Worst Humanitarian Crises In Decades

Hello, I have been following the plight of these poor families in Somalia on World News with Diane Sawyer the past two evenings. I can't help but cry a little when I watch a mother endure such an unimaginable, pain filled walk to feed her child. Her strength to keep walking is found in the hope of her child having a future, a future in a place that most of us would give up and give in to despair. This in itself is proof of the amazing depth and instinct of a mother's love. But for the "Grace Of God" there go you and I to feed our children and ourselves. If you can help with less than 1 dollar a day, please do so. That less than 1 dollar a day will mean the difference between life and death for these children. Please watch the video below for more information. I included the link for the resources to help aid in this crisis.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


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