[I am in love w/head wraps; her skin isn't too shabby either - Source: The Color Is Black]
Your mix should be spread about one inch thick on your skin, you can use your hands; or you can use a cake spatula like I do [hey; it's no frills over here].
Here is what you need:
1 cup of Bentonite Clay
3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel
2 cups of Distilled Water
Large Crock Pot
5 thin towels or strips of old sheets
Plastic or Glass Bowl
Here is what you do:
1. Boil your water, then remove it from heat; allowing it to stand for about 15 minutes, or until comfortable to the touch. Add the remainder of your ingredients, and mix well.
2. Drink plenty of water prior to applying the body wrap, this helps flush out toxins as well.
3. Take a warm/hot shower before applying the wrap, this will open up your pores.
4. Take 5 thin towels folded lengthwise [ones you don't mind using for this purpose], wet them, wring out the excess water, then stack them in a crock pot set to low.
6. Apply the mixture to your skin
7. Remove the towels from the crockpot, wrap them around your body.
8. Read a book, listen to music, or meditate for an hour.
9. Rinse in warm water
10. Enjoy your freshly exfoliated skin!
Benefits of Body Wraps:
Tones & Tightens Skin
Purported to Help w/Cellulite
Improves Circulation
Detoxifies Skin
Helps Clear Up Acne/Blemishes
Relieves Joint Pain
Purported to Help w/Weight Loss <--Although I never noticed this.