Hi Everyone, I know you thought of this song when you read that title, admit it LOL!! I wanted to find the original version of the Von Trapp family singing this but no luck. I just thought it was a cute way of saying goodbye for the next two weeks (you can read more about why I am going away on my other blog) Thank you again for all your support on this blog, writing about Spirituality and my life has been so rewarding and therapeutic for me that I could never put it into words!! Thank you too if you did say a prayer for Pete's biopsy results, they were good, nothing to worry about. I hope you enjoy the video, I will be back before you know it, until then, take care my friends. Thank you for visiting my blog, Love ya, Janet :)
My October Top Entrecard Droppers! Thank you to everyone who drops a card on my site, I will catch up with all of you when I get back :) Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife 31 BeadedTail 31 Sparkle 31 Just Plain Tired 31 Photography by KML 31 My Java Rosa 31 Digital Rebel 350 30 First Door on the Left 30 Celeb Fashion 30 Mutual Love 29