Renew Your Spirit

Hi Everyone, How are you, I am doing good. I thought as the new year starts I would share with you some simple ways to renew your spirit! Especially if you are like me and find yourself in your second half of life looking to start over. With the daily stresses of life it is so easy to lose that spirit of feeling alive and truly enjoying life. I'm not sure who wrote these suggestions I found online, but I think they spot on! I hope they rekindle something inside of you.
Thank you for visiting my blog,
Love ya,



Many of us wander through life "off course." The wonderful and exciting world we once believed in is lost to us. We struggle on, full of fear. Doubts plague our minds. Our hearts are heavy. The zest and "joie de vivre" have trickled to a slow drip. We are out of touch with our true, inner identity. The springboard for interior exploration is taut. We are unsure - but it's time to probe deep within, beyond the wall of our own personality, into the realms of true intellectual, philosophical and spiritual thought. This refurbishment of the spirit makes it possible to continue as a responsive human being. Use the following steps and you'll emerge from your adventure refreshed and eager to continue life's journey.

Cherish moments of silence and stillness. Try to be alone at least a few minutes each day. We need time to face ourselves. In today's hectic world we keep ourselves so busy with other people, we never take time to probe within. REFLECT, often we are afraid to. Psychologists and psychiatrists reveal the close ties between good mental health and self-acceptance. Find the stranger within!

Sometimes it takes a major life change to break the pattern and set us on the path to self-renewal. Such drastic changes needn't occur before you can take a look at you. Refuse to remain trapped in old habits. Broaden your scope and add spice and perhaps years to your life. Don't settle for less than you know you are capable of attaining. Loosen up those opinions and ideas!

Fear dampens the spirit and destroys our courage. Keep the guiding light within burning brightly. Too often we avoid new things because we are afraid of failure. That fear drains the color from our brightest days. But if we are to grow in spirit we must learn from our mistakes. And it is a life-long process. Risk means chance of failure or success. Taking a chance on life is not just a line from a song - it's REALITY. If you want to attain a fuller, richer life. Take a leap!

We are never aware of the true range of our abilities until we challenge them. As we grow older we often lose the enthusiasm and energy for life we once knew. Dig deep into the spirit for long lost motivation. When you enjoy what you are doing, new vitality will shine from within. Return to your childhood dreams and hopes. Find the key to your talents!

Familiar surroundings tend to make us less attentive. Travel renews our perception, our awareness. PURSUE new interests and people. As we see new places and meet new people, through the act of friendship, we learn to respect their differences and this enriches our own life as it broadens our horizons. Have faith in others by showing a genuine interest. Learn from all life!

Throughout it all learn to laugh at yourself and your short comings. Develop or renew meaningful relationships with other human beings. Don't be afraid to give or receive love! Above all, trust life, have faith, dream and have fun. We are all snowflakes each one unique. There has never been and never will be anyone like you. Take comfort in your spiritual repast. The purpose of life is to matter, to have made a difference, to have shone.

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