Rays Of Goodness

Hi Everyone, how are ya, I'm doing great. I decided to move back yesterday to Kingston. Pete and I have been getting along great so I did not want to go back to my room in Onset. The only things I will miss are being so close to my grandchildren, and the beach, but that's about it. The room was in a great location with a great view, but needed a lot of TLC LOL! Now I have the chore of unpacking again today:( but at the same time I am so glad to feel secure, in one place, I haven't had that for about two months. I love being here everyday for my boy and I look forward to nooking it again with Abby, she did not remember me when I first got out of WATC, which broke my heart for her. No matter which one I sit at, the Ocean brings me so much peace. I noticed too in my last video without realizing it, just about all of the pictures I chose had the Ocean in them. To start off the week I wanted to share a Loving Kindness meditation with you and some new pictures from yesterday. Christa broke down and cut Bri's bangs, she looks so much older to me now! I can't stand it, the time is just flying by too fast!! Being the proud Mimmi that I am I had to show off my first picture with my grandkids :), who in there own way without realizing it, bring out the "Rays of Goodness" within me. The support from all of my family makes me want to be a better person, and I'm doing that one day at a time!! Remember we are always teachable and there is always room for improvement. And when you get frustrated with yourself and life in general, remember my favorite saying, "Progress not Perfection"
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Have a great day,
Love ya,
Janet :)

Rays Of Goodness
As much as you might like to think otherwise, even the most challenging people likely have at least one good quality. Learning to see the good in someone you find to be difficult can help you open your heart and feel less defensive and judgmental. That alone can transform your relationship with the person, even if they continue to test your patience. Take a quiet moment and think of that person who is challenging you. Now think of one good quality that you've noticed about this person. Maybe it is that they have a good sense of humor or are a good person to work with, a team player as they say :) Notice that as you think of this person's good qualities a spaciousness may grow in your heart, a feeling of lightness over takes you, and you begin to see them in a new light. Simply wish that they be happy, be well. By extending kindness towards those who are difficult,even if their actions hurt you, can only generate love and goodwill in your own heart. With that perception in mind, you will transform the way you view those around you everyday.

This week, The Black Eyed Peas' I Gotta Feeling became the first song to pass the 6 million mark in paid downloads! I am sure my download on Itunes was the one that brought on this record for them, ya you know it's all about me in this world LMAO!!

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