Our Greatest Glory Is Not In Never Falling, But In Rising Every Time We Fall - Confucious

I really dig this pic, and her cut [source]
The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall. He frees himself and shows the way to others. Freedom and slavery are mental states.- Mahatma Gandhi
I haven't always been the person you see on this blog [and I have a long way to get to the person I want to become]. The truth is, there were many low points in my life where I felt like I was sentenced to an eternity of missed chances, and misfortunes. I was so unhappy with decisions I made in my life and the hurt others caused me, that I could never move forward because I couldn't forgive myself or them. I was ashamed of what my life had become and felt like I could never turn it around. I scoffed when people said "it's never too late", as I felt if they looked at my life they would change their giddy tune. In hindsight, the beauty is that all of my experiences have shaped the person I have become today. 

Forgiveness is liberating. Whether you forgive yourself, or forgive others for causing you pain, you must forgive in order to move on to the next phase of your life. Holding on to pain and resentment only causes inner conflict which breeds a stagnant life-space. You have a choice this very minute to direct the flow of your life, you can steer your life towards peace, happiness, and fulfillment; or you can row your life down the stream of hurt, turmoil, and resentment. Trust, I have lived in the latter for quite some time and it is no fun.

When life gets you down, you have to keep pushing. When people let you down, you have to keep smiling. You cannot allow the normal flow of life to break your spirits. For life is a constant flow of experiences; some good, some bad.  Find solace in knowing that wounds always heal, emotions subside, and clarity will most certainly resume. 

How did I manage to overcome such pain? I was tired of fighting myself. Self inflicted wounds cut much deeper than those inflicted by others. I began to meditate, exercise, and live again. Instead of being a recluse in the confines of my "sanctuary" [it was anything but], I began to get out and interact. The more I focused on things other than my "misfortunes" the more fortunate I became. I'm still in the same tax bracket, live in the same apartment, drive the same car, and have the same amount of bills every month. The only change that happened was the rewiring of my mindset. I became less dependent on my external environment, and more focused on finding happiness within. This is why I always talk about the power of positive thought; choose your thoughts wisely. What you think, you will become. 

Here are a few things I do to relieve stress and maintain continuity with my most positive self:
Meditate Twice Daily: I like to do this during sunrise, as it signifies rebirth and rejuvenation. Meditating first thing in the morning gives me the ability to start my morning off with a sense of calmness and mental clarity, it also helps ready my mind and heart to receive all the gifts the universe has to offer. 

Meditating during sunset signifies my gratitude for the gifts of the day, as well as letting go of any stressful situations; I let my stress and anxiety go down with the setting of the sun. I normally meditate on a beautiful quiet hilltop and I position myself so that I am aligned with the sun, as it represents perfect beauty, and the constant flow of nature.

Exercise w/music: I take at least a 30 minute run to relieve stress. As it takes about 20-30 minutes for your body to release hormones such as epinephrine which helps lower your anxiety/stress levels. 

Read: Here are a few books that I highly recommend. I refer to them when I need an extra boost or positive affirmations.
Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions & Transform Your Life
The Life Organizer: A Woman's Guide To A Mindful Year
The How of Happiness: How To Get The Life You Want
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