Eco Styler Wash & Go Tutorial

[the vid is still processing so quality will SUCK for a while]

The jury is still out on whether or not I like this tutorial, so I may do another one in the future. You will notice I did not use a leave-in, and that is because it really makes it hard for my hair to curl. I have "curl pattern issues", it has the potential to get curly, but only after some serious cooing, and coddling. For some strange reason my hair in it's uber natural state has the texture of a light blowout, I have never had much of a curl pattern. 

To keep the hair soft after using tons of gel, I added 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil to my water bottle. This helps keep my hair soft, and give it a little sheen as well! As you can see in the finished product, my hair doesn't really get super big with Eco Styler, but I am still satisfied with the results. This by far has been the best product for bringing out my inner curly. I am now able to get second-day hair, and during the second day it has been known to puff up twice it's size. I do have to "reactivate" it with a little water for it to behave, but it only takes about 5 minutes. I just saturate my hair with water, shake, and let the curls find each other. That's it, no finger styling for me. When I finger style, it is OVER. lol


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