Get 'Kini Ready With Kettlebells
If you are anything like me, then you loathe going to the gym! Because I am not very fond of working out, I tend to like workout plans that are pretty much a one-stop-shop, meaning a total fitness workout. Kettlebells are just that, you get cardio and strength training rolled into one exercise session. This is hands down one of the best exercises to boost your metabolism, promote rapid weight loss, and achieve a lean, toned physique.
I usually do Kettlebell (with a 10lb kettlebell) training two times a week for about an hour with 30 second rest sessions in between each rep. Yes, you feel like death warmed over during, and afterwards [warning you now], but the results are amazing.
Check out this interesting article for more technical info about Kettlebells, and pick some up this weekend!
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