Random Acts

Hi Everyone,
Happy Friday, I usually have to work weekends but I am glad I have this one off because the Patriots begin the Playoff series this weekend. I hope they can do good without Wes Welker. What a loss for the team. If you are still looking for a New Year's resolution you may want to follow this women's idea of Random Acts of Kindness or maybe not. I think this is one of the funniest videos I have seen on Youtube. Her face looks weird but you will understand why after you watch it. I think a good laugh is a great way to start off the weekend!! Hope you have a good one. I am looking forward to Monday for a change because I am going to the Doctor's with Christa and Briana and we will find out if she is having a girl or boy. When I asked Dana my son in law, what do you want this time, he said he didn't care as long as it was not both LOL! This was around the time they had that runner in the news trying to decide her gender. When I laughed he said there are more out there then you know, I just love him, he is such a good husband and dad. If you enjoyed the DMB music and would like to hear more of their music and a true sense of the atmosphere at their shows I suggest you watch the two step video in my music section.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

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