Because of You My Friends

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. I came across this song I love from Janet Jackson when I was updating my videos. It made me think (I know not again, but it is one of many of my bad habits!!) of each and everyone that has crossed my path even if it was a short time or for the long haul be it the Internet or in my life. So in the spirit of love and friendship I made this video for all of you. Thanks to Facebook I have been able to reconnect with my friends from elementary to high school. Last night at work I did a return and it was one of my best girlfriends growing up, so we are going to get together again. It's amazing to me that you get what you need at different times in your life, there must be a higher power. I am so glad I starting blogging because now I have friends all around the world. I have such gratitude to all of you for your support over the past two years. With every visit, comment, and laugh together you enrich my life and make my day in ways I can never find the words to truly express what I feel. Your encouragement has helped me to keep on writing and open up in ways I have never knew I could, especially being raised a good ol' Catholic girl LOL! If I could I would hop on a plane and give you all a big hug and kiss. Know that once your in my heart forever you will stay there. Henry aka Soulmerlin you have been my biggest supporter with your comments and a widget of my blog on yours. Maybe someday me, you and Robin can watch the summer solstice together. Know that with every visit to your blogs you inspire me. Kimmy you have brought so much light in my life. Bing you have as well. Robin you write so beautifully and I love to hear your laughter. Donna your friendship helped carry me through the toughest time in my life when we worked together, and I love you for that. I can say this about each and everyone of you out there but I would have to write for days. These are just a few examples of how you have made me happier today than I have ever been. I am more comfortable with myself and It feels "Very Good"! It is so freeing to be yourself and not give a shit what others think LOL! I have to do counseling once a month in order to get my medication for my anxiety but my counselor considers me now a success story because she knows my life's story. So when I go we just shoot the breeze and she helps me with getting back to school and is trying to get me on the board at the local NAMI. I truly want to advocate for the mentally ill for the rest of my life because of my love for my mother. So even though she helps me, your friendship therapy has helped me even more and you have made her job a lot easier!! So it is because of you that I walk with more of a spring in my step and notice that the sun is shining a little brighter, so Thank you, Thank you:). I wish I shared Janet's looks along with her name, she has one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen, don't you think? Speaking of the Jackson's don't forget to go to your local Target and get your free 3D glasses for the Grammy's this Sunday, I can't wait to watch it. They will be showing Michael Jackson's This Is It movie clips. I saw the movie with Christa and it was amazing. This tour would have been one of his greatest by far. You also get to see the side of him that the media never shared. What a loving soul he was. If you are around my age the song Ben has some sort of special meaning to you. When he sang it in the movie I lost it!! Then he dedicates it to some people which made me lose it a little more LOL! I woke up this morning to news about my Toyota that now has me a little more nervous but I know my my guardian angels are with me. I am thinking of maybe leasing another car which stinks because I love my Rav :( I was so excited when I read my email last night. The Dave Matthew's Band announced their summer tour dates. They will be coming to Mansfield this June and it is a great place to see them according to my sister, every one tailgates and like I have said before it is like being in a Woodstock atmosphere. If you want to have some fun for yourself this summer, get a ticket! If you need more time to read the inspirational sayings, simply click pause. Have a great day!
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

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