Versatile Blogger

Hello, I was so happy to receive the Versatile Blogger award from Unikorna at I highly recommend visiting her blog and getting to know her. She is the type of person who has her own ideals and mindset and I admire that in a person. When it comes to being a sweet, caring person, she is tops, with her constant support and friendship. So Thank you again Unikorna!


Now for 7 random things about me, hmmm let me think?
1) I love being a Grandmother, it's all fun and games!
2) I enjoy walks along the waterfront in Kingston and
Plymouth Ma. It brings me serenity every time
3) I have become more of a cat person, I use
to only want dogs, now it's the other way around
4) I kinda baby my baby who is now 18, I can't
help it, he is all I have left at home
5) I am in aww of how my daughter has grown
into such a wonderful women and mother.
As well as my best friend :)
6) I am constantly intrigued by human
behavior. You never know what you learn
next about people!
7) I'm really grateful my husband and I
are going to grow old together, we have
been through the toughest of times, but
somehow, someway we keep on getting back
to the best of times :)

Even though I would like to pass it on to
everyone, these are my choices. Please visit
these great blogs! A brave women
who shares her life with what she thinks may be
Bipolar Disorder while helping and inspiring others.
Bonnies shares her life experiences with Autism and SPD to help
raise awareness.
Always a fun blog to visit to enjoy music and memories
Sandy shares her journey through being pregnant with cancer. Her story is
inspirational for all of us.
Robert always writes beautiful poems

These awards are an excellent opportunity to get to know new people and discover amazing new blogs so I challenge you to visit them. So the rules of this award say that: In a post on your blog, nominate up to 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
In the same post, include this set of rules.
Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

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