Happy Dancing

Hi Everyone,How are ya, I am good but tired. The video of Bri meeting Christopher came out upside down again. I paid for an upgrade but still trying to figure it out. We are all running on Adrenalin, Dana mostly on espresso shots. I have bri again tomorrow and then Christa will be home tomorrow night. What a day I had, so high and so messed up because of no sleep, when I went to get lunch with Dana we noticed a women in front of us had on her back windshield a drawing of a dick and balls with something written like squirt, and her kids are in the car, I said Dana I gotta tell her, he said no just leave it and I couldn't stop laughing my ass off looking at it and thinking of it, I felt like I did a hit of acid. When I left Wareham I drove in the wrong direction, got pulled over for speeding again. I was going 48 miles an hour in a 30 mile an hour zone. I only got a warning cause I pulled the Oh I am just so tired, my grandson was born today. Then I go to sip my spring water but picked up the wrong bottle. I picked up the one that had cigarette buts put out in it, OMG, way to go Janet just drink your cigarettes that you should have quit by now!! Donna and Christa have the same Doctor, Dr Adelstein and he was a riot Christa said during the delivery, Dana has a weak stomach and he kept calling him over to cut the cord, he just can't handle that, He kept saying to Dana I see you over there hiding in the corner, c'mon now, you can do it as Dana was about to faint and was holding his stomach LMAO!! Donna I am also doing one of our happy dances to good thing. Life is a good thing, with many great moments and people in it. I don't need to post a music video with this post, just listen closely, you'll hear my heart singing.

Thanks for visiting my blog,

Love ya,

Janet :)

Already helping out, click on picture

to see it larger, this is so beautiful

in my eyes :)

Tough kid to watch huh?

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