All About Hair: Quick Tip | Detangling + Shampoo Routine >> Video

Maintaining healthy hair begins with developing a sound regimen. Equally important is the proper handling of your hair during styling sessions [which can often be overlooked]. You must take great care in every aspect of your routine in order to ensure the most length retention coupled with the optimal overall health.

Here are the benefits of detangling prior to shampooing:
  • Hair is easier to manage during styling sessions
  • Speeds up styling time, as there are minimal to no tangles after shampooing + conditioning
  • Ideal method to help transitioners reduce stress, tangles and matting during styling/detangling sessions
  • Reduces excess stress and loss of elasticity due to wet combing
To demonstrate, I filmed this video which outlines my detangling & shampoo routine. Here's what's covered in this tutorial:

Lightly spritz hair with water+conditioner mix: Add two cups of water to about 3 heaping tablespoons of conditioner. This preps the hair for detangling by imparting softness and increasing manageability. Spritz the hair just until damp.

Divide hair into four sections: It's best to work with natural and transitioning hair in sections to minimize breakage and decrease chances of splits, tangles, matting, and knots. Shampooing in sections also helps ensure the hair has been cleansed thoroughly and is free from product buildup. 
Detangle with a seamless comb: Detangling hair while soaking wet may cause breakage and unnecessary hair loss, as it is important to remember that this is the time your hair is in it's most fragile state. I recommend detangling prior to shampooing on damp hair with a seamless comb as demonstrated in this video. A seamless comb is ideal as there is nothing for the hair to "catch" and "snag" on, which keeps the ends of your hair happy and free of splits [given the rest of your regimen is sound]. 
Start at the ends of your hair and work your way up to prevent stress and damage from detangling. 

Shampoo hair in sections: In short, shampooing hair in sections helps to keep the hair more manageable and free of tangles. It also ensures that your hair will be thoroughly cleansed given that you are working with smaller sections.  - Another useful tip is shampooing your hair in front of the mirror since it makes cleansing hard to reach areas a bit easier.

Massage scalp with fingertips: Gently massage your scalp using your fingertips in a circular motion. Using your fingertips instead of your fingernails is important to remember as not to damage the cuticle.

Check hair for buildup: Part sections of hair and check the roots for product buildup. If you notice film and/or residue, apply additional shampoo to the area and cleanse well. 

Rinse with cool water:    One of the most important steps in shampooing hair is to rinse with cold water to seal the cuticle. If the cuticles are left open, hair may appear dull, and be prone to excess tangles in addition to frizz.

Products Used In This Video:
Conditioner: Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose
Comb: Jilbere Shower Comb [Sally's Beauty]
Bottle: Round Spray Bottle [Sally's Beauty]

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