
[circa 2006]

I get a lot of messages from ladies on lhcf who are curious to see what my hair looked like prior to starting my healthy hair journey. There was actually a point where I actually did not care what I did to my hair [to be brutally honest, I could care less what I did at certain points, as long as it was long enough to slap a weave on it. It was Kosher.].  So I dug deep in the crates and put together some photos. The picture up top is the shortest photographed length [my hair was definitely shorter than this. and not by choice] I had on hand. This was at a time when I was coming out of wearing weaves heavily, and honestly I knew I would be bald if I continued, so I took a break. However I still flat ironed weekly, curled my hair for every function, experimented with color, and only deep conditioned whenever I felt like it.  I started wearing weaves again once I retained more length, because I honestly felt like I could not leave the house without 18 inches + of hair plopped on my head. Sad but true. I felt less glamorous, less desirable...

It wasn't until the end of 2008 that I started really taking care of my hair [by this time, I was about 2-3 inches away from bsb], and I am glad I did. Aside from growth retention, my hair is a lot thicker, and for once in 10+ years I am finally able to leave the house without the need to have my hair pressed. Most importantly I have gained a deeper sense of self confidence.

So here are a few [ok more than a few. this is pic heavy] pics from over the years.  I tried to put them in chronological order. "The Weave Pics" are separate and in no particular order.

 Here are pics from the installs I have had over the years. 

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