25 Years

Hello, Today is our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Where does the time go!! I'm so happy that we have made it this far. Marriage is not easy, but if you ride out the hard times, the good times get even sweeter, and your love with only grow stronger. This is a video I made for us last year. I hope you enjoy it.
thanks for visiting,
Janet :)



Hello, Happy Music Monday! I've been enjoying my afternoon walks this weekend listening to this new song by Jennifer Lopez. It has more of her old sound that I like. It's an upbeat song and fun video, so check it out! Oh and I should warn you, you may have the urge to eat heart shaped cookies after viewing LOL!
Thanks for visiting,
Have a great day,
Janet :)

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

News To Amuse

Hello, Happy Friday! I don't know if it's just me, or maybe my sense of humor is in full time mode being stuck in this house so much, (a good coping skill I think), but lately some of the stories on the news have been amusing to me. One thing I know for sure, is laughing always puts me back in a good mood. Which I need more often these days, as you can tell from my last post. Unemployed and underemployed, needing help from the government, is just not where I thought we would be at this point in our lives. I know we are not alone in this either, so many people are struggling out there, but that's another post for another day, well maybe. I hope you are amused too from these stories and videos with Lewis Black. Speaking of a sense of humor, I love his!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's -- no it's a super-chunk of space satellite?
Good News concerning your safety and about your home! According to Space.com, "To date there have been no confirmed reports of an injury or significant property damage resulting from re-entering space objects." And 'Falling objects' is a covered peril in most home insurance policies,

Hey Mom, Can you say Busted!!
A Kindergarten student in Missouri brings mother's drug pipe and crystal meth, with a street value of $3,700, to his school's show and tell! (Poor kid though huh)

See Smoking can kill in more than one way!!
Woman Lighting Cigarette Hit By Train

Sandra L. Gawlik, who works at a cafe near the Needham Center Station, was walking on the platform trying to light her cigarette when she failed to see that a train was coming into the station, police said.

Gawlik walked into the side of train and was knocked to the ground.

She broke her collarbone in the mishap and was taken to the hospital with injuries that were described as not life-threatening.


Hello, Words I really needed to hear today. So for all of you out there who, like me, are "stuck" in a place and time in your life that you would rather not be. A simple reminder, "Timing"
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


"Life is all about Timing...
the unreachable becomes reachable
the unavailable become available
the unattainable...attainable
Have the patience, wait it out
it's all about timing."

Stacey Charter

Million Moms Challenge

Hello, This morning after watching Good Morning America, I could not help but want to help spread the word on this very crucial issue. I am asking all of you to please take a minute and click on one of the links below to sign this petition. This is unacceptable in today's world. And remember, "You don't have to be a mom to help a mom. You just have to be one in a million!!"
Thank you for your support,
Janet :)

The Million Moms Challenge is a historic, first-of-its-kind campaign - a call to action to engage a million Americans with millions of moms in the developing world facing issues impacting pregnancy, childbirth and children's health. The goal is to create a global community, building on the common dream that every mother shares for her child: a healthy pregnancy and a baby who will survive and thrive.

Million Moms Challenge is a joint venture between ABC News and the UN Foundation in conjunction with Baby Center and World Class Partners around the world including NGOS…

Using the latest new media and social media, together with world-class broadcast and digital news platforms, this initiative will build a vibrant community that connects moms everywhere around crucial issues that are a priority for all mothers, including the right nutrition to support their pregnancies, trained mid-wives to assist in safe deliveries of newborns, and life-saving vaccines that allow children celebrate their first birthdays.

Did you know, for example, that every 90 seconds a woman dies from complications of pregnancy or childbirth? So please be one in a million and help save a life today!

ABC News


Super Foods to Boost Your Libido

Hello, I hope you are having a great weekend. I have always known that keeping the flame going in a relationship is important to keeping the relationship "healthy". Then today I learned that is true in more ways than one. I was pleasantly surprised to read that this activity helps with our youth, especially now that I'm getting closer to 50 yrs of age, I consider that a bonus! Below is the new information I came across,(at least new to me). Hmmm, all natural ways to help us have fun and help us with our youth, all in all a good thing, don't you think? Ya I'm sure you do LOL!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Sexual activity is nature's secret fountain of youth! Sex raises the level of life-extending substances - such as endorphins, DHEA, and growth hormone - while lowering the stress hormones that shorten your life span.

Enjoying an active sex life is essential to our well being, and the foods we eat play a large role in ensuring we feel in the mood. Some of the foods that help turn us on include:

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are one of the few foods that contain zinc, which is vital for testosterone production in men. A deficiency can make a woman completely lose her sex drive. These yummy seeds are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital to overall sexual wellbeing.

Goji Berries
In Asia, goji berries are known as a strong sexual tonic. They increase testosterone levels, which stimulates libido in both men and women. Furthermore, they improve overall stamina, mood and wellbeing, all of which are vital for an optimum sex life.

This is one of the new superfoods out that can improve performance and alleviate impotency. It increases sperm count and testosterone levels in men. It makes people desire sex more frequently, especially women.

Give a boost to male libido. They contain an enzyme called Bromelain which is important for sexual health. They are also a good source of B vitamins which increase the body's energy levels and the sex hormones.

This sexual stimulator boosts a powerful substance known as androsterone, which is an odorless aphrodisiac in male perspiration.

Avocados help to increase both male and female libido. They contain very high levels of folic acid, and give the body sexual energy. Avocado is also high in vitamin B6, which is a potent hormone regulator.

Asparagus is very high in vitamin E, which is a vital nutrient for good sex.

Capsaicin, which is the substance that gives chillies their heat, releases endorphins and other "feel good" hormones necessary for a spicy sex life.

Basil increases circulation, stimulates the sex drive and boosts fertility. This tasty herb cultivates a sense of wellbeing, which allows one to experience sexual bliss.

Figs are very high in amino acids, which are critical to increasing libido and boosting sexual stamina.

Garlic contains high levels of allicin, which can improve blood flow to the sexual organs.

Under Construction

Hello, Now that I know how to design my own blog, I'm trying out new styles, so my blog may look different from time to time until I get the look I'm going for.
Thanks for bearing with me,
Janet :)

10 Commandments For Reducing Stress

Hello, I feel these are commandments we all should practice in our lives!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

10 Commandments For Reducing Stress!

1. Thou Shalt Not Be Perfect, Or Even Try To Be
2. Thou Shalt Not Try To Be All Things To All People
3. Thou Shalt Sometimes Leave Things Undone That Ought To Be Done
4. Thou Shalt Not Spread Thyself Too Thinly
5. Thou Shalt Learn To Say No!
6. Thou Shalt Schedule Time For Thyself And Thy Supportive Network
7. Thou Shalt Switch Off And Do Nothing Regularly
8. Thou Shalt Be Boring, Untidy, Inelegant, and Unattractive At Times
9. Thou Shalt Not Even Feel Guilty
10. Especially, Thou Shalt Not Be Thine Own Worst Enemy But Be Thine
Own Best Friend

Author Unknown

Bloggerly Love

Hello, I hope your doing well today. I was flattered and so thankful to receive this award from Unikorna, who's blog, Why I Wake up Every Day http://unikorna.blogspot.com/ I'm so glad I found! If you are like me, and enjoy a person who tells it like it is, and often with a sense of humor, then you'll have to give her blog a visit! Thanks again Unikorna :)
Thank you for visiting,
Janet :)

The idea of the Liebster Award is to spread bloggerly love to some deserving bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Now that I have thanked Unikorna and linked back to her, it is my turn to nominate a few of my favorite people and their blogs, they are:

Kimmy Sharing Light

Jodi's Journey

Mysterious World

Words That Etch

Nod If You Hear Me

Remembering Humanity

Hello, As I remember the events of this day and all who were lost, what I chose to remember the most was the outpouring of humanity. We would truly serve the memory of all those lost well if we continued to give that humanity to everyone, each and every day and not just in the moments of a world crisis.
Thanks for visiting,

Jewel - by Warner-Music

If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all OK
And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I won't be made useless
I won't be idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear
My hands are small, I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
Poverty stole your golden shoes
It didn't steal your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
But I knew it wasn't ever after
We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There ours shall go singing
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
I am never broken
In the end only kindness matters
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
We are never broken
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's mind

Comic Relief

Hello, here is a little comic relief for all of you on what is a weekend full of remembering the tragedy that unfolded 10 yrs ago. Tomorrow night is the last episode of Entourage :( So I had to add my favorite Ari Gold moments. Some of the content in the videos are for mature audiences only, so you have been warned LOL!
Have a great day,
Janet :)

Pick a side already!

Ethnicity or great sex?? Hmmmm!

Release And Trust

Hello, In life, we have the power to release the past and trust in the future. Acknowledging the power is where it all begins.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


I am willing to release my fears
I live and move in a safe and secure world
I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts
I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart
I rise above thoughts that attempt to make me angry or afraid
I release the past with ease and trust the process of life
I am willing to release the need for this protection
I am now willing to see only my magnificence
I have the power to make changes
I am always divinely protected...
Louise Hay

Happy Labor Day

Hello, Happy Labor Day! Sadly another summer is coming to an end, but it was a good summer for me here in New England. Plenty of good weather, and plenty of good memories, I couldn't ask for anything more. I hope this summer was the same for you!
Have a great day,
Janet :)


Kick back and relax with family and friends and some
good food!

And may you not labor as
much as her!
Happy labor day Pictures, Images and Photos

Get Your S.O.A. On!

Hi Everyone, Happy Friday! Sex Appeal, Action and Hits, just three reason why My Harley riding hubby and I are lovin this series Sons of Anarchy! We have started watching the first three seasons on instant download with our Netflix subscription. By the end of this Labor Day weekend we should be all caught up and ready for season 4 to begin on Tuesday!! This past week has been pretty funny, all of a sudden I noticed for the first time in a long time, as we sit and watch, we barley speak a word to each other, I'm like hello, you over there at the other end of the couch, remember me? That doesn't happen often, so ya it's that good. You need some of this in your life (vicariously of course!) to help escape the doldrums of daily life, trust me, you do LOL! I highly recommend you go out and rent the DVD's or get Netflix and catch up! It will be so worth your time and money!!
Enjoy the clips,
Janet :)

Sons of Anarchy is an adrenalized drama with darkly comedic undertones about a notorious outlaw motorcycle club intent on protecting their sheltered small town against encroaching drug dealers, corporate developers and overzealous law officers. The club is equally determined to protect their ruthless and illegally thriving arms business. Charlie Hunnam stars as Jackson 'Jax' Teller, a man whose love for the brotherhood is tested by his growing apprehension for its lawlessness. Katey Sagal stars as Gemma Teller Morrow, Jax's force-of-nature mother, who along with Ron Perlman as Clarance 'Clay' Morrow, Jax's stepfather and MC president, have their own darker vision for the club

Self Compassion Trumps Self Esteem

Hello, I came across this book by Kristin Neff on Self Compassion that I plan on buying. It is one area in my life that I need to constantly work at. I'm sure there are a few of you out there too, who know exactly what I'm talking about! It is so easy for most of us to our own worst judge. Yet, if it was a friend who did what we are beating ourselves up for, we would usually be the first to say, don't worry about it, let it go, just learn from it and forgive yourself! We have never been "conditioned" to do that for ourselves. Learning to practice self compassion, I believe now more than ever, is key to a healthier state of being.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


So what is self-compassion? What does it mean exactly?

As I’ve defined it, self-compassion entails three core components. First, it requires self-kindness, that we be gentle and understanding with ourselves rather than harshly critical and judgmental. Second, it requires recognition of our common humanity, feeling connected with others in the experience of life rather than feeling isolated and alienated by our suffering. Third, it requires mindfulness—that we hold our experience in balanced awareness, rather than ignoring our pain or exaggerating it. We must achieve and combine these three essential elements in order to be truly self-compassionate. This means that unlike self-esteem, the good feelings of self-compassion do not depend on being special and above average, or on meeting ideal goals. Instead, they come from caring about ourselves—fragile and imperfect yet magnificent as we are. Rather than pitting ourselves against other people in an endless comparison game, we embrace what we share with others and feel more connected and whole in the process. And the good feelings of self-compassion don’t go away when we mess up or things go wrong. In fact, self-compassion steps in precisely where self-esteem lets us down—whenever we fail or feel inadequate. Research suggests that self-compassion provides an island of calm, a refuge from the stormy seas of endless positive and negative self-judgment, so that we can finally stop asking, “Am I as good as they are? Am I good enough?” By tapping into our inner wellsprings of kindness, acknowledging the shared nature of our imperfect human condition, we can start to feel more secure, accepted, and alive. It does take work to break the self-criticizing habits of a lifetime, but at the end of the day, you are only being asked to relax, allow life to be as it is, and open your heart to yourself. It’s easier than you might think, and it could change your life.

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