Eat | Drink | Play >> Week In Photos

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see
the whole staircase, just take the first step."

-Martin Luther King, Jr. 

I had a blast this past week hanging with friends and meeting new faces; here are a few pics snapped from my event at The Room and from Rocky Rivera's video release screening! Cheers to girl power, stepping out on faith, and women supporting each other! - I have been quite busy this week so I will spend the weekend answering comments + emails. To answer one question, I will do a tutorial on that DIY top from earlier this week! I just have to find a way to film the video which doesn't expose my lady parts all across YouTube. lol

I'm finally planning a natural hair + total wellness meet-up that may take place near the beginning of November. I'd like to get a head count of how many people are interested so that I can choose the perfect venue. You don't have to have "natural hair" to join in on the fun, as the premise is a gathering of positive and supportive women discussing goals, life, hair, beauty etc. If you're interested please send an email to and I will inform you of a date once I have solidified a location!! This should be fun!
My girl Monica Payne! Check out her blog for places to go in L.A - I love all of her events, always a chill vibe with good people! 
I tried something a bit different with my hair; I'm going to report back next week to make sure it wasn't just a fluke!
I loved her energy! Grammy Nominated writer Khadia
 I heart these ladies xoxo
Asael giving us his B-boy stance!
Alicia and Rocky Rivera!

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