
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing great. I hope you got a chance to watch the entourage videos, Ari is a riot isn't he. I had a pretty good weekend. My husband built a garage a few years ago. He added a loft to it for us. It is like having our own hotel room but better. We have a gas fireplace, a wine cooler built in the wall. He built stone around the fireplace and we have our own air mattress and furniture. We will be getting a projection TV to watch movies and TV of course on it. Now that it is warmer out we got to spend some alone time in there this Saturday night. It was one of the best nights of my life. We reconnected in so many ways. We had hit a rough patch for a while and we did things to hurt each other. That's all behind us now and we are making a brand new start. Can't wait for next Saturday night :) Team Josephine is coming together. I have a girl at my work who does all sorts of walks and wants to join my team. She has some friends that also do walks as well. I got a call from my walking coach to get to know each other. She said I am right where I should be fundraising wise. I should try to raise about 10 percent every week. She was surprised about Team Jenn when I told her about it, she said it sounds like to me that your heart was in the right place. It was . And it's good she said that I started training walking. I am addicted already to walking the Plymouth Waterfront. I have a walk route figured out and my honey was nice enough to buy me a walk meter so I can build on my miles. And as I listen to my music I get in a great walking rhythm. I was flattered tonight when I pulled into park, there was this 20 yr old kid in the next car and he started singing Vertigo that I was listening to. He said what are you doing tonight, I said going home after my walk, I am married. He said oh I would so love to hang out with you!! How can that not make a women of 46 years young feel good LOL! With every step I take to exercise or in life I feel stronger and stronger. No matter how hard times may be sometimes. Even when I fall from grace, I get back up again and start over a lot easier. This is my favorite Britney Spears song and video, I so feel it. Whatever!!! people who hurt me only make me grow! Hope you have a good of Monday as you can!Thanks for visiting my blog,
All my love,
Janet :)

Here I go, on my own
I don’t need nobody, better off alone
Here I go, on my own now
I don’t need nobody, not anybody

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