I'm Disgusting, Think Not

Hi Everyone, Happy Friday! Today I wanted to share this article I came across on the Internet for all of the women my age who find themselves enjoying their sexuality in their later years. Know that you are right where you should be, it is a healthy and normal stage of life. This stage of my life was sparked when I went away to Aruba with my husband last year with two other couples. Before the trip I went tanning with the two other wives, and on the beach they shared with me all the excuses they were going to use not to be with their husbands intimately. I felt like I was odd or something, because their views on intimacy were that it was awful, bad. I had not hung out with women my age for a long time because of my busy home life. I was ready to share how I was buying sexy lingerie to surprise my husband, how I was looking forward to being intimate in paradise. So I kept my mouth shut instead! I just felt sorry for them because they are at the age like me where they should be enjoying themselves again in every way. But I found out on vacation with them they only enjoy smoking pot and drinking and sitting and vegetating. I was trying to hard I was told when I listened to Dave Matthews and wanted to make conversation and have some laughs, seriously! I shit you not, good thing I did not ask to go out dancing or anything like that!! I realized they are just boring people all around. They might as well be 90 yrs old, God forgive me, but it is true. We will never go away with couples again, we had more fun on our own. So to get back on track, (sorry about that, venting over wasted time and money!) Trust me, because of my experience, when I say the most important thing is women, always remember it is not bad, awful, and you are not disgusting to be secure in your sexuality, as some small minded people may try to tell you, or make you feel, which happened to me when I did finally express this part of myself to these certain people. I allowed them to make me feel bad about myself for a while, but now I realize they are the disgusting ones, they are in a sick place, for projecting shame and a negative attitude on what is a beautiful thing between two people. Embrace this freedom and all the freedoms that comes with middle age, I know I am!
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Love ya,
Janet :)


Women Get Better With Age – and So Does the Sex

Just like fine wine, women get better with age – and so does the sex. During our younger years, social time is spent either in excessive party-mode or completely focused on academic and personal development. Curiosity about sex is generally fulfilled by amateur experimentation, books, films, and/or random hearsay from others. Our first intimate relationships mainly consist of trying to figure out what we’re doing and becoming comfortable with sharing our bodies with another person. Most young women feel extremely insecure about how they look, as they tend to compare themselves to all the other girls – even airbrushed supermodels in magazines and on TV. Lacking self-confidence and experience, teenage girls and women in their early 20’s are generally not as knowledgeable or skillful in the bedroom, unable to fully enjoy the passion and potential of intimacy.

Earlier in life, sex is mostly hormone driven, but as a person ages it becomes much more about sensuality. Traditionally, couples begin their families in their 20’s and spend the next 15-20 years consumed with domestic duties, at soccer practice and other kid-focused activities. The men are focused on building their careers with the added stress of providing for their families. Women may also try to juggle their careers and motherhood. Couples struggle to stay in balance with playing house, being good parents, and basic daily survival rather than nourishing their relationship. A hot steamy sex life tends to be pushed to the side because of family dynamics.

But what happens when the children become teenagers themselves, and no longer need their parents as much? The ‘glue’ that has kept couples together becomes more independent and spends more time away from home. This is a time when long-term relationships may require renegotiation. Divorce is more prevalent during this period, or married couples may find themselves falling in love with each other all over again. It is a chance for intimacy that they may have never had before, as they start to spend more time with each other and reconnect sexually. As their lives slow down, there’s more time to focus on rekindling their relationship and exploring a deeper intimate connection.

Whether a long-time married woman or a divorcee, middle-aged and older women seem to enjoy better sex more often than when they were younger. They are more comfortable with their bodies, and tend to feel more self-confident and secure than many younger women. With an empowered attitude and an undeniably sexy projection of their energy, older women (who take good care of themselves) can easily attract the attention of old and young men alike. They know what they want and can be explicitly directive with men in how to pleasure them. Most men can appreciate that, as it takes the guesswork out of how to best satisfy their lover.

Studies confirm that middle-aged women are more sexually active as compared to young women; findings indicate women between 31 and 54 are able to enjoy better orgasms than women aged between 18 and 30. Also, as women age, they are more likely to experience vaginal and G-spot orgasms more often and more intensely. Most young women under 30 have much higher estrogen levels and their vaginal lining is too thick to allow direct stimulation of their G-spot nerves. As the estrogen level begins to decline in women after 30, the vaginal lining becomes thinner and the G-spot becomes more accessible. As a result, most women become more easily sexually stimulated as they age.

Rather than worry about aging and concerning yourself with becoming less desirable, focus on staying active, healthy and vibrant. The better you feel, the better you look, and the sexier you will be! Embrace the aging process with a positive joyful attitude, and others will notice the quality of person you are, more so than the number of years you represent. Cheers to aging gracefully and enjoying a better sex life along the way!

For more Straight Up Girl Talk with Allura visit http://www.oceanusnaturals.com/blog/ and enjoy engaging articles and insightful information on women’s health & wellness within their sexuality

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