Down The Tubes

Hello, Today I just feel like (venting), I mean, sharing my views on some of these so called "Reality Shows". I can't help but search for sources of entertainment to help me escape the doldrums of being unemployed and "Transit Challenged" as I now refer to my ability to get out and about during the day lol! Seriously, some days just trying to catch the bus can be challenging, as the bus drivers like to ride on their own schedule and not that of the public one they are suppose to follow. Anyway, to get back to my vent-views, I just want to know how the executives sit in there offices and decide that these type of shows are going to entertain in any way, shape or form, or has the idea of entertaining us cable paying folks just been lost all together on them?? Pardon me if I'm nieve, but if this is what has become entertainment for the majority of people in this day and age, I would have to say that maybe, just maybe, we are not an over prescribed happy pill generation! That possibly more people, these executives included, could use a happy pill or something to help them remember what happy is, what entertainment is, what TV was invented for. Until cable can snap out of this disgusting, often depressing, rut I'm grateful for the few good shows that are on, and that I have a treadmill to kill some of my boredom on, like a Hamster on it's wheel, with some good music videos!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo
The only good show on TLC, if you watch,
you will be amazed by her gift!

Hoarders, Buried Alive! This show should come
with a warning: Watching may cause you to break out
in the heevey jeeves, the sensation known as
skin crawling and a severe state of depression!

I think these people need to ask themselves,
Do I really want to live in a world that I have
to wear gas masks and eat radiated possum??

My Strange Addiction,
I don't know if "Strange" is the right word for it!
She is addicted to drinking her own urine,
So disgusting I had to black it out!

Mama’s Boys, a reality show about 30-something
Italian men still living at home with their Mamas!
I think it should be re-titled "Challenged Middle
Aged Men and the Enabling Mothers who love them"!

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