Gift Your Voice

Hello, I hope your all doing good today and getting in the Holiday Spirit. I know I am. This year I've decided to take the pledge to fight for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015 by giving one (RED) gift this holiday season. You can find more info at I hope you will join the movement too. What better gift can you give than a gift that will also help those in need. And while your in the giving spirit, please give one minute of your time to sign the Petition to help end The Famine in Somalia. With your signature you will be giving the gift of your voice, a gift that will save children's lives, our most precious gift! I would suggest too, if your able to in this economy, making a small donation to either one of these causes in someone's name, it would be a unique way to give a Holiday Gift. I have included the links below to help with the causes. When you add your Panel to the Aids Quilt you will receive a free music download to add to your Holiday Collection. Most of all this season, giving gifts with a good cause, always a good thing!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Sister organizations (RED) and (ONE) have come together to create the 2015 QUILT, a DIGITAL patchwork of photos and images made by people all over the world who are pledging to join the fight for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015.


In 1987, a quilt created by The Names Project Foundation covered the National Mall in Washington, D.C., memorializing those we lost to AIDS. Today, we stand at the threshold of another defining milestone in this fight: by 2015, we should be able to provide treatment to the 15 million people who need it, drastically reduce new infections, and end the transmission of HIV from mothers to their babies. 1.4 million HIV+ pregnant women need access to treatment – treatment that only costs about 40 cents a day.

It can be done. But we need your help to get there.

Join millions of existing ONE and (RED) supporters. Add your panel to the (2015)QUILT. Make a pledge to do more and a thank you gift will come your way. Our friends, THE KILLERS have once again recorded a Christmas song for us— their 6th song for the cause. Add your pledge to the (2015)QUILT and receive one of (THE KILLERS) RED Christmas songs for free.

Every generation is known for something. Let’s be the one to deliver an AIDS FREE GENERATION by 2015.









The beginning of the end of AIDS starts with you. They are not
asking for your money, just your voice!

My Pledge Panel

Please take a minute to sign this petition, The famine in Somalia has killed 30,000 children in 3 months. In 2011 we have the opportunity to make famine a thing of the past. Lives are in your hands. They are not asking for your money, just your voice!

For more informational videos

Recipe For Self Love

Hello, I feel these are simple, yet powerful ideals that will help develop true self love. Once we have established this love within ourselves, we will have the capacity to genuinely love everyone around us.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Take full responsibility for your life,
Stop blaming others, See yourself as the
cause of what happens to you

Do things you like to do, Don't stay in a job you
don't like, Participate in life at the highest
level you can

Stop terrorising yourself with your thoughts,
Be gentle and kind and patient with yourself

Give yourself the simple pleasures of life abundantly,
Wear clothes you feel good in, get a massage etc

Watch what you say, Avoid self put-downs,
Stop being critical of yourself and others!

Take care of your body, Give it exercise
and good food

Be willing to create a life-style that generates
and nourishes self-esteem, Associate with others
with high esteem

Acknowledge yourself frequently, Keep a diary of
your successes and accomplishments

Avoid comparing yourself with others,
Remember that it's who we are, not what
we do, that's important

Give yourself permission to do nothing periodically,
Schedule time by yourself

Frequently take deep breaths, Discover the
benefit and pleasure of breathing fully

Stop trying to change others, Focus your
attention on being the way you want others to be!

Look into a mirror and say "I love you,
I really love you"

Stop feeling guilty and saying "I'm sorry"
See mistakes as valuable lessons and avoid
judging yourself (Love this one!)

Consciously generate positive thoughts and feelings
of self-love in place of old thoughts of inadequacy

Be willing to laugh at yourself and at life!
Stop taking yourself so seriously

Accept compliments from others without embarrassment,
Don't invalidate their positive thoughts and feelings
about you

Be kind to your mind, Don't hate yourself for having
negative thoughts, Gently change your thoughts

Keep your awareness and your thoughts focused in
present time, instead of living in the past or future

Acknowledge others frequently, Tell them what you
like and appreciate in them

Make a list of 10 things you love doing and do
them frequently

Treat yourself as you would treat someone you really loved!

Author Unknown

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello, Happy Thanksgiving, I thought I would share some movie clips from my family's annual Thanksgiving movie, I hope you get as many laughs as we do and that your day is filled with the love of family, friends and good food!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Oh, he's drunk, how would he know where we are going?

Gobble, Gobble! (Adult Language)

Walk With The Dreamers

Hello, Some words of inspiration for you today!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)



Hello, It was a week of endings. Once again for Demi, the end of a marriage. No charm for her on number 3! I feel bad for Demi, but not because she got cheated on, which is terrible, don't get me wrong, but that she really believed he would stay faithful to her forever, living in the world that they do, but then again when your in love you want to believe. A really good looking rich guy is going to always have women throwing themselves at him, and in time somethings going to give. I think he kind of looks like a snake in the grass too, not a trustworthy person. I have been watching the new Two And A Half men and I just can't get used to Aston's character replacing Charlie. It's just not as funny to me anymore and I think a lot of people feel the same way. I wonder if that will last for him too. We saw the end of a legend on Morning Tv. I found myself tearing up a little at all the goodbye moments. Regis is nothing but lovable. He will be missed becasue there are just not many men like him left. And maybe we will see the end of Robert Wagner's freedom?? The re-opening of this case has me intrigued, nothing like a real life Murder Mystery. If you need a good laugh, check out the videos below, especially the one with Russell the Pharmacist and I hope you all have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

The end is finally here. After rumors started circulating last month that Ashton Kutcher was cheating on his wife, Demi Moore, the actress has decided to file for divorce.

Could there soon be another Celebrity
Murder Trial?? Stay Tuned!

Dave giving Regis a ride on his retirement
gift to him, too funny! Earlier Regis tried to
ride it himself and fell off, but God love
em, he got right back up, no problem for
this 80 yr old man.

Two And A Half Men at it's best!

I love watching these two together!

Make Ahead Thanksgiving Recipes

Hello my friends, Every year for Christmas my sister gives me a subscription to the Real Simple Magazine and I love it. My favorite part of the magazine is the recipes. They offer both traditional recipes and new ones to help change up some of the usual eats. I enjoy cooking so much more when the weather turns cool here in New England, especially on a Sunday, when everyone is home and the football game is on, the fire is crackling, I'll usually cook a Roast or some type of big dinner. And of course something sweet like Toll House cookies, ahhh yes, the comforts of home sweet home! So I thought today I would share some of the make ahead recipes that I am going to try this year. There are 21 other make ahead recipes on their website that you can click on the link below to check out and you will also be able to find other recipes they have for everyday cooking and the Holidays.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet aka Martha Stewart wannabe :)

Rosemary Pecans
Make-ahead tip: The pecans can be prepared and stored at room temperature in an airtight container up to 1 week in advance.
Serves 8| Hands-On Time: 10m | Total Time: 20m

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2 cups pecan halves
2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary
Heat oven to 375° F. Melt the butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Stir in the sugar, cayenne pepper, and ½ teaspoon salt. Add the pecans and toss to coat.
Transfer the pecans to a rimmed baking sheet and arrange in a single layer. Bake, stirring occasionally, until toasted, 10 to 12 minutes.
Add the rosemary and toss to combine. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Cider-Roasted Vegetables
Make-ahead tip: The vegetables can be roasted and kept at room temperature up to 2 hours in advance or refrigerated up to 1 day in advance. Reheat from room temperature at 350° F to
400° F.
Serves 8| Hands-On Time: 15m | Total Time: 1hr 15m

1 1/2 pounds beets (1 bunch), peeled and cut into wedges
1 1/2 pounds parsnips, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks
1 1/2 pounds baby carrots, peeled (or 1 1/2 pounds carrots cut into 2-inch chunks)
4 tablespoons brown sugar
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 pound shiitake or cremini mushrooms, cleaned and stemmed
Heat oven to 450° F. Place the vegetables in two small roasting pans.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the brown sugar, oil, and vinegar. Pour over the vegetables and toss to coat well.
Cook until tender, about 1 hour, stirring halfway. Add the mushrooms during the last 10 minutes, toss to coat well, and finish roasting. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Gingersnap-Pear Cheesecake
Make-ahead tip: The pie can be prepared and refrigerated, loosely covered with plastic wrap, up to 2 days in advance.
Serves 8-12| Total Time: 30m

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 1/2 cups crushed gingersnaps (about 40 cookies)
2 small ripe pears (any kind), peeled, cored, and sliced 1/8 inch thick
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
16 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
2 large eggs, at room temperature
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sour cream, at room temperature
Heat oven to 350° F.
In a medium bowl, combine the butter and crushed gingersnaps. Press the mixture into a 9-inch springform pan, working the crumbs over the bottom and then up the sides. Bake for 20 minutes.
In a small bowl, toss the pears and ginger. Line the cooled crust with the pears, overlapping the slices slightly. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer on medium, beat the cream cheese for 2 minutes. Add 1 cup of the sugar and beat for 2 minutes. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, and mix until combined. Stir in 2 teaspoons of the vanilla. Pour the mixture over the pears. Bake until the top is barely set but still slightly wobbly, about 50 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack but leave oven on.
In a small bowl, combine the sour cream and the remaining sugar and vanilla. Pour over the cheesecake and bake for 8 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.


Hello, Happy Sunday, I feel this inspirational saying offers the perfect ideals to help us all live our lives by. I hope you think so too!
Thanks for visiting
Janet :)


The Brave Remembered

Hello, Today and everyday we should remember that Freedom is not free. Thank you to each and every one who has served so Bravely.
Thank you for visiting,
Janet :)

Guilty (Edited)

Hello, I hope your doing well. After following the trial of Michael Jackson's Doctor the past few weeks I thought today when the verdict came in of Guilty I would feel some sense of Justice for Michael and his family. Instead it just feels so tragic. Tragic for Jacksons, Tragic for Conrad Murray and his family. Then tonight as I listened to all the commentators on TV speak about the fact that there are more people to blame, like AEG, other Doctors, I couldn't help but think that they forgot some other people to blame, and that is us, or at least everyone who turned their backs on Michael. We as a society build up these stars, and so quickly bring them down when issues arise, like they did with Michael. We don't like it when someone doesn't conform to our normal. Michael was so hurt by this world that he did things (drugs included) to help him survive. So IMO, when the opportunity to make a come back with the "This Is It" tour came about, it brought on even more pressure than previous tours. The pressure stemming from the desire of wanting that love and acceptance again that he had as a child, starting anew with the doubters of his innocence and peers, and just being able to put the past behind him. I'm sensitive to that about people because I know how it is to have people turn on you when you hit rock bottom. And of course, it is just natural for anyone, superstar or not, to want and deserve that second chance in life. Sadly he never got his second chance. With all the pressure, it led him to Dr. Conrad Murray and the use of Propofol for a good nights sleep, and thus his demise. I think his death should not be in vain and that we should learn more from it than the obvious. We should learn to be more accepting of different. Learn to reach out to that isolated person who may be suffering, may have hit rock bottom, no matter what others think. I hope now his family and fans can begin to heal and reflect only on his greatness and humanity and not his tragic ending.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

These Videos from the Grammy Awards will
remind you of how much he accomplished
in just 50 short years and what he hope to
accomplish in his future.

Oh The Drama

Hello, I hope your enjoying your weekend. This week it seemed the news was filled with Celebrities and their oh so dramatic lives! I just feel like putting my own spin on things, and sharing my views on certain things. As I'm writing my spin, I kinda feel like a Perez Hilton, and although it may not be nice, it is kinda fun LOL! The only one in the news this week that deserves some praise is David Walgren. Now that the Doctor Conrad Murray trial is coming to an end, I feel he did his very best to get Justice for Michael Jackson and his children. He is the best Prosecutor I've seen in a long time, I can say that because I usually follow trials everyday on Court TV and HLN while I'm home during the day and you can tell who has "it" to reach the jury and who doesn't. Anyhow I hope you enjoy my points of view!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

I am so sick of hearing about the Kardashians, Poor Kim is moaning to friends: I'm So Distraught, I Can't Function, Bullshit, it didn't seem to me that she had any problem hopping on that plane to Australia to promote her handbags! Then when she thought the camera's were off her she was only concerned about if she looked fat in her dress! Yes Kim, from what I saw of you in the dress, you did look a little chunky in one area, talk about Junk in the Trunk! I'll never get why that is hot, growing up I was always taught a fat ass was a bad thing. Then after hearing all about the big divorce drama all week, the mother of this dysfunctional family Kris Jenner has the nerve to say while out promoting her new book on different shows, that she probably could have saved Nicole Brown! I think that is BS too, she would have done nothing to help Nicole. Nicole reached out to her the day before she was murdered and she was too busy, put her off for another day. Kris was married to O.J.'s friend and later his defense attorney Robert Kardasian. So she probably would have wanted to stay out of it to keep peace with her husband, and someone like O.J. who was a person of power and influence at the time. Because even now when asked on the Joy Behar show if she thought O.J. was guilty of Murdering Nicole, she answered "Yes and No", you'll have to read my book to understand why I came to that conclusion", come again Kris, what, your still afraid to speak out against O.J. and your using Nicole's tragedy to help sell your book?? I would like to start my own reality show called "Shutting Up The Kardashians", anyone with me?

Kelly looks so skinny I just want to feed her a hamburger through the set. When Regis leaves the show, I don't think it will last too long, unless they get another good co host. I mean, is it just me, or does her personality sometimes get a little annoying?? And Regis always offers so much to talk about with his life, going here, meeting with so and so. I just don't see what she has to offer on her own besides talking about her family life, (which can get a little dull) and interviewing people? But that is just my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong, only time will tell.

Glad to see Lidnsay got a chance to crash DiCaprio's
'J. Edgar' Party between all the stress of court and
doing her Playboy shoot! She'll need a night of partying
before serving her six hours in Jail!

Poor Herman Cain, offering his loving,
sweet as "sugar" self to all those women,
only to be rejected and then hit with

I use to think Justin's 14 million beliebers were crazy,
know I know they are. Tweeting out Death threats
to Mariah Yeater! Seriously scary!!

Superb job by David Walgren, I loved watching him fight for
Michael Jackson in a professional manner and at the same
time find a way to stick it to the defense!
"Everyone's to blame but Conrad Murray ... Poor Conrad Murry"
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Every Step Is Forward

Hello, I hope your doing well today. This article from the OM Times helped give me a different perspective on my life's situation right now. I have been "feeling stuck in the mud" as it says, trying to find a job. One day things look bright, and an opportunity to work looks like it is going to come through. My hopes get up, that Yes, I can finally get back on track and have that career that I went to college for, have a sense of independence, and contribute to the care of my family. Then it doesn't come through, and it gets more disappointing each time. I'm starting to get scared that I may never get back out there, and I know I'm not alone in feeling that way. It's so tough out there that I have started going to a career center, doing their workshops to sharpen my skills. I'm also working with an employment agency. And with all that, it's almost proving futile, because the last job I applied for had 12 open positions with 885 applications! But maybe, just maybe! these steps forward that I have been taking will lead to where I'm meant to be. I have to have faith in that. If your feeling "stuck" in some aspect of your life, I hope this helps give you a different perspective on your situation as well.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Every Step Is Forward

There are times when we feel that we are spinning our wheels in the mud in terms of our progress. This can be especially true following a period of major growth in which we feel as if we’ve gained a lot of ground. In fact, this is the way growth goes—periods of intense forward movement give way to periods of what seems like stagnation. In those moments when we feel discouraged, it’s helpful to remember that we don’t ever really go backward. It may be that we are at a standstill because there is a new obstacle in our paths, or a new layer to get through, but the hard work we have done cannot be undone.

Every step on the path is meaningful, and even one that seems to take us backward is a forward step in the sense that it is what we must do to move to the next level. In addition, an intense growth spurt requires that we rest for a time in order to fully integrate the new energies that have been liberated by our hard work. When we feel we are not making progress, we can encourage ourselves to take a moment to rest. We can meditate more, feed ourselves well, and get extra sleep. Before we know it, we will be spurred on to work toward the next level of our development, and this rest will make sense then as something we needed in order to continue.

Once the sun rises, it doesn’t go backward but instead follows its path in one direction. It may appear to stand still for a moment in time, or to move more slowly at some point or another, but really it is steadily moving forward on its path. We are the same way, and once we have moved through something we can never really go back. We may be resting or revisiting issues that seem old, and it’s natural to feel stuck, but in truth we are always taking the next important step forward on our path.

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