To Market ..To Market

I have always wanted to check out the Hollywood Farmer's Market, but I could never get myself out of bed before 9AM on a Sunday morning. This weekend, I woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and made my way to market with list in hand. When I got there, I really wondered why I hadn't taken advantage of the abundance fresh fruits and veggies [all pesticide free] at those phenomenal prices a bit sooner.

All of the bundled herbs were ONE DOLLAR! Funny because I just bought a tiny little package of "fresh" herbs from Ralph's for $3.99 [and it wilted a day later]. And since we are on the subject of produce going bad less than 24 hours after purchase, did you know that some items are treated and coated to give a "fresh" appearance? As if pesticide laden produce wasn't enough of a deterrent, I now have to worry that it isn't as "fresh" as it appears.Check out this article titled Farmer's Market vs. Supermarket.

Meat and eggs were also on my list. Since I can't bring myself to go vegan,  I want to purchase eggs from chickens that are cage-free, and meat from free range animals [supporting local farmers is also a plus]. The prices for poultry and eggs were also surprisingly affordable [a little higher than grocery store prices].

I did my hair in 8 big braids, and left them in for a day. Nothing spectacular, I have been fighting a cold for the past few days, so I didn't want to spend much time fussing over my hair.

The weather was also surprisingly warm, and I must have missed the memo because I dressed in layers and grabbed my warm sweater on the way out-the-door. I wasn't wearing anything spectacular; a dress I picked up from Zara, some Forever 21 ripped skinny's, my $1 clutch [score], and those Michael Kors shoes. My sweater was also from Forever.

I picked up some fresh Orange Honey too! I think I will try it with my Earl Grey to see how it fairs.
They had flowers at stellar prices, so I picked up a bouquet [the flowers I am holding in the 1rst pic only cost me a whopping $6 dollars].

I also picked up some Basil from a vendor who had the most AMAZING pesto sauce to ever hit my taste buds. They grow their own Basil hydroponically, which helps cut out the bitter taste which originates from the soil. I purchased a "bunch", for about $4. - I made dinner last night using my herbs and veggies purchased from the Farmer's Market, and I could definitely taste the difference.

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