Room For Me

Hi Everyone, How are ya, I'm doing great. It felt great to walk up and get my 30 day chip Sunday Night, the meetings are so supportive to me right now, along with my family and friends. I tried to play shy and just reach over the table to get it, but she made me walk all the way around and up front for the applause. I was so happy when I got to the meeting by myself, my friend Vikki from WATC who got out the day before me and is vacationing here in Onset came walking through the parking lot, we had exchanged numbers but I didn't want to bother her for a ride if she was just getting settled in, but there she was and it made the night all the more special. I'm moving out of Christa's house tomorrow, it is just way too crowded here and it is hard for us to live together after six years. This is her roost that she rules. A Parent never wants to become the child again, if you know what I mean!! I am so grateful that she took me in because I don't know where I would have wound up, probably at some half way house with more rules that I couldn't stand, so Thank you Christa and Dana, your the best kids anyone could ask for. I have that room right across from the Onset Beach and it will be so nice to have my own space to clear my head. I decided to use my license money for the room because I might just lose it again anyway and I can save up again for it. I have rides to and from meetings from Christa and others who go to the meetings. I can walk to Christa's in less than a minute and get to work in the same time. I can hitch a ride with Dana in the mornings to spend the day with Scotty whenever I want, so it all works out good, nice for a change :) Ya life is good! I wrote a poem this morning as I sat in the back yard, sipped my Joe and watched the sun rise above the house. I felt so good this morning after I finally got a good nights sleep, a place for me, one less thing to worry about :) I saw this Geico commercial and thought it was good for a laugh after all the deep stuff I have to deal with, hope you enjoy it too, some days you just wanna say to yourself or someone else, "Hey you got an issue, well here's a tissue, suck it up already LOL!" Hope you all have a great day, my next post will be from my own room with lots of locks on the inside, people scare me LMAO!! Hope the cable people don't keep me waiting too long, until then, take care my friends.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Love ya,
Janet :)


The Sun renews as I walk upon
the morning dew,
The Breeze releases me,
I am free,
My Spirit is awake,
ready for all it can

My Walls are up,
but I remember how to love,
I'm on bended knee,
Forgiveness needed for you
and me

My Walk is strong, even when
I want to crawl,
Obstacles can be overcome,
As long as I look above

Higher love is mine,
If I reach out for it
and then share it with
a smile,
Never take for granted
what you have been handed,
A new day, to live a new way

I do think Sarge makes a great

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