My First Youtube Vid

 I still don't know how I feel about my first youtube video, I can't even watch it back because I feel like a rambling fool! LOL Ah well, at least I can cross making a video to post on youtube off of my bucketlist!

So ladies, I had two strand twists in for about 4-5 days before finally taking them out. If your twist outs normally leave you with undefined waves, try leaving the twists in for a few days before taking them out.

Here are a few pictures from this weeks set;

Forgive the uber crazy lighting, I should be getting my Nikon back this week. I am using a point and shoot, so the flash can get kinda wacky sometimes.  - These pics were taken before I started separating the curls, and fluffing my hair. This was right before I did the video.

Here is how I achieved this look: 
  • I started by sectioning off my hair in four sections (one on the top, one near the nape, and the same on the other side of the head)
  • I clarified my hair with Neutrogena Anti Residue Shampoo (section by section)
  • I followed up with Keracare Moisturizing Shampoo, it is my fav!
  • After I have thoroughly shampooed my hair, I apply conditioner to each section. My conditioner of choice is Jessicurl Weekly Deep Treatment. After applying treatment to each section, I cover my head with a plastic cap and sit under the dryer for about 30 minutes (at 50 degrees).
  • I rinse all of the conditioner out (section by section) with COLD water, this helps seals the cuticle. I also take the time to detangle each section under running water with a detangling comb.
  •  After detangling each section my hair is ready to be styled (my hair is still sectioned off at this point) I take down one quadrant, and add some Oyin Honey Hemp Condish (sparingly). I work it through the hair with my hands, and alternating with my Jilbere Shower Comb. 
  • From that section, I take small-medium sized chunks of hair, and add a smidgen of miss jessie's curly pudding . Then I twist!! It normally takes me about two hours to complete the twists.  
  • Once the twist are done, I spray Oyin's Juices & Berries all over my head, and take a little bit of Monoi De Tahiti Oil and rub that down each twist.
  • I stuff all my twists in my bonnet, and thats it!
I normally leave my hair twisted Sunday night - Friday night. I moisturize my hair daily with Oyin
Juices and Berries, and seal with Monoi De Tahiti Oil. I do "steam treatments" daily by removing my bonnet when I am in the shower and allowing the steam to penetrate my twists.  

When I take my twists down, I normally have Vatika Oil, or Monoi De Tahiti Oil in my hands prior to undoing my twists, this reduces that chance I will have frizzies with the takedown. I take down the twists, separating each twist into 2-3 sections, more if I want HUGE hair. After all the twists are out, and the hair separated, I turn my head over, and give it a shake...running my hands through my hair at the root only (it adds volume).

To maintain this style, you can stuff the curls in a large bonnet every night, spritz moisturizer and fluff in the morning (this is what I do). Or you can make 6 big braids, (be sure to spray on some Juices and Berries to making braiding easy) I usually use a spray moisturizer (Juices & Berries) and some sort of moisturizing creme (Miss Jessie's Buttercreme) then you can stuff those braids under the bonnet. Spritz with moisturizer, unbraid the hair, and fluff! I usually wear two strand twists for one week, and my twist out for one week.

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