The Positive Thinker Sees The Invisible, Feels The Intangible, And Achieves The Impossible.

This weekend, my family and I made a brief trip to Las Vegas to pick up my Aunt Susan's ashes. My mother is leaving for Africa this week and plans to disperse them there. Every time I think of Susan I am reminded of how precious life is, and how blessed I am just to be alive. No matter what is going on in your life, give God the glory every morning when you wake, because that is the biggest blessing of all.

A butterfly landed on my mini me's hand, so I snapped a few pics before it flew off!

I spent the latter part of my Sunday night re-organizing my apt and cleaning shop. I finally got around to potting some cool plants I bought from the farmer's market a couple of weeks ago. Plants emit a source of positive energy, so it is good to put them in areas around the home where you need it most. In my case, its my workstation, as it is here that I find it the hardest to concentrate. The energy that you create around your workspace greatly affects the vibrations of the work you put out. The more positive the energy, the higher the vibration; which allows you to lift others through your work as well.

If you are having mental roadblocks, issues concentrating, or having a hard time blocking out "real-life" in order to tap into your creative side; take some time to reorganize your workstation. Put positive affirmations on a poster board in front of you, put some plants around your desk, pray/meditate and ask for a "clear and open" mind before you begin to work; you will be amazed at the big difference these small changes can make!

I believe this entire outfit [minus the shoes] was well under $5 - I normally strive to find outfits that are $10 and under, as I am not really into spending 1/2 of my income on dispensable's like clothing [although I will splurge from time to time]. I also like the fact that thrifting allows me to express myself with clothing that is comparable to "one of a kind" pieces. I purchased everything from an Estate Sale with the exception of the oversized clutch that was given to me by my Great Grandmother, and the shoes which I purchased at Saks Fifth Ave.

My hair in these pics is styled courtesy of a week-old twistout! The wind got a hold of it and blew it to smithereens. I love the Donna Marie Lock & Twist Pudding, but I don't really care for the amount of shrinkage [especially in the back of my head]. I think I will try a dry twistout with this stuff to see how it works out. Of course I will keep you all posted.
Shirt: Vintage
Shorts: Vintage
Oversized Clutch: Great Grandmother's
Belt: Vintage
Double Platform's: Fendi

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