Do You Know Where You're Going To; Do you Like the Things That Life is Showing You

Here lately I have been reading all of the things said about Gabourey Sidebe, and it really hurts my heart. People can really be cruel. I can only imagine what it would feel like to come that far, only to get panned not because of your lack of talent; but your physical appearance. While I agree that she should lose some weight [strictly for health reasons], I don't think she should conform to the "stick thin" image that most of the Hollywood execs are shoving down our throats these days.

I started to wonder, if she had to do it all again would she? I was teased a lot as a child, and some days it was unbearable. Being a tall, lanky kid with bucked teeth, and glasses really didn't help me climb the social ladder in school. In fact, I became somewhat of an introvert. So I can definitely empathize with Gabourey. More importantly, I respect her.

She wears a wig; so what, she wears powder blue Uggs with a checkered jacket; who cares. Newsflash! everyone has their days. Some more than others, and that should be ok. In the grand scheme of things, is it really that important?

Now don't get me wrong, I love looking my best. Honestly, I feel good when I look good. And if I ever held a position which meant I was to be a regular in the public-eye, I may even try a little more than I normally do. However, I couldn't, and I wouldn't be "on" all the time. Who would I be living for if I did that? Chasing the approval of everyone will turn you into a maniac. Ask the many celebs that are hooked on prescription drugs.

Sorry for my long-winded rant. -

I am wearing an outfit from Forever 21. The cotton yellow dress I got last summer. The black and white wrap shirt I got a few weeks ago for $2.99 during their blowout of a sale. My ring, and bracelets were also from Forever. - My purse I scored for about $5 downtown in the fashion district. - My boots are Michael Kors.

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