Thank You Captain

Hello, Today is a sad day for Boston Red Sox's fans like myself, Our beloved Captain Jason Varitek is announcing his retirement. Jason contributed so much to the team. His talent as a catcher allowed him to work with the pitchers like no one else, he brought out the best in them and in the rest of the team. His passion and love for the game helped lead the team to the first world championship in 86 yrs, helped us to reverse of the curse! That passion and love being so apparent to everyone earned him the title of Captain, and he served his title well for his remaining years. The 2004 season was the most exciting time I can ever remember watching the game. I stayed up many nights till 1:00 in the morning watching the games as they went into overtime, watching the biggest comeback of all time in a playoff series, against our rivals the Yankees, I mean could it get any better than that, no, not a chance! So from me and all of Red Soxs Nation, Thank You Captain, you will be missed.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Boston Red Sox catcher and team captain Jason Varitek will announce his retirement on Thursday. Varitek is expected to remain involved within the Red Sox organization in some capacity. In fifteen seasons, Varitek earned two World Series rings, 1 Gold Glove, 1 Silver Slugger and 3 All Star appearances. He also accumulated 1,307 hits, 193 home runs while posting a .256 avg.





beautiful ocean wallpaper quotes

How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean.


I Choose

Hello, I hope your doing good today. These are healthy ideals I try to live by, even though someday's it's not easy. Certain situations in life can bring us down, and it is a fight to stay positive. But I believe the more we fight to stay positive, the more these ideals will become second nature and lead us to personal freedom.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


I choose…to live by choice, not by chance
To make changes, not excuses
To be motivated, not manipulated
To be useful, not used
To excel, not compete
I choose self-esteem, not self-pity
I choose to listen to my inner voice
Not the random opinion of others!


Dreams of Time

ocean birds quotes wallpaper

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.

You whispered

in love wallpaper quote

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

Hooray For Hollywood

Hello, I hope your having a good weekend! I'm looking forward to the Oscars show, even though I have not seen any of the movies that are nominated this year, I've seen enough clips of them to have an idea of the stories and the actors performances. I remember as a little girl, the excitement of going to the movies, I loved eating their chocolate ice cream cones, and of course the popcorn, still love the popcorn, but now I can't eat as much of it as I did back then! Pete has never been one to enjoy going to the movies, so as our kids grew I was more than happy to take them to the movies every chance I could, or once in a while get to one with a friend. I'm excited too that this year we are going to take my granddaughter Briana to see her first movie, the Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Yes, the movies are a wonderful and magical thing, we can escape our lives and live in lives of others, real or not real, for a short period of time. So absolutely Hooray for Hollywood! I hope you enjoy the show tonight as well.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Where I first watched Movies on the big screen,
in my hometown of South Weymouth Ma

Some of my Favorite Movies

I think the women of today look
Beautiful on the red carpet,

But I love the look of old Hollywood,
it is simple, yet gorgeous!

The best of Billy hosting the Oscars
video platform video management video solutions video player

Who I'm rooting for this year!
Best Picture
"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" Scott Rudin, Producer
my pick for winner because of Tom Hanks!

Actress in a Leading Role
Viola Davis in "The Help"

Actress in a Supporting Role
Jessica Chastain in "The Help"

Actor in a Leading Role
Brad Pitt in "Moneyball"

Actor in a Supporting Role
Max von Sydow in "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"

Hey Assholes!

Hello, I just love Lewis Black, he has a great way of telling it like it is with a sense of humor! Last night I saw him do his bit "Back In Black" on The Daily Show. It was hilarious IMO, I couldn't agree with him more about what has been going on with the media since Whitney's death, especially when it comes to Nancy Grace. I have always followed Nancy Grace because I'm a trial junkie, but lately she seems to be getting a little crazier with her perception of things. I'm not to sure what's going on with her, middle age?? Anyhow, I had to share it with you because I think you'll appreciate his point of view and enjoy a few laughs like I did.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Sense Of Self

Hello, I hope your doing well today. I feel these words of wisdom from Marianne ring true with all of us. We all have a point and time in our lives that we need to "recover" from, some type of event that eventually lead us to think less of ourselves. Using some form of spirituality in your life, whatever it is that you choose to practice, is the foundation to rebuild on.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

"The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery,
and the only thing you need to recover from is a
fractured sense of self"
~ Marianne Williamson ~

Friday Funnies

Hello, Happy Friday! Considering it was Valentines Day this week I thought would share some funny stories I have read on love and whatnot. I hope no one get's offended by the open letter to G-spot. I think it is an amusing spin on what some women go through. If you hear ads running on my blog when it first loads, I apologize, I don't know where they are coming from. I'm trying to figure that out right now. If any of my fellow bloggers out there know of this problem and how to fix it, please feel free to leave me a comment on how to correct it.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Naked Bondage Sex Game is Mistaken For
They wanted bondage, and they wound up in handcuffs. A Portland, Ore., couple was arrested on Valentine's Day after cops mistook a bound and naked woman in the back of a car for a crime in progress, The Los Angeles Times reported. Nikolas Harbar, 31, was only "role-playing" when he allegedly tied up his naked girlfriend, 26-year-old Stephanie Pelzner and threw her in the back of his Subaru in the early afternoon, according to a police report. But the ball-and-chain action went awry when cops got a call from a concerned witness!

L.A. Weekly
Hollywood madam, Heidi Fleiss and star of HBO’s “Cathouse,” Dennis Hof, are teaming up to create a brothel for the Comic Con set. Naturally, it will be called Alien Cathouse. Ass from space? Different? Hasn't Hof seen classic Star Trek? Anywhoo, Hof says he's inspired by the legend of nearby Area 51. But what we really want to know is why he needs L.A.'s own Fleiss. Sure, it's a match made in pimp/madam heaven. But our guess is this: Given how much work she's had done, Fleiss might be able to double as a genuine space alien attraction!

As reported by WTAE Pittsburgh:
"At Shippensburg University, getting access to Plan B, the emergency contraception pill is as easy as getting a soda. Students can now buy the pill at a vending machine on campus." It's nice to give students such easy access. Because let's be honest, if you're enrolled at Shippensburg University, this isn't the first time in life you've gone with plan B

Dear G-Spot,
Gee G-Spot, you sure know how to disappoint a girl. First you exclaim your existence to the world. Then you hide as my fellow ladies are poked and prodded in search of you. One day you promise earth-shattering gasms, the next you disappear without a trace. A recent review of over 100 studies into your existence has come to the conclusion that there is no proof of it. That you don’t exist. But I don’t think this is the last we’ll hear about you, g-spot. You’ll lay low awhile and then pop back up again, taunting us. Why do you continue to play these games with our emotions? Do you find it humorous that millions of us ladies spend days and nights pondering where you are? Well, I am absolutely fed up with this game now. I will have you know that I haven’t missed you all of these years. From now on, when I have sleepovers, you are uninvited! (Not that you ever showed up or sent a polite “unable to attend.”) Matter of fact, giving up on looking for you may be the best choice I have ever made in my life. You have been hogging the spotlight for so many years that it’s time I gave my attention to those who appreciate it. I am writing you this letter to let you know that I am officially moving on. And it’s not me — it’s you. You can’t decide if you want to be or not be. And that’s cool because I’m not here to judge. Some part of me doesn’t blame you for hiding away. I couldn’t handle being responsible for delivering millions of mind-blowing experiences daily. We don’t even ask that much from Santa Claus and I’ve always thought he was overworked. If ever you do decide to surface — and stay for good – I’ll be here. Just don’t expect me to come looking for you any longer.

Greatest joy

relationship wallpaper quotes

Our greatest joy and our greatest pain comes in our relationships with others.

Relationships are tied

relationship quotes wallpaper

Man is a knot into which relationships are tied.

Eternity Love

eternity love

Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity; eternity can be the tick of a clock.

Surrender to love

in love wallpaper

Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to love.

The Beautiful Puzzle Of Me

Hello, An insightful way of looking at the our own personal progress. I loved it when I read it this morning, I hope you do too.
Thanks for visiting,
Have a great day,
Janet :)


Day by day, hour by hour,
second by second,
I am figuring out the puzzle of me
What I love, What I hate
What makes me happy, What makes me sad
What makes me strong, What makes me tremble
What my passion is, What my weaknesses are
I’m discovering the parts of me that will
make me whole!
Page by page, moment by moment,
breath by breath,
I am creating myself by finding out
who I am and who I choose to be,
I look forward to spending the rest
of my time in this life putting me
together, piece by beautiful piece…

I love you

valentines day quotes wallpaper

When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try.

When you're in love

valentines day love cookies wallpaper

Everything is clearer when you're in love.

The word love

valentines day love teddy bear wallpaper

Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.

Love is Heaven

valentines day love wallpaper

To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.

Life without love

valentines day love wallpaper

A life without love is like a year without summer.

Happy valentines day

happy valentines day wallpaper

The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.

I'll Always Love You Too Whitney

Hello, I am just devastated and in shock, to hear the news tonight of Whitney Houston's passing. Although I write about my favorite singer Madonna, she was also one of my favorites since the 80's. The 80's were such a fun time for music as MTV came along and allowed us to get to know our performers in a whole new way, connect with them through the videos. I remember my friends and I glued to the TV to watch the new channel "MTV" as it premiered Michael Jackson's Thriller! I remember watching Whitney's videos of How Will I Know, and I Wanna Dance With Somebody and they were just so much fun. A lot of times back in the 80's, my daughter and I would just put on the music videos and dance some of the day away. Christa always loved to dance to Madonna's Dress You Up In My Love video! Yes indeed, those were great days with great videos like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cindy Lauper and Vacation by the GoGo's as well. Sadly though Whitney had gone a way for a while and struggled with her drug addiction and personal problems. So when she did make her big comeback in 2009 I was excited for her new music and her triumph over her addiction. I mean don't we all love a comeback story. For that period of time in 2009 she was an inspiration to me and many others who have struggled with addiction in some form or another. Who knows how many lives she may have saved then by sharing her story and giving them hope that they too could achieve sobriety. I know many people out there who have never found the courage to battle their addictions for even a day. She found her courage and fought, no matter how long or how short, she fought, and that is all that matters now. I pray for her beautiful soul tonight to rest in peace and for her family as well. Thank you Whitney for all of your beautiful, inspiration music that will live on forever.
Thanks for visiting,


Whitney Houston, who ruled as pop music's queen until her majestic voice and regal image were ravaged by drug use, erratic behavior and a tumultuous marriage to singer Bobby Brown, died Saturday. She was 48.

Beverly Hills police Lt. Mark Rosen told reporters outside the Beverly Hilton that Houston was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m. in her room on the fourth floor of the hotel. Her body remained there and Beverly Hills detectives we re investigating."There were no obvious signs of any criminal intent," Rosen said. Houston's publicist, Kristen Foster, said the cause of death was unknown. Rosen said police received a 911 call from hotel security about Houston at 3:43 p.m. Saturday. Paramedics who were already at the hotel because of a Grammy party unsuccessfully tried to resuscitate the singer, he said.

I remember wanting that Purple dress,
I think I still do!

A Video I made of "I Got You" from Whitney's
comeback album I look To You

Previous Post of Whitney

Love Therapy

romantic celebration valentines day love

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.

Valentines Cake

valentines cake food wallpaper

Anything is good if it's made of chocolate.

Love is

valentines day love wallpaper

Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Valentines day thought

valentines day wallpaper

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Keep Going

Hello, A good philosophy to incorporate into our lives!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Precious Possession

valentines day thought romance love

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.

Love is a little haven

love romance valentines day couple

Love is a little haven of refuge from the world.

Love and desire

romance love valentines day

Love and desire are the spirit’s wings to great deeds.

Love and Romance

valentines day romance wallpaper

Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.

Love is a beautiful dream

valentines day heart wallpaper
Love is a beautiful dream. Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.

Is Anyone Out There Alive?

Hello, When I read this article by Dr. Carol Morgan, I could relate to it as I enter my middle years. The children have grown, so for a while now they have not consumed as much of my time and energy as they did when they were younger. But then as the transition of more me time began with the children grown, my Mother and Mother in Law became ill. I was occupied with caring for them in their end days. So I remember when they were gone and with the children needing me less, I began to feel a little lost, or as I think of it now with the insight of Carol, my aliveness was disappearing. My main focus in life was being a caretaker. And it is not that I'm saying I don't enjoy more me time, and husband time, and still caring for my family in the way I do. It is just when you are use to a certain role defining you, less feels like a void. I think she is so right too when she says if we do not find aliveness in our lives, we will find negative aliveness. Looking back a couple of years ago now, I know I did. So now that I have been back on track and accepting the transitions in my life, finding a career has been my main focus to fill the unaliveness, or the void. But I think I need to focus on all aspects of my life to keep feeling aliveness for life, I mean what better way is there to go through life. I hope this article gives you a little insight into your life too if you have been experiencing any of the issues she talks about.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

One of the things that I think most people lack in their lives, and certainly in their relationships, is aliveness. What is aliveness? Well, it is finding excitement and enjoyment in everything you do. It’s that blood-pumping, exhilaration, challenge, joy, stimulation, and pleasure that makes life worth living! But most people don’t feel aliveness. They feel boredom. I have a friend who, when I ask how she’s doing, she says, “Oh, I’m just going through the motions.” Every time she says that, I cringe. I cringe because what she is really saying is that she is in a boring pattern of her life…she gets up, goes to work, takes care of the kids, comes home from work, goes to bed. Period. And the next day, she starts it all over. Period. But what kind of life is that? Going through the motions? Is that the kind of life you live, too? Do you just “go through the motions?” I’m sure you probably are “going through the motions” in your relationship. Most people are.

Most people are “robots.” In other words, they all have “buttons” and they all operate on “automatic pilot.” It’s like we know the “route” we’re going so well that we don’t even think about it. It’s programmed into our brain. Our relationships are like that, too.

Robots also have no choice in how they act. It is wired and programmed in such a way that when a button is pushed, it reacts in the exact same way every time. We do that too. Admit it, you probably know how to push your partners “buttons.” You know what makes him/her tick. You know. And sometimes you use it to your advantage, don’t you? But is it really using it to your advantage? Evoking old, programmed, non-thought-out actions and responses is not necessarily a good thing. When we do that, we live unconsciously and operate like a robot.

Do you get any exhilaration and joy from any area of your life? It’s funny, sometimes you don’t know you have aliveness until it’s gone. For example, when I was working on my dissertation for my Ph.D., I was experiencing aliveness. I didn’t necessarily realize it because I was so goal-oriented. I wanted to get it done, and get it done fast. I saw so many friends of mine who took years upon years to write their dissertation – and some never even finished. So I was driven to finish it quickly. But when I was done, I had a hole in my life. I thought, “What the heck am I going to do with myself now?” My aliveness was gone. I was single, and I didn’t have much else going on in my life, and I felt lost! I didn’t realize how much I craved aliveness until it was taken away from me.

Another example of aliveness that I’m sure most of you can relate to is falling in love – or the infatuation stage of a romantic relationship. Who doesn’t just love that? And who wouldn’t love that feeling to last forever? We all would! But, unfortunately, it doesn’t. Why not? Is it because it’s not possible? Or is it because we just don’t work hard enough to keep the feeling alive? Do we get too comfortable in the relationship at some point and forget how to create that feeling? I don’t have a firm answer, but I do know that most people could try a lot harder. Most people get lazy and comfortable. And while comfort is nice, it’s not exhilarating!

Have you looked for places to “hide” from your relationship? Have you become a TV addict or a couch potato? Are you a workaholic? Do you give your time and attention to everyone but your mate? If so, your relationship has probably gotten so dull and routine that you have to look elsewhere for your aliveness. That is probably a big reason people have affairs. When I described aliveness as that exhilarating, blood-pumping feeling, well, I’m sure people who have affairs feel that. It’s not a good thing, but they aren’t feeling that aliveness in their relationship. Now I don’t want all of you out there to get upset with me – I am not advocating affairs or making excuses for people who have them. No way. I am merely trying to explain one possible reason why people do seek affairs. I’m sure it’s exciting, and it brings them aliveness.

And that brings me to another important point. If you do not have enough positive aliveness in your life, you will most likely create some negative aliveness – and affairs are a perfect example of this. Instead of consciously putting a lot of effort into making their relationship loving and exciting, they take the easy yet dangerous road by turning outside of the relationship: to another person. And everyone knows that certainly doesn’t solve the problems – it only makes them worse.

Okay, maybe your mind won’t create cancer, or lay you off from work, but it might make your relationship chaotic and tumultuous. You might fight with your partner more than you should. I know I’ve been in relationships that were characterized by fighting. It was just part of the nature of the relationship. It was aliveness, but negative. We all create this negative aliveness in our lives without even realizing it.

Brain/mind researchers have concluded that the mind can’t accept mundane reality for long. Eventually, your subconscious will take over and create some “excitement” for you. It could make you sick, cause an accident, or some other kind of complication. It can generate circumstances that will result in the destruction of your health, your relationship, or your career, just so you’ll have the challenge of rebuilding it.

The trick is to create positive challenges for yourself before your subconscious mind does it for you. Researchers have found that it does not know the difference between reality and fantasy and what is “right” or “wrong” or “good” or “bad.” It doesn’t say, “Oh, I can’t create cancer because that will kill me!” No. The subconscious mind cannot reason like that. It’s unfortunate, but it is true.

So I urge you to find aliveness in your relationships and your life. Don’t accept the “mundane.” Don’t accept “okay.” Don’t accept “going through the motions.” Think about specific things you can do to create some exhilaration in your relationship. Life is a wondrous journey! Make it exciting! Have fun! Rise to the challenge! But make it positive …
By Carol Morgan Ph.D.

True Love Story

valentines day love

A true Love story never ends....

Perfect Gift

valentines day gift

May no gift be too small to give,
nor too simple to receive,
which is wrapped in thoughtfulness
and tied with love.

Boston Your My Home

Hello, Well today is the big day! Patriot Nation will be watching to see if the New England Patriots can bring home their 4th Championship title to Boston. I have a good feeling they will. They have a great team this year. I grew up a sports fan by default between my Dad and my 4 brothers always watching the games, lots of good memories from those days. I love living here in the suburbs of Boston for many reasons. One of those reasons being is our sports teams. We have been blessed with many Championships over the past few years, and yes I would have to agree with Rachel Pennellatore, it becomes addicting. A good addiction though, that I would never, ever, want to cure lol! I hope all of you enjoy the Superbowl today as well.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Go Pats!

5 ways being a Boston sports fan is like being an addict

Sports are practically life here in Boston; fans are known nationwide for their incredible dedication. Bostonians cheer for and defend their beloved teams with fervor so intense as to sometimes -- OK, oftentimes -- cross over into obnoxiousness, leading fans from elsewhere to question our sanity and/or sobriety.

Being a true-blue Boston fan is quite similar to having a raging substance abuse problem: Glory can be as habit-forming as any drug out there, and our hometown heroes certainly know how to keep us all strung out on the drama and chasing the high that victory brings. Here are five signs you or a loved one may have an addiction.

Extreme emotional highs and lows. Boston has come to be a city of champions. With each of our “Big Four” teams bringing a title or two to the city in recent years, we've gotten used to a certain standard of living. But every action has an equal and opposite reaction, as they say: For example, that on-top-of-the-world feeling we had after winning the Stanley Cup was shortly thereafter dulled by the rock-bottom disaster of blowing the MLB playoffs amid rumors of clubhouse drinking. And so the vicious cycle begins anew.

Mental health issues. Boston fans most commonly suffer from delusions of grandeur that manifest themselves in an overwhelming urge to proclaim that the Yankees suck, apropos to the situation or not. Trying to reason with such a Boston fan (telling them that they're actually at a basketball game, for example) will inevitably lead them to conclude that since the Yankees always suck, they fail to see your point. On the other end of the spectrum, we also encounter paranoia and superstition: Bruins players and fans alike refused to shave their "playoff beards," thus contributing to the 2011 Stanley Cup win, and "The Curse of the Bambino" haunted the Red Sox for 86 years after trading Babe Ruth.

Physical signs. Boston fans prioritize watching the game above all else and take losses especially hard. Scientists have proven depression, change in appetite or sleep patterns, mood swings, tremors, and persistent sweating are all caused by anxiety linked to extended Boston losing streaks. Fine -- that's not entirely true, but there’s certainly no lack of evidence that a team slump puts us all in one of our own.

Defense and denial. Boston fans and only Boston fans are allowed to talk smack about our teams. It’s fine for a Bostonian to complain about losing a 10-game winning streak in an overtime shootout, but hear anyone else crack a joke of their own, and -- excuse me, are you the defending champions? I didn’t think so. We also refuse to accept that there is even the remote possibility we might lose a game until we see it printed in the paper the next day. Even then we optimistically sigh that we’ll get ‘em next time.

Resentment and relapse. Boston teams are always raising and dashing our hopes and dreams (see "extreme emotional highs and lows"). We make all sorts of vows and bargain away our souls to whichever deity we’re partial to if we could just win this game, make the playoffs, or sign that player we absolutely need for our defensive line. And after another devastating loss, we swear we’ve learned our lesson and won’t watch next year -- but in the end we know the truth: We could never quit them.

Being a die-hard Boston fan is for life; unfortunately, there is no cure for athletically induced insanity, not even more cowbell. Welcome to Boston!

By Rachel Pennellatore

Love is the magician

valentines day

Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.

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