Promise Me You'll Always Remember: You're Braver Than You Believe, And Stronger Than You Seem, And Smarter Than You Think - A.A Milne

I hope everyone had a fabulous three day weekend! A big thank you to all of our troops who put their lives on the line everyday, I truly appreciate the work you do each and every day!!!! My heart also goes out to the families of all of our brave fallen soldiers. -

As you can see my hair is still pressed. As it gets 'older', it starts to get more bouffant-ish, so it is at this time that I normally do a braid out, or Caruso set. This weekend, I opted for a Caruso set. I didn't leave the curlers in my hair that long [I normally leave them in for an hour], but it still gave me a bit of curl nonetheless.

If you try the Caruso set, make sure you have enough water in the component at all times [Keep the water level at the fill line]. This ensures that you get the same amount of hold throughout your entire head.

I scored this little bat-wing style shirt and clutch bag at an estate sale. I believe both items were a dollar. The skirt I picked up at Wasteland a year or so ago; I think it has been one of my favorite "wasteland" finds aside from this dress.

Even though there isn't yellow in my outfit. I chose the yellow bag for an unexpected splash of color. 

Big shoutout to Michael Britton of His Hers Chicago for the photo shoot!
Lace Top: H&M
Floral Blouse: Thrifted
Skirt: Thrifted
Tights: H&M
Purse: Thrifted
Booties: Jeffrey Campbell

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