2 Simple DIY Facial Masks To Help Beat Hyperpigmentation

i love her hair. [source]

Hyperpigmentation occurs when patches of skin become darker than the areas around it. This happens due to an excessive production of melanin, and is usually your skin's way of trying to protect itself from damaging ultraviolet rays. Often, when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays for extended periods of time, your melanocyte cells [cells which produce melanin] go into overdrive producing melanin to absorb the rays from the sun. This excessive amount of production is what causes hyperpigmentation; those dark spots or freckles you may find on your face, arms and hands.

Before you spend several hundred dollars on microdermabrasion, bleaching creams, and chemical peels, try a simple yet effective facial mask [mask can be used on your body as well] that can help treat dark spots left behind due to hyperpigmentation. 

Lemon & Raw Honey Facial
4 Tablespoons of fresh Lemon Juice
4 Tablespoons of fresh raw honey
Mix ingredients together in a small bowl. Apply to hyperpigmented areas. Cover with a warm towel for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse. 
About This Formulation:
Lemon Juice: The lemon juice in this formulation acts as a skin whitener and gentle exfoliant due to the amount of natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids found naturally in some fruits. An exfoliant is needed to remove damaged surface skin cells.

Raw Honey: Hydrates and softens the skin. Raw honey also helps protect from bacteria, thus reducing your bouts with acne as well.
Yogurt & Green Papaya Mask
3 Tablespoons of fresh squeezed Lemon Juice 
1 Tablespoon of Organic Yogurt
3 Tablespoons of crushed Green Papaya 

Mix ingredients together in a small bowl. Apply to hyperpigmented areas. Cover with a warm towel for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse. 

About This Formulation:
Lemon Juice: The lemon juice in this formulation acts as a skin whitener and gentle exfoliant due to the amount of natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids found naturally in some fruits. An exfoliant is needed to remove damaged surface skin cells. 

Organic Yogurt: The lactic acid found in yogurt also acts as a skin whitener and gentle exfoliant. Think of this ingredient as a low-grade chemical peel without all the nasty side-effects. 
Papaya: The enzymes found in Papaya gently exfoliates damaged/dull surface skin cells, tones the skin, and removes toxins.
Tips for those experiencing bouts of Hyperpigmentation:
Minimize your use of essential oils that cause photosensitivity. Photo-sensitivity means that you will be more receptive to light and ultraviolet rays, which will increase your risk of sunburn. Here's a list of photo sensitive essential oils:
Lemon Verbena
Angelica Root

Avoid using products on your face, arms, hands [and any other areas that are exposed to sun for long periods of time] that contain alcohol or mercury, as these are also photo-sensitivity causing agents as well. 

For those with chronic hyperpigmentation, use a sunscreen with an SPF of 50, while treating the affected areas. This can speed recovery and will also help prevent the same areas from darkening again, as a single day of unprotected sun exposure can undo months of treatment.

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