Like A Flower

Hi Everyone, I hope your enjoying your day! This is a special post for my friend Donna in Memory of her Mother today. I wrote this poem for her in a previous post which I included the link for. I found this song once and it is such a beautiful way to remember all of our loved ones that have gone on, especially our Mother's. Someone said to me once Love transcends death, so true. You and your Mother are in my thoughts and prayers today.
Love you,

When I came into this world, your
arms did secure.
When I cried
to thrive. Your touch
brought my spirit to life

When I found my feet,
Your hand gave me trust,
And I learned to step to my
own beat, as let go you must

When life's lessons I could
not understand, only a child,
your words made them less grand.
Ok, I knew I would be
and smiled

When I grew and needed to find
who I was deep inside, your example
taught me I would find the path for me
and walk in the light.

When your Journey was reaching
the end, We laid together and prayed.
God and the Angels had come your way,
I felt your peace as your spirit slowly
transcended and flew away. With a gentle
kiss, I let go as I must.

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