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Janet :)

History of Angels in the Kabbalah
One of the richest sources of Angelic lore is derived from the Jewish mystical tradition know as the Kabbalah. Jewish folklore claims that before God created the world we live in, he taught the Kaballah to the Angels. Adam was the first man to receive these teachings, which were given to him in book form by the Archangel Raziel just as he and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. The teachings of the Kabbalah were suppose to enable Adam and Eve-or at least their descendants-to return once again to paradise (paradise comes from the Hebrew word pardes meaning "orchard"). It is claimed that the book of Raziel or Sepher Raziel was therefore the first Book ever written and was extensive compendium of ancient Hebrew magical lore. The structure of existence as described by Kabbalists shows the desecending logical stages through which God brought the original divine scheme into being. Various spellings can found for the Kabbalah and these correspond with different historical periods and traditions. The expression "Tree of Life" was popularized in the middle ages. Most spiritual traditions have a "creation" story in which a creative power from another realm creates the universe. The Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabbalah is no different: God, the Divine Presence, omnipotent, indefinable and without form, manifests the world from nothing. When God created the world and made what was formless into form, the first idea created light. God then separated the light from the darkness (male/female or yin/yang) and thereby defined polarity (a relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies, ex: good and evil)
According to the Kabbalah, Angels are spiritual powers, frequencies and channels that are used like messengers between the physical and metaphysical worlds. Every angel has his own role. In Kabbalah tradition Angels called “Omdim” (Standers) as opposed to human beings who are known as “Holchim” (Walkers) based on the theory that angels don’t have a way to change their nature whilst men do. We find written in the Zohar - the main written work in Kabbalah tradition - (Kedoshim 16:108),
“.. And there is not even a blade of grass in the ground that does not have a supernal force upon it IN THE UPPER WORLDS. ..”
Ha-Ari explains there are four types or bands of Angels: These are the Four angels that are said to be the secret of upper Merkabah, and they are the root of the four essences of life. Water, Fire, Air, Earth
From those four essences come: Michael, Gabriel, Oriel, Rafael
What is Kabbalah?
Kabbalah predates any religion or theology. It was given to mankind by the Creator, without any prerequisites or preconditions. According to Kabbalistic teachings, the universe operates according to certain supremely powerful principles. By learning to understand and act in accordance with these precepts, we will vastly improve our lives today, and ultimately we will achieve true fulfillment for ourselves and for all humanity. Just as basic physical laws such as gravity and magnetism exist independently of our will and awareness, the spiritual laws of the universe influence our lives every day and every moment. Kabbalah empowers us to understand and live in harmony with these laws -- to use them for the benefit of ourselves and the world.
Kabbalah is much more than an intellectually compelling philosophical system. It is a precise description of the interwoven nature of spiritual and physical reality -- and it is a full complement of powerful, practical methods for attaining worthy goals within that reality. Simply put, Kabbalah gives you the tools you need to achieve happiness, fulfillment, and to bring the Light of the Creator into your life. It is the way to gain the peace and joy you want and deserve at the very core of your being.
Cool picture of the tree of life, don't you think :)