Boston Marathon

Hello, Today is the 116th running of the Boston Marathon, which will be run under tough heat conditions. I am always inspired by these runners who work so hard to achieve their goal of completing it. One of the runners include my brother who was on the track team in High School. Every now and then I say to my brother, who is 54 and still running everyday, we have to go out running together, you need to train me to be a runner! It hasn't happened yet, but maybe someday it will. I feel my daily walks over the past two years have helped to build up the physical endurance I would need to take it to the next level of running. And the one thing I have always noticed about my brother, is that he can eat whatever he wants, as much of it as he want, and he never gains the extra weight! That is truly what I want out of life lol! If your not familiar with the Boston Marathon, here is some facts and pictures from the previous years. It is truly an amazing event to witness every year.
Have a great day,
Janet :)

Competitors who inspire me even more!


Runners dressed as Forrest Gump, Elvis, Bozo the Clown and the Cat in the Hat have all crossed the finish line

It’s the world’s oldest annual marathon. The event began in 1897 and is said to have been started after the first modern-day marathon was held at the 1896 Summer Olympics. Today it is considered one of the world’s best known road racing events and is one of five Major World Marathons

The current course records are 2:05:52 (men) and 2:20:43 (women)

"Women's Class of 1972"
Girl power is in full effect! In 2011, a whopping 43 percent of the entrants are female. The ladies must be making up for lost time as women were not officially allowed to enter the marathon until 1972

It can be a heart-breaker. The Boston Marathon is known as being one of the toughest courses in the country. Around mile 16, runners encounter a series of well-known hills that culminate in an almost half-mile long hill called “Heartbreak Hill.” Although the hill rises only 88 vertical feet, the hill is positioned between mile 20 and 21, which is notorious for when runners feel like they’ve hit the wall and are running out of energy

Shame, Shame Rosie!
In 1980 Rosie Ruiz appeared to win the Boston Marathon but officials later discovered she took the subway and was disqualified

The Boston Marathon receives the second largest amount of media coverage in the world for a one day sporting event, second only to the Superbowl

Extreme weather is is nothing to to Boston Marathon racers. In the 114 runnings here's the worst of it so far:
1961- Snow squalls, heavy wind, temperatures of 39 degrees
1970- Very heavy rain, temperatures in the low 40s
1976- Sunny with temperatures reported to be 96 degrees along the course

I'm sure 2012's Marathon will be added to the list above, with temperatures expected to be in the high 80's, low 90's today!

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