
Hello, I hope your doing well today. This is good advice to use when we are faced with conflicts in our lives. I mean, when you really think about it, how can using love really fail?? Give it a try next time you find yourself in a conflict and maybe you will know the reward of peace.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Forever Honor

Hello, Happy Memorial Day, I want to take the time today to say Thank You to all our troops, past, and present. On this day I will be thinking especially of my Father who served in Korea, and of my Father in Law, who served in WWII. We should Forever Honor these amazing heroes who have made so many sacrifices, be them known or unknown, for our freedoms.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


A Video I made in Tribute to our troops

Summer Spirit

Hello, Happy Saturday! After having made it through my first week at work, which was just a great experience all around, meeting new people, learning a new job, I couldn't ask for a better weekend to top it off. The unofficial start of Summer. The weather here is co-operating nicely too, today it is about 90 degrees! It got me thinking today, what it is about Summer that we all just love, that seems to put us all in better spirits? It is of course, a simple question to answer! I'm sure it is a combination of all the things summer encompasses, and to each one of us, special in it's own way. Here are a few of my favorite things about Summer, which I'm sure are yours too! But feel free to tell me what are your favorite things about summer, what do you think makes it so special? Now before the day passes me away, and the weather changes, I do live in New England after all, I'm going to go catch some of those sun's rays!
I hope all of you have a great Saturday,
Janet :)


Bathing in the Sun, and eating Ice Cream!

More outings with Friends and Family!

Where I spent most of my summers growing up, lots of
great memories!
July 21, 1977 (Hull Ma)—Nantasket Beach, Paragon Park
On the hottest day of the year (102 F)
Photo credit: Richard W. Green


achievement quote wallpaper

To make yourself exceptional is the biggest achievement of your life.


Oy Vey!

Hello, How are you! I am doing great! I am adjusting to my new work schedule, and it is a long day, close to 12 hrs each day between the commute on the train and my work hours, but I'm really loving it. I feel no anxiety like I thought I would going back out into the workforce after being home for two years. The people are great that I work with, they are making me feel so comfortable which helps so much. While I'm adjusting to this new schedule I will try to post on my blogs as much as I can. Know I am not gone, just trying to get use to this new schedule, while I'm also preparing for Scotty's graduation!, Oy Vey! as they say, I go from one extreme to the other, nothing to do, to too much to do lol! But I'm not complaining, no way no how! Here's some more inspiration that I love to share with you.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)



Hello, Happy Saturday! Well Scott had his big night at the Prom. He wound up going stag because a couple of girls he wanted to take had boyfriends already, but Scott is an optimist and makes the best out of any situation, plus I guess things are different today, it's no big deal if you don't have a date for the prom. He went and had a great time, danced up a storm with all his classmates and made some good memories. As I helped Scott get ready for the Prom yesterday it really hit me, my babes have grown and all of our lives are transitioning. When Christa graduated it didn't hit me as hard because I still had Scott to focus on. I feel both anxious and excitement. I'm looking forward to my role lightening up, but a little anxious about letting go as he enters adulthood. So when I came across this article yesterday it was just what I needed to read. I wanted to share it with any of you out there who may be going through this transition as well. It is a shorten version of the article, for the full version you can click the link below. The reason I only feel a "little" anxious is that I do have confidence in my children, as Christa has already done well on her own. I'm sure Scott will do fine as he begins this part of his journey through life. And at the end of the day, the one thing I feel the most when I think of my children and the changes we go through, is how truly blessed I have been to have such great, healthy and happy ones!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


The college acceptances are arriving. Kids are elated and parents are panicked. Your son cries, "I got in!" You smile and your heart sinks at the same time. "Is he ready?" "Am I ready?"

First, pat yourself on the back for getting them this far. If they have been accepted to college, you have already been successful. As a parent, you have invested nearly two decades of your time, money and love in this young person. It is natural to wonder if they'll be OK, if they'll make it in the world

To me, I think of young adults as baby foals with wobbly legs. They are just learning to walk and they will fall down. Only by falling down and picking themselves up, can they learn. As Roy says, "Life is a stern teacher. You get the test first and the lesson later."

Going off to college is a rite of passage. According to Joseph Campbell, mythology and rite supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward (Campbell, 1949). Every college student is a hero. "The standard path of the mythological adventure of the hero is presented by separation-initiation- return." The hero leaves the familiar (separation), ventures into the unknown (initiation), and returns victorious (return). This myth crosses culture and time. It is the hero myth. It is initiation into adulthood.

If our child is on a hero journey, so are we. But ours is slightly different. While they are being initiated into society, we are being freed. Campbell compares the lifespan to loading the camel. During the first half of life, we load the camel. We pile on the baggage of society: rules, expectations, obligations. But during the second half of our lives, we unload the camel and society's baggage. We unload ourselves of society's rules and obligations. We lighten our loads. Our children are piling on the baggage and we are taking it off. We are getting lighter.

But if our old selves are dying, new ones are being born. According to Campbell, this theme of death and resurrection is universal. It is your turn now. Turn your energy to yourself. Have fun. Remember all those things you always wanted to do but didn't have time for? Now you have time for neglected hobbies, old friends, and new adventures. You've paid the price of parenthood, you did your best, and now you are free. You owe it to your kids to stay alive- healthy and vital.

Letting go is the most benevolent thing you can do. And, it is not easy. It takes self-discipline. Roy told me about a cartoon he remembered. There was a young man dressed in a cap and gown at graduation. He was staring down at the world from outer space. He said to the world, "I have my A.B." And the world replied, "Stay with me and I'll teach the rest of the alphabet." The point is: they still have a lot to learn. But, you have taught them as much as you can. Let them go.

Campbell, J. (1949). The Hero with a Thousand Faces. New York: MJF Books.

Love is great

my love great quote

If love is great, and there are no greater things, then what I feel for you must be the greatest.


Busy Me

Hello, I hope your doing good today. I am doing great! I'm having quite a busy week, between getting ready for my new job that starts this coming Monday, (I love having to buy some new clothes for work, so no complaints there!), to getting my son Scott ready for his prom tomorrow. He will be quite the sharp dressed man with his black and red tux. I can't wait to share some pictures of him in it. It's hard to believe my baby is about to graduate high school! Where does the time go. One of the highlights of my week was spending some time with my grand kids, while I gave my daughter a well deserved break. I will still be able to take them for sleep over's on the weekend, and even though I'll miss being home so I can spend time with them whenever, my new job will be a benefit for them, as it will enable me to help out with many of the things they need. But most of all, I'll be able to spoil them just a little bit more, cause that's my right as a Mimi lol! Well I'm off now to take care of some more things, happy to be a busy me :)
Have a great day,

Briana and Christopher always finish
their lunch when it's pizza!

Picking prizes at the Arcade

Really Mimi, we just need to
wash our hands!

Life Is An Experiment

Hello, I hope your week is off to a good start. I just loved this saying when I came across it today. Thought you might too!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

"Don't be to timid or squeamish
about your Actions,
All life is an experiment,
the more experiments you
make, the better"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy Mother's Day

Hello, Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful Moms! Today I wanted to share with you a video I made in tribute to my Mother and My Mother in Law who both passed away in 2008. In it you will see their legacy's by viewing pictures of all the beautiful people they brought into this world before they left. My Mom had six children, which led to 10 grand children and one great granddaughter. My Mother in law had two sons, which led to 3 grandchildren and 2 great grand children. How I miss them, and still find myself having moments of grief. But as time goes by, I comfort myself by thinking of their beautiful spirits, their love, and how lucky I was to have had them in my life. So if your a Mom, kick back, relax and enjoy the very special day that you so deserve! I know I will.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Secret of happiness

happiness quote wallpaper

The secret of happiness is to make others believe that they are the cause of it.


Mother's Day Brunch

Hello, I was watching the show The Chew this week and they were sharing some recipe ideas for a Mother's Day Brunch. So I put together some of their breakfast recipes I liked from their website to share with you. Just in case some of you are cooking for your Mom, or if your the Mom, maybe you can get them to cook these for you! But no matter what reason you decide to use these recipes for, they will definitely add a different taste to your usual breakfast menu. Enjoy!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)

Carla Hall's Blueberry Pancakes
For the Pancakes:
3/4 cup Flour
1 tablespoon Baking Powder
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1 Egg (lightly beaten)
1 1/4 cup Buttermilk
Zest of 1 Lemon
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 tablespoons Butter (melted and cooled slightly)
1 pint Blueberries
For the Syrup:
1/2 cup Maple Syrup
1/4 cup Blueberry Jam

For the Pancakes:
Combine the flour, baking powder, sugar, and cinnamon in a large bowl.
In another bowl, combine the egg, buttermilk, 1 tsp vanilla extract,
lemon zest and melted butter. Make a well in the dry ingredients and
mix in the wet ingredients until combined but with small lumps.
Preheat an oven to 200F. Heat a griddle to medium heat. Grease lightly
with butter. Drop spoonfuls of batter onto the griddle, and when bubbles
begin to form on the surface, carefully drop blueberries into the pancakes,
then flip. Once golden brown on both sides, transfer to a plate in the oven
to keep warm. Then in a small saucepot, combine the maple syrup and
blueberry jam over medium heat and allow flavors to marry. Drizzle
pancakes with blueberry maple syrup to serve

Baked Eggs in Ham Cups
For the Dish:
2 teaspoon butter for the pan
4 slices of ham that's round
1 teaspoon pesto-1/4 tsp pesto per cup
8 eggs
4 cubes of mozzarella fresh or domestic
4 cherry tomatoes cut in half
Black pepper to taste

Butter 4 compartments of a metal muffin tin well
Fold the ham slices into quarters and then place one in each cup to
line it with ham. It will ruffle which is what you want. Place ¼ teaspoon
pesto in the bottom of the ham cup, then crack two eggs into a cup and
pour it in. Tuck in a piece of mozzarella, two halves of cherry tomatoes
and another ¼ teaspoon pesto then sprinkle with pepper to taste. No salt
needed because the ham may be salty and the pesto has some in it too.
Bake in a 375 degree preheated oven for 12-15 minutes till the white looks
set but the yolk is still a bit runny. Remove form the muffin tin and serve
in small bowls

Michael Symon's Herb Omelette
3 Eggs1 tablespoon Butter
1 tablepsoon Cream
Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper
1 tablespoon Tarragon (finely chopped)
1 tablespoon Chives (finely chopped)
1 tablespoon Parsley (finely chopped)
3 tablespoons Gruyere/Cheddar/or Goat Cheese (grated or crumbled)

Beat the eggs with the cream, Add desired herbs to taste. Heat a small
omelet pan over medium-high heat. Add the butter. Once it has foamed
and subsided, slowly add the eggs. Shake the pan gently, if necessary,
to spread the eggs evenly in the pan. Once they have set, about 30
seconds, use a spatula to gently lift the edges to allow the remaining
egg liquid to flow underneath to cook. Season eggs with salt and pepper.
Once the eggs have set but the top is still slightly runny, add the
cheese. Cook a few seconds longer, then fold over about a third of the
eggs. Slide the omelet out of pan, unflipped side first. Fold the rest
over as you plate, so that it sits on the plate folded under

Sweet Potato Patties
2 c. grated raw sweet potato ( I would
probably use canned ones!)
1/4 c. flour
2 tbsp. sugar

Wash, peel, and grate sweet potatoes. Add enough flour and
sugar to the sweet potatoes to make a mixture that can be
shaped into 2 inch patties, 1/2 inch thick. Fry patties
until golden brown

I'm So Excited

Hello, Remember that post a few days ago about that Second Chance I've been waiting for, well I'm so excited to tell you, it came through. I got the job I have really wanted for quite a while. I will be working for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts. It is a great organization to work for. Lots of room to grow professionally. I'm over the Moon, I'm almost in shock, I guess I could say I'm a lot of things! Feeling so many emotions. Feeling grateful that I had the determination to keep pursuing my goal. I was able to stay determined thanks to the love and support of my family, and with the help from a lot of you, my fellow bloggers and friends. Thank you so much for all your support on the days I really needed it. It meant more to me than you'll ever know. But most of all, I know for sure, I'm feeling so grateful that I'll be able to help take care of my family! So join me today in celebrating this news, by clicking the play button, turning up the volume and dancing a little bit! I mean you can't help but want to when you listen to the Pointer Sisters sing this song, right? right!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)



Hello, Isn't this a truth that we all need to hold on to in times of difficulties!
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


Roaring Times

Hello, Happy Saturday! This weekend we will be celebrating my Father in law's 86th Birthday. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter Father in law. He has been nothing but loving and supportive since I came into his life in 1983. Celebrating his birthday this weekend got me thinking about what life was like when he was born. So here are a few tidbits of what life was like in the Roaring 20's. I think Roaring is the perfect description of what that generation stood for. Times were a changing, especially for women!
Have a great weekend,
Janet :)

Larry, my Father in Law, with my late
Mother in Law, Elsie

Many of the automotive innovations that we think of as being modern
were in fact introduced in the 1920's. Things like electric powered cars,
four wheel drive, front wheel drive, and even hybrid fuel/electric cars.

The movies, radio shows, sophisticated advertising, and popular magazines all had an influence on the lives of 1920's youth who saw themselves as different from the older generation. Young people began to model themselves on movie and sports stars who represented a glamorous new age, but they also took on many of the negative traits of their idols like smoking, bad language, immorality, and selfishness. And so the new youth culture manifested itself as the flapper and Sheik

During Prohibition, Whiskey could be obtained by prescription from medical doctors. The labels clearly warned that it was strictly for medicinal purposes and any other uses were illegal, but even so doctors freely wrote prescriptions and drug-stores filled them without question, so the number of "patients" increased dramatically. No attempt was made to stop this practice, so many people got their booze this way. Over a million gallons were consumed per year through freely given prescriptions

The Roaring Twenties redefined womanhood — a new woman evolved; it became more acceptable to smoke and drink in public, closer body contact in dancing, shorter hair, make-up, different styles of dress, and greater participation in the workforce - all contributed to the new woman.

Go on, give it a try lol!

From coast to coast the " Charleston'' has caught the country swaying to its curious rhythm. No dance, since jazz first came into vogue with the "bunny-hug" and the "turkey-trot," has created such a furore. Enthusiasts ecstatically stamp to its syncopated measures, while others, equally in earnest, denounce it. But the controversy that is carried on everywhere concerning this latest mania has failed to stem its tide of popularity. America is "Charleston" mad

Book is a friend

book quote wallpaper

You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel as if you've lost a friend.

Strength and Resolve

Hello, I hope your doing well today. I couldn't help but feel the significance of beam #1271 as it was placed on top of One World Trade Center on Monday, making it officially the tallest building in New York City. It is more than just a building, it is symbolic of America's strength and resolve to overcome the devastation of 9/11. Living only a 5 hour drive from New York City, I regret never having visited the Twin Towers. So someday when this site is completed, I am going to make the trip to see the rebirth of this city. A simple, yet profound moment in time it was on Monday, as well as an example for all of us to live by.
Thanks for visiting,


An artist's rendition of the completed
One World Trade Center

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