Hooray For Hollywood

Hello, I hope your having a good weekend! I'm looking forward to the Oscars show, even though I have not seen any of the movies that are nominated this year, I've seen enough clips of them to have an idea of the stories and the actors performances. I remember as a little girl, the excitement of going to the movies, I loved eating their chocolate ice cream cones, and of course the popcorn, still love the popcorn, but now I can't eat as much of it as I did back then! Pete has never been one to enjoy going to the movies, so as our kids grew I was more than happy to take them to the movies every chance I could, or once in a while get to one with a friend. I'm excited too that this year we are going to take my granddaughter Briana to see her first movie, the Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Yes, the movies are a wonderful and magical thing, we can escape our lives and live in lives of others, real or not real, for a short period of time. So absolutely Hooray for Hollywood! I hope you enjoy the show tonight as well.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Where I first watched Movies on the big screen,
in my hometown of South Weymouth Ma

Some of my Favorite Movies

I think the women of today look
Beautiful on the red carpet,

But I love the look of old Hollywood,
it is simple, yet gorgeous!

The best of Billy hosting the Oscars
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Who I'm rooting for this year!
Best Picture
"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" Scott Rudin, Producer
my pick for winner because of Tom Hanks!

Actress in a Leading Role
Viola Davis in "The Help"

Actress in a Supporting Role
Jessica Chastain in "The Help"

Actor in a Leading Role
Brad Pitt in "Moneyball"

Actor in a Supporting Role
Max von Sydow in "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"

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