Zumba Baby!!

Hi Everyone,
I hope all is well with you, I am feeling great. I believe in the law of attraction more than ever today. In one of my recent posts I wrote about wanting to start working out, doing yoga, power walking. I put my thoughts out there to you all over the world and I feel the universe really puts things in motion for you. Then someone at my work tells me that the YMCA has yoga classes for only 5 dollars a class. So then I go buy some workout clothes. The next day as I was preparing to sign up at the Y in Hanover next to my work and without knowing my plans my sister tells me my niece Lauren signed up to workout at the Y there in Hanover. I said that is what I was just about to do there, check out their yoga classes etc. So I talked to Lauren tonight and she wants to workout with me too. I am going to go sign up today and we are going to do a Zumba Class on Sunday. It doesn't start until 3 in the afternoon and I will be working next door until 2. They live in Hanover and I work there so it all comes together. I love to dance, I always danced in my room as a kid, and when me and my friends got fake ID's we went clubbing 4 nights a week. I have fallen in love with Laurens dog Abby as I walked her and enjoyed her companionship, now I have a little dog like hers named Abby. My sister and I gave birth to our daughters 364 days apart, Lauren was born August 12th, 1983 and Christa was born August 11th, 1984. So Christa and Lauren were like sisters in a way growing up. When Karen had Robert, Kim and Lauren I loved it, they were more like siblings then nieces and nephews. They brought such joy back into my life. I missed Karen very much when she moved out, but then loved her coming over with the kids, I would watch out the window for them to arrive. Most of all from writing this it brings back to me the power of family and how all of us in our lives get what we need and not what we want. Put yourself and your thoughts out there, in the long run it will only lead to good things in your life. Fear less. Now I have a family member to dance with, nice, life is good. I hope all of you have some Zumba in your day:)
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

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