When I Miss You

Hello, Today is the 4th Anniversary of my mother's passing. This is a poem I wrote one night while thinking of her. Simply amazing is the power of a mother's love, for it transcends death and lives within us forever.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


When I miss you

When I miss you mom
I turn towards the sun
With the rays on my face
I feel your love and grace

When I miss your hold
I stand still in the wind
and feel the strength of
your soul

When I miss your eyes
I see them in the mirror
through me they are
still alive

When I miss your smile
I look to the night
Each star wishes
they could be so bright

When I miss everything
about you
I stand in the rain
until it washes away
the pain

When I look at what you
left behind
I am so blessed and believe
When our family is gathered
your spirit is with us and
will never leave
Today and forever I will
miss you until together
again we will be

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