Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)
Take full responsibility for your life,
Stop blaming others, See yourself as the
cause of what happens to you
Do things you like to do, Don't stay in a job you
don't like, Participate in life at the highest
level you can
Stop terrorising yourself with your thoughts,
Be gentle and kind and patient with yourself
Give yourself the simple pleasures of life abundantly,
Wear clothes you feel good in, get a massage etc
Watch what you say, Avoid self put-downs,
Stop being critical of yourself and others!
Take care of your body, Give it exercise
and good food
Be willing to create a life-style that generates
and nourishes self-esteem, Associate with others
with high esteem
Acknowledge yourself frequently, Keep a diary of
your successes and accomplishments
Avoid comparing yourself with others,
Remember that it's who we are, not what
we do, that's important
Give yourself permission to do nothing periodically,
Schedule time by yourself
Frequently take deep breaths, Discover the
benefit and pleasure of breathing fully
Stop trying to change others, Focus your
attention on being the way you want others to be!
Look into a mirror and say "I love you,
I really love you"
Stop feeling guilty and saying "I'm sorry"
See mistakes as valuable lessons and avoid
judging yourself (Love this one!)
Consciously generate positive thoughts and feelings
of self-love in place of old thoughts of inadequacy
Be willing to laugh at yourself and at life!
Stop taking yourself so seriously
Accept compliments from others without embarrassment,
Don't invalidate their positive thoughts and feelings
about you
Be kind to your mind, Don't hate yourself for having
negative thoughts, Gently change your thoughts
Keep your awareness and your thoughts focused in
present time, instead of living in the past or future
Acknowledge others frequently, Tell them what you
like and appreciate in them
Make a list of 10 things you love doing and do
them frequently
Treat yourself as you would treat someone you really loved!
Author Unknown