man who served his country without ever a complaint of self sacrifice. A true Veteran. As I bought the flowers at the store on the way to the graveside the song I'll remember was playing by Madonna that I dedicated to him in a video here on my blog?? Thanks for letting me know Dad you know I was thinking of you today and everyday :) Always take the time to thank a Soldier, a Veteran and help them and their families in any way big or small. I also wanted to share these next two Law of Attractions with you.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

HEAVEN Pictures, Images and Photos

Law of Attraction #5
The Law In Modern Times.
Some say the Law of Attraction concept is is possibly just an updated version of the teachings of the late Wallace Walter (1860-1911)and those of Dr. Vincent Peale (1898-1993). Waddle who was born into poverty and became wealthy wrote about the science of getting rich. Peale became famous for his ideas about the power of positive thinking. Both men emphasized the role of conscious and intensely focused thought in achieving their desired goal. Both men believed in a higher power at work in human lives. Wattles referred to it as formless, intelligence and substance. Pealse, a clergyman, spoke and wrote the power and presences of God.

Law of Attraction #6
Be Aware If Your Thoughts.
It is important to understand that your thoughts can attract things you do not want. Whatever you fear most and think about often or obsessively can also manifest. For example, you may love hiking, buy your greatest fear is is that someday you'll encounter a rattlesnake. Repetitive thoughts that are charged with fear can set up the experience unless you let go of it. It is better to banish such dark thoughts. Don't give up hiking in the desert. Instead be measured, thoughtful, studied and prudent about under taking such a hike. Know what precautions to take in order to have a safe hike. Replace your thoughts with a sure fire belief in a higher power working through you and with you at all times ensuring your safety.

Distinction Between Religon and Spirituality

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well, I am doing better, I was sick this week Tuesday through Friday and was only comfortable on the couch, I missed blogging. Feeling better today and wanted to share this with you before I hit the hay because I agree there is a distinction between religion and spirituality. Having been raised Catholic,I felt more fear of God because of all the rules and not love like I was taught to. Studying spirituality I feel only love and peace. I hope you are all having a good weekend and I will be writing again in a day or two.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)


Earth Song

Hi Everyone,
Happy Music Monday. I just discovered this incrediable video by Michael Jackson. So passionate of a man he was. This gave me goosebumps. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for visiting my blog today.
Take Care,
Janet :)

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

The Four Agreements

Hi Everyone,
Happy Friday, I hope you are all doing well. I am doing great. I got behind this week with my postings but I will get back on track. Christa and I went to see This is It last night. I must say I agree with what Oprah said after viewing it, What A Loss. It is definitely worth the 7.00 dollars to see what would have been the show of the year or even this decade. Even though you see it through a rehearsal view, you still get so much of his vision and his incredible talent. Micheal was still strong and making killer moves and sang amazingly live. Bring a tissue if you grew up with the Jackson 5 because he does the song Ben. When he is finished he says something to his family that breaks your heart even more. He was very happy, laughing, joking and looking forward to the adventure as he said. He bonded with everyone there and he was given the up most support and respect in return. As they danced next to him and performed wth him they were in aww of him. He even took the time to let them shine and step back. Every applaud from his crew he would be humbled and smile simply saying God bless. When I left I thought to myself Thank God that in his last days he was surrounded by so many people who loved him, did not judge him and looked past all the bs in his life. They were a family with a tragic ending. Hope you get to see it. Today I wanted to share the 4 agreements with you. I think they are a good tool to live by. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)


Celebration Madonna

Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. Madonna has released a new CD that is a greatest hits but also remixes of the greatest hits. This is a new song she put on the CD. The song has a great sound and of course at 51 she is still strutting her stuff and kicking it. Great dance moves in the video. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Take Care,
Janet :)

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Attraction Can Bring You what You Do and Don't Want


Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well. I am doing great. Today I am sharing 3 and 4 from the book 365 ways to live the Law of Attraction. Hope you get something out of it for yourself. I am trying to focus on this method as well. Thanks for visiting my blog today.
Take Care,
Janet :)

3.Proponents of the Law of Attraction brings you what you think of most. Thoughts can become emotionally charged. When you desire something for example like a new dress, you also feel emotion every time your mind thinks of having that new dress, shoes,handbag and jacket. You are filled with excitement at the possibility of having your desire fulfilled. You believe you can have it. You deserve it. It is coming. You consider ways to speed up things to get that outfit. You might even develop a plan off action to get the money to go shopping at the mall.

4.Origins of the Law. According to some who have studied it, the Law of Attraction has been with us since the beginning of time, perhaps even at the moment of creation and the beginning of thought. Others say it is impossible to pinpoint exactly when the concept entered human consciousness. Some self-help experts believe it has been around for 6000 to 7000 years ago where it found expression in the mystic a traditions and beliefs of the ancients. Magicians of long ago certainly observed and wrote about affiliates between things before advent of science. Translations of ancient texts suggest that our spiritual ancestors thought a lot about the heaven and earth and all the creatures that existed and as well pondered the relationships between things

The Perfect Husband

Hi Everyone,
I found this on facebook. Thought you all might get a laugh out of it today. Have a great day and thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

To My Mother Who Gave Me LIfe

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well. I had a great birthday day with my family. Yet a part of my heart is broken not having you here to say Happy Birthday like you did for so many years, it brought me a few tears. All day I have been thinking of my mother who gave birth to me 46 years ago. Times were rough growing up, but we got past all that, and our love grew even deeper. No matter where you are Mom you got me and I have got you. We became two souls in one. Thanks for bringing me to life, I love it.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

On this day 46 years ago,
I was born, to the women
I so adore. We had hard
times as I grew, so sick
she was and us kids knew.

There were times, when you
lost your mind. Disease
got the best of you, there
was nothing we could do.

Then when Dad passed away,
You went to get help in a new
place. In short time, you came
back to life.

All of a sudden you became
a great mother we reclaimed.
for almost 20 years, we shared
joy and tears. I feel so sad that
you had to endure old treatments
that now in this new age with a pill
can cure.

I miss you and me, I miss
you beyond belief, I know
you loved me enough, to
be watching me from above.

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