DIY Frayed Fabric Rosette Neclace

I love rosette bib statement necklaces, however buying them can cost a pretty penny. This necklace can easily be made with scrap fabric for about 1/6th of the retail cost.

You can make this out of any fabric, however I recommend using cottons over silky fabrics, as cotton frays easily. Also keep in mind a color scheme when picking out your fabrics, using a print with a solid color is always visually appealing.

You will need:

Scraps of fabric [45" in length]
Glue Fun
Extra Fabric [to cover felt]
End Fasteners

Above are a few different fabric options; Notice how I have a matching solid to go with my prints - Pick your fabric and "rip" pieces that are about an inch wide. Don't worry, it does not have to be perfect.

After making your strips, fold the strip in half. Make a knot in the middle of the strip [you will have two free ends], then begin to twist the two ends together.

After twisting the free ends, begin to wrap the twisted section around the knot, and hot glue the rosette as you go.

Cut your pattern for your bib necklace out of felt - 
Take your rosettes and begin to glue them onto the felt, use smaller sizes of rosette's to help fill in gaps; don't worry about the white areas around the edges of the necklace, you will cut that off when you are done.
Now trim away all of the excess felt around the edges of the necklace. At this point, hot glue your cord across the back of the necklace. - If you would like to make the back of the necklace a little neater, hot glue some scrap fabric on top of the back, then trim away the edges. 
Add your end fasteners, and you are good to go!

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