Happy Mother's Day

Hello, Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful Moms! Today I wanted to share with you a video I made in tribute to my Mother and My Mother in Law who both passed away in 2008. In it you will see their legacy's by viewing pictures of all the beautiful people they brought into this world before they left. My Mom had six children, which led to 10 grand children and one great granddaughter. My Mother in law had two sons, which led to 3 grandchildren and 2 great grand children. How I miss them, and still find myself having moments of grief. But as time goes by, I comfort myself by thinking of their beautiful spirits, their love, and how lucky I was to have had them in my life. So if your a Mom, kick back, relax and enjoy the very special day that you so deserve! I know I will.
Thanks for visiting,
Janet :)


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