Hello, I have been following the plight of these poor families in Somalia on World News with Diane Sawyer the past two evenings. I can't help but cry a little when I watch a mother endure such an unimaginable, pain filled walk to feed her child. Her strength to keep walking is found in the hope of her child having a future, a future in a place that most of us would give up and give in to despair. This in itself is proof of the amazing depth and instinct of a mother's love. But for the "Grace Of God" there go you and I to feed our children and ourselves. If you can help with less than 1 dollar a day, please do so. That less than 1 dollar a day will mean the difference between life and death for these children. Please watch the video below for more information. I included the link for the resources to help aid in this crisis.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Perfect Sense
Hello Everyone, I hope your doing well, I'm doing good. I have been here many times, wondering why did this happen or that happen. I'm sure you have too. So here is a little advice to help us get through those times.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Perfect Sense
Friday Funnies
Hi Everyone,Happy Friday, I hope you have some laughs for yourself and a great weekend!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
"Screw You Waldo, it's all about me now"

BAD NEWS - Please join me in remembering YET ANOTHER great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Dough Boy died yesterday of a yeast infection & traumatic complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. Dough Boy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children, John Dough, Jane Dough, and Dill Dough, plus they had 1 in the Oven. Services were held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
"Screw You Waldo, it's all about me now"
Get More: Tosh.0 Videos,Daniel Tosh,Web Redemption
BAD NEWS - Please join me in remembering YET ANOTHER great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Dough Boy died yesterday of a yeast infection & traumatic complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. Dough Boy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children, John Dough, Jane Dough, and Dill Dough, plus they had 1 in the Oven. Services were held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes
Friday Funnies
Hey You!
Hi Everyone, Here are some words of Empowerment for you today. I have got to this point in my life! I hope you have too.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Hey You,
love yourself,
words of empowerment
Saturday With Steve Carell
Hi Everyone, Here are some laughs for you this Saturday. My Nephew Robert Hakala of 95.9 FM WATD, a local radio show here in Ma, got to interview Steve Carell for a second time yesterday in Marshfield Ma :) I believe Steve does live in Marshfield Ma and he is a great, down to earth guy, there is no big Hollywood Ego with him. He is part owner or full owner of the local store called Marshfield Hill, I'm not sure which it is. Anyhow he drives to the store for the day in his Toyota, nothing fancy and helps his sister in law by stocking about 40 cases of Snapple for her LOL! For being such a nice guy and always being so gracious with my Nephew Rob, I chose some funny scenes from his movies for my funny videos this week :)
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
95.9 WATD,
Marshfiel Hills,
Marshfield ma,
Rob Hakala,
Silly Saturday,
Steve Carell
Walk In Beauty
Hello Everyone, As I wrote yesterday on my SNM blog, I find the teachings and prayers of the Native Americans to be some of the most Beautiful and truly Spiritual reads I have ever come across. My favorite line in this poem is "I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - Myself". I hope all of you Walk In Beauty.
Thanks for visiting,
"Great Spirit Prayer"

"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind,
Whose breath gives life to all the world
Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom
Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever
behold the red and purple sunset
Make my hands respect the things you have
made, and my ears sharp to hear your voice
Make me wise so that I may understand
the things you have taught my people
Help me to remain calm and strong in the
face of all that comes towards me
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock
Help me seek pure thoughts and act
with the intention of helping others
Help me find compassion without
empathy overwhelming me
I seek strength, not to be greater
than my brother, but to fight my
greatest enemy - Myself
Make me always ready to come to
you with clean hands and straight eyes
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my spirit may come to you without shame
"May you always walk in Beauty."
Thanks for visiting,
"Great Spirit Prayer"
"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind,
Whose breath gives life to all the world
Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom
Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever
behold the red and purple sunset
Make my hands respect the things you have
made, and my ears sharp to hear your voice
Make me wise so that I may understand
the things you have taught my people
Help me to remain calm and strong in the
face of all that comes towards me
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock
Help me seek pure thoughts and act
with the intention of helping others
Help me find compassion without
empathy overwhelming me
I seek strength, not to be greater
than my brother, but to fight my
greatest enemy - Myself
Make me always ready to come to
you with clean hands and straight eyes
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my spirit may come to you without shame
"May you always walk in Beauty."
Great Spirit,
Indian Prayers,
Walk In Beauty
Stopped In My Tracks
Hello, Every now and again you hear someone else's life story and it can stop you in your tracks. That is what Jaycee's story did for me. When your feeling frustrated or hopeless about your own life, take a minute and think of this young women's courage she had to find to survive each and every day for 18 years! It may just give you a new perspective, a new sense of strength in your own life.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

The kidnapping of Jaycee Lee Dugard occurred on June 10, 1991, when she was 11 years old. Dugard (born May 3, 1980) was abducted from a school bus stop within sight of her home in South Lake Tahoe, California. Searches began immediately after the kidnapping, but no reliable leads were generated. She remained missing for more than 18 years. Dugard was kept in a concealed area behind Garrido's house in Antioch for 18 years. During this time Dugard endured unimaginable abuse and bore two daughters who were aged 11 and 15 at the time of her reappearance.
On June 2, 2011, Philip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years' imprisonment; his wife received 36 years to life
Since she and her daughters were freed from the Garridos in 2009, Dugard has spent the last two years healing, learning to speak up for herself and enjoying firsts: like getting her driver's license, taking her daughters to school, simply having family dinners around a table. With the help of family unification therapist Rebecca Bailey and the Transitioning Families team, Dugard and her daughters have worked hard to free themselves from years of manipulation. The therapy includes a unique horse therapy. Just as important as her healing process, is the healing of her family too—her mother who held hope for 18 years that she'd see Dugard again, her sister who was just a baby when she was abducted.
Portions of the proceeds from Dugard's memoir, A Stolen Life, will go to the JAYC Foundation. The foundation is also selling necklaces with the same pinecone charm that means so much to Dugard. A share of the proceeds from the necklace sales will also go to the foundation. You can purchase a necklace or make a donation to the foundation by going to the its web site.
The JAYC Foundation provides support and services to ensure the timely treatment of families that are recovering from abduction and the aftermath of other traumatic experiences.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
The kidnapping of Jaycee Lee Dugard occurred on June 10, 1991, when she was 11 years old. Dugard (born May 3, 1980) was abducted from a school bus stop within sight of her home in South Lake Tahoe, California. Searches began immediately after the kidnapping, but no reliable leads were generated. She remained missing for more than 18 years. Dugard was kept in a concealed area behind Garrido's house in Antioch for 18 years. During this time Dugard endured unimaginable abuse and bore two daughters who were aged 11 and 15 at the time of her reappearance.
On June 2, 2011, Philip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years' imprisonment; his wife received 36 years to life
Since she and her daughters were freed from the Garridos in 2009, Dugard has spent the last two years healing, learning to speak up for herself and enjoying firsts: like getting her driver's license, taking her daughters to school, simply having family dinners around a table. With the help of family unification therapist Rebecca Bailey and the Transitioning Families team, Dugard and her daughters have worked hard to free themselves from years of manipulation. The therapy includes a unique horse therapy. Just as important as her healing process, is the healing of her family too—her mother who held hope for 18 years that she'd see Dugard again, her sister who was just a baby when she was abducted.
Portions of the proceeds from Dugard's memoir, A Stolen Life, will go to the JAYC Foundation. The foundation is also selling necklaces with the same pinecone charm that means so much to Dugard. A share of the proceeds from the necklace sales will also go to the foundation. You can purchase a necklace or make a donation to the foundation by going to the its web site.
The JAYC Foundation provides support and services to ensure the timely treatment of families that are recovering from abduction and the aftermath of other traumatic experiences.
A Stolen Life,
Diane Sawyer,
Jaycee Dugard
Friday Funnies
Hello, Happy Friday! Time for some laughs, Remember now, these clips are for mature audiences, if you are not mature I guess you should not watch! I hope you all have a great weekend :)
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Get More: Tosh.0 Videos,Daniel Tosh,Web Redemption
Friday Funnies,
Saturday Night Live,
What Is An Evolved Human?
Hi Everyone, I hope your doing well. I love this article by Johanus Haidner. It is similar to Eckart Tolles theory that he writes about in his book "A New Earth". As I have been working on self improvement, in so many areas of my life the past year, I have grown or evolved, and I look forward to growing and evolving even more so, as there is always room for improvement. With a new awareness of myself, I can't help but notice that so many people get "stuck". Stuck in unhealthy relationships with others and without realizing it, unhealthy with themselves. I hope that what I share will help anyone who really needs to evolve and grow :)
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

What is an Evolved Human?
Is there truly such a thing as a fully evolved human?
A difficult and contentious question. My answer is, "Not yet." But we're working on it!
There are some parameters that are involved. Most people are not truly evolved, event o what our current potential is. Being a more evolved human takes time, emotional and spiritual maturity, not just physical, and a deep awareness of who and what we are. And, of course, the evolved human must have a self awareness and mental maturity that is of the highest order. This is difficult to attain, and is an ongoing quest, because, of course, no matter how evolved one is, there is always room for improvement! We are, after all, only human. And we are continually evolving into better beings and striving to be better people.
The evolved human is able to think beyond purely selfish ends and means. The evolved human is free in thought, if not body and deed. The evolved human is able to understand himself/herself more fully than is understood by most other humans.
The evolved human does not project his or her feelings on others, but accepts those feelings for what they are - and is able to examine these feelings in a higher level of thought, acting appropriately, and is able to spare other humans from his / her projections.
The evolved human is able to transcend greed, vanity, sloth, irascibility (anger), depression, discouragement, envy, pride and extravagance. While this is not without difficulty, the evolved human is aware, or strives to be aware, of the negative effect these behaviors have on himself and the world around him. And that is enough to deter him from these.
The evolved human will not knowingly lie, as even the smallest of lies can cause harm. The evolved human strives for honesty in all things, difficult though it is. For honesty truly is the highest level of thought. This does not mean that the evolved human is too blunt, rude, or does not spare the feelings of others. It means, rather, that the evolved human will be diplomatic in his/her honesty when necessary and avoid outright lies whenever possible.
The evolved human acknowledges his / her humanity and mistakes, striving to correct them whenever possible.
The evolved human realizes that she/he is not alone and understands our need for human contact and companionship. This is part of what makes being human so wonderful!
The evolved human acknowledges all aspects of humanity, including sexuality, spirituality, intellect, emotional, and the physical aspects of our being.
And the evolved human strives to continually evolve. To grow, grow always!
For more great articles written by Johanus Haidner visit
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
What is an Evolved Human?
Is there truly such a thing as a fully evolved human?
A difficult and contentious question. My answer is, "Not yet." But we're working on it!
There are some parameters that are involved. Most people are not truly evolved, event o what our current potential is. Being a more evolved human takes time, emotional and spiritual maturity, not just physical, and a deep awareness of who and what we are. And, of course, the evolved human must have a self awareness and mental maturity that is of the highest order. This is difficult to attain, and is an ongoing quest, because, of course, no matter how evolved one is, there is always room for improvement! We are, after all, only human. And we are continually evolving into better beings and striving to be better people.
The evolved human is able to think beyond purely selfish ends and means. The evolved human is free in thought, if not body and deed. The evolved human is able to understand himself/herself more fully than is understood by most other humans.
The evolved human does not project his or her feelings on others, but accepts those feelings for what they are - and is able to examine these feelings in a higher level of thought, acting appropriately, and is able to spare other humans from his / her projections.
The evolved human is able to transcend greed, vanity, sloth, irascibility (anger), depression, discouragement, envy, pride and extravagance. While this is not without difficulty, the evolved human is aware, or strives to be aware, of the negative effect these behaviors have on himself and the world around him. And that is enough to deter him from these.
The evolved human will not knowingly lie, as even the smallest of lies can cause harm. The evolved human strives for honesty in all things, difficult though it is. For honesty truly is the highest level of thought. This does not mean that the evolved human is too blunt, rude, or does not spare the feelings of others. It means, rather, that the evolved human will be diplomatic in his/her honesty when necessary and avoid outright lies whenever possible.
The evolved human acknowledges his / her humanity and mistakes, striving to correct them whenever possible.
The evolved human realizes that she/he is not alone and understands our need for human contact and companionship. This is part of what makes being human so wonderful!
The evolved human acknowledges all aspects of humanity, including sexuality, spirituality, intellect, emotional, and the physical aspects of our being.
And the evolved human strives to continually evolve. To grow, grow always!
For more great articles written by Johanus Haidner visit
Johanus Haidner,
What Is An Evolved Human
Happy 4th Of July
Hello Everyone, Happy 4th of July! I've been having a great weekend with my family, cookouts, fireworks. Today we are going to be in a Parade in America's hometown of Plymouth Ma. Every year Pete joins in the Parade with his 54 Chevy. So I hope all of you have a great day as well and stay safe, try not to wind up like these folks by the end of the day LOL!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
happy 4th of July,
plymouth ma
Hello, Happy Friday! I believe this saying is the foundation for all "Healthy" relationships.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
The purpose of relationship
is not to have another who
might complete you,
but to have another with
whom you might share your
Neale Donald Walsch
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
The purpose of relationship
is not to have another who
might complete you,
but to have another with
whom you might share your
Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch,
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