Befriending Yourself

Hello, I hope your doing good today. I think this Loving Kindness Maitri from Pema is a good foundation to build on if we are working on some area of self improvement in our lives.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Vegging Out

Hello, Happy Saturday! After a week of getting my hopes up and then down and back up again about a job I really want and need, I just need to kick back, laugh a little, and not think so much this weekend! Here's a few pictures that made me laugh, I hope they do the same for you.
Have a great weekend,
Janet :)







friendship quote wallpaper
Friendships are fragile thing, and require as much handling as any other fragile and precious thing.



hug quote wallpaper
If a hug represented how much I loved you, I would hold you in my arms forever.


Through The Rain

Hello, After yesterdays post, and hearing from some of my dear blogging friends and what some of them are going through, I just felt different today about my situation. I know we all have our problems, and sharing them is nothing to be ashamed of, but sometimes you need to look at them with a different perspective. So this song is especially for you who took the time to comment yesterday, your kind words truly helped me. By sharing our stories we do gain strength, and I'm constantly amazed by the women I meet here who are making it through their own rain. Thank you for the inspiration to make it through mine.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Second Chance

Hello, Today I'm feeling this song as I sit and wait. I've been waiting on my second chance in life now for about 2 yrs. I'm hoping that my latest attempt to get my career back on track will come through. I've gotten everything else in my life back on track. I've unraveled my mistakes, I'm paying my dues. If only there was a rewind button! What I would undo in my life. I need this second chance for my daughter who is having a tough time making ends meet. For my son who is going to college, for my husband who is suffering with Rheumatoid Arthritis and may not be able to do his job much longer. Waiting on that second chance some days is more than I can bear. I've said, I don't know how many prayers. So I guess for today at least, I'll try cradling my head in my hands and just breathing, ya, just breathe!
Thanks for visiting,

Life Is Like A Cup Of Coffee

Hello, I hope your doing good today. A spiritual story that speaks of what so many people chose to focus on in life. Redirecting your focus can make all the difference in achieving true happiness.
Have a great day,
Janet :)


A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, and Speak kindly

by Unknown

Lost a friend

friend quotes wallpaper

You know you have read a good book. When you turn the last page and feel as if you have lost a friend.


Lovely Sunshine

Hello, I was given these two awards over the past couple of weeks. I'm always so touched when others think of me in this way. And it probably sounds silly, but when I see my name and blog posted under someones award they're giving away, it always makes me feel like I've accomplished what I set out to do with blogging. I set out to share my common life experiences and reach out to others who are going through possibly the same things as me. Reaching out to let them know they are not alone, while sharing some inspiration to get through life. What surprised me the most about blogging is I got that back 10 fold and then some, by meeting so many people from all over the world who have inspired me, touched me, made me laugh when I really needed it. There really is no simple way to describe to all of you how you have made my life so much richer. So a very special Thank you to Unkorna, author of for the Sunshine award. If you don't know her already, you should get to know her, she is just a lovely lady with a great sense of humor, and her posts will make you think! Thank you so much Petro Neagu Author of for the Lovely Blogger Award. Another lovely lady who I'm just getting to know, and so glad to be doing so. Her blog is about everyday life with her new daughter and so much more. Please visit her blog too if you have not already. Please know Petro and Unkorna, I would pass these awards on to you both, but of course you have received them already! I don't think there are any special rules for these awards, just link back to the person who gave them to you and say Thank you :) Here are the blogs that I'm passing on these awards too. I enjoy visiting them everyday. If you don't accept awards, that is ok too, just know that I think you deserve them!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)




hope quotes wallpaper

While there's life, there's hope.


Reawaken Our Intention

Hello, Every now and then you come across a saying that really hits you, makes you think about yourself. This one did that for me. I have to find the strength to keep recommitting myself to my goals and or "intentions" in life. No matter how many times I get discouraged, no matter how many times my past comes back to stop me from moving forward. If I don't recommit, I give up, and that was never ever a goal or "intention" that I set out to have in life!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


If we fall, we don't need self-recrimination or blame or anger — we need a reawakening of our intention and a willingness to recommit. To be wholehearted once again. Each decision we make, each action we take, is born out of an intention....
Sharon Salzberg

Boston Marathon

Hello, Today is the 116th running of the Boston Marathon, which will be run under tough heat conditions. I am always inspired by these runners who work so hard to achieve their goal of completing it. One of the runners include my brother who was on the track team in High School. Every now and then I say to my brother, who is 54 and still running everyday, we have to go out running together, you need to train me to be a runner! It hasn't happened yet, but maybe someday it will. I feel my daily walks over the past two years have helped to build up the physical endurance I would need to take it to the next level of running. And the one thing I have always noticed about my brother, is that he can eat whatever he wants, as much of it as he want, and he never gains the extra weight! That is truly what I want out of life lol! If your not familiar with the Boston Marathon, here is some facts and pictures from the previous years. It is truly an amazing event to witness every year.
Have a great day,
Janet :)

Competitors who inspire me even more!


Runners dressed as Forrest Gump, Elvis, Bozo the Clown and the Cat in the Hat have all crossed the finish line

It’s the world’s oldest annual marathon. The event began in 1897 and is said to have been started after the first modern-day marathon was held at the 1896 Summer Olympics. Today it is considered one of the world’s best known road racing events and is one of five Major World Marathons

The current course records are 2:05:52 (men) and 2:20:43 (women)

"Women's Class of 1972"
Girl power is in full effect! In 2011, a whopping 43 percent of the entrants are female. The ladies must be making up for lost time as women were not officially allowed to enter the marathon until 1972

It can be a heart-breaker. The Boston Marathon is known as being one of the toughest courses in the country. Around mile 16, runners encounter a series of well-known hills that culminate in an almost half-mile long hill called “Heartbreak Hill.” Although the hill rises only 88 vertical feet, the hill is positioned between mile 20 and 21, which is notorious for when runners feel like they’ve hit the wall and are running out of energy

Shame, Shame Rosie!
In 1980 Rosie Ruiz appeared to win the Boston Marathon but officials later discovered she took the subway and was disqualified

The Boston Marathon receives the second largest amount of media coverage in the world for a one day sporting event, second only to the Superbowl

Extreme weather is is nothing to to Boston Marathon racers. In the 114 runnings here's the worst of it so far:
1961- Snow squalls, heavy wind, temperatures of 39 degrees
1970- Very heavy rain, temperatures in the low 40s
1976- Sunny with temperatures reported to be 96 degrees along the course

I'm sure 2012's Marathon will be added to the list above, with temperatures expected to be in the high 80's, low 90's today!

Friday Funnies

Hello, Happy Friday! Here's a little comedy to start off the weekend. I hope you all have a good one!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Let's Go Fly A Kite

Hello, Today while I'm off to the the park to fly a kite with my grand kids, I thought I would leave you with a little inspiration!
Have a great day,
Janet :)


P.S. The grandchildren loved this song too!
which made the day even sweeter :)

Way to the Universe

forest quote wallpaper

The clearest way to the Universe is through a forest wilderness.

Happy Easter

From my Family to yours,

God's Garden

forest and lake wallpaper

Every forest is god's garden, a fallen leaf, a life lived.


forest quotes wallpaper

There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest.

The forest

forest quote wallpaper

The death of the forest is the end of our life.

Shadow in dark forest

dark forest wallpaper

The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one's own.

First in love

forest walk wallpaper

Have you ever walked late at night through a forest when you are first in love?

Down The Tubes

Hello, Today I just feel like (venting), I mean, sharing my views on some of these so called "Reality Shows". I can't help but search for sources of entertainment to help me escape the doldrums of being unemployed and "Transit Challenged" as I now refer to my ability to get out and about during the day lol! Seriously, some days just trying to catch the bus can be challenging, as the bus drivers like to ride on their own schedule and not that of the public one they are suppose to follow. Anyway, to get back to my vent-views, I just want to know how the executives sit in there offices and decide that these type of shows are going to entertain in any way, shape or form, or has the idea of entertaining us cable paying folks just been lost all together on them?? Pardon me if I'm nieve, but if this is what has become entertainment for the majority of people in this day and age, I would have to say that maybe, just maybe, we are not an over prescribed happy pill generation! That possibly more people, these executives included, could use a happy pill or something to help them remember what happy is, what entertainment is, what TV was invented for. Until cable can snap out of this disgusting, often depressing, rut I'm grateful for the few good shows that are on, and that I have a treadmill to kill some of my boredom on, like a Hamster on it's wheel, with some good music videos!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo
The only good show on TLC, if you watch,
you will be amazed by her gift!

Hoarders, Buried Alive! This show should come
with a warning: Watching may cause you to break out
in the heevey jeeves, the sensation known as
skin crawling and a severe state of depression!

I think these people need to ask themselves,
Do I really want to live in a world that I have
to wear gas masks and eat radiated possum??

My Strange Addiction,
I don't know if "Strange" is the right word for it!
She is addicted to drinking her own urine,
So disgusting I had to black it out!

Mama’s Boys, a reality show about 30-something
Italian men still living at home with their Mamas!
I think it should be re-titled "Challenged Middle
Aged Men and the Enabling Mothers who love them"!

Trade Up

Hello, When spring comes around every year, there is a sense of renewal all around us. Yet, we often only focus on the spring cleaning of home, the renewal of nature. I think it's an important time as well to renew our thoughts. After a long or gloomy winter we can find ourselves in a place of negativity. Trading up those negative thoughts for a more positive outlook on life is a good place to begin our spring cleaning!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


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