A Weed is a Plant Whose Virture is Not Yet Known - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I rarely watch the Oscar's because I am not much of a movie or tv person. Yet this year, I decided to play nice, and tune in to the festivities. One thing was quite apparent this year though, and that was the underlying stories behind some of this years nominee's/attendees. 

I am a sucker for an underdog. While I respect people from all walks of life who set out for their dreams, I have an infinite amount of admiration for those unsuspecting individuals who dream big and make their dreams a reality. The stories of  Gabourey Sidibe, Tom Ford [who has never directed a movie in his life, until now], and Mo'nique sound like tall tales, but the reality is, it could be any of us.

The potential is in all of us. It is up to us to step out on faith and trust ourselves! This week lets all try to do something we never thought we would do, even if it is just a little thing. We only have one shot at this crazy, beautiful thing called life; let's give it all we've got!
Forever 21 is having a killer sale! This outfit (minus the boots & scarf) was under $10! My "pleather" boots weren't that much either, I think I got them for $30 in the Fashion District [Downtown L.A]

Skirt: Forever 21, Sweater: Forever 21, Stockings: H&M, Boots: Fashion District, Faux Fur: Vintage

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