What Energy Are You Bringing With You Into The New Year?

The jealous friend, the possessive friend, the non-supportive friend, the pot stirring friend [who usually calls you just to gossip], the self absorbed friend that only wants to call you to vent, or brag [it is never about you]; are you bringing them into the New Year with you? The New Year marks a paradigm shift for many of us, and it is a great time to clean house; replacing the people in your life that sustain themselves by sucking the energy out of others.

I was guilty of keeping those people around me for quite some time and it did nothing but drain my energy, and leave me envious of people who had substantial, meaningful friendships. I had become one of those people I hated. A friend collector. Friend collectors are generally people that have about 550,000 friends associates; but no real friends. God, there is a difference.

Friends should never leave you feeling empty, feeling used, or feeling down. Sticking around because of "x" number of years you have been friends isn't a good trade off; considering all that you lose in the process. Energy is just as valuable as time. Like attracts like. It's no coincidence that the depression, unhappiness, and insecurity I felt at various points in my life attracted other people that were no better off than I was at the time. It became a domino effect. A vortex of negativity that manifested in every decision I made, and every new "friend" I gained. One day I asked myself why none of my friends were happy. It was a "circle" of constant drama, that played out like the juiciest episodes of Days of Our Lives. Maybe I attracted those people because of the Laws of Attraction, maybe I befriended them because no positive-minded people would spend more than 5 minutes in the room with me before realizing I was battling some serious issues, and didn't want to be the host in which I could suck their energy. Either way, a change needed to happen. 

Just like that, I cut them off. It was lonely those first few months. No one to talk to on the way home, no one to talk to while I was in line at the grocery store. It was the loneliest, yet best time I could have ever spent with myself. I realized in the end that those friends were distractions from the issues I was running from. After giving myself a number of tune-ups and realigning with my true self, I started to attract people that were a mirror of me. I was better off at that time, which meant that my friends were too.
Cleanse your aura around you and you will attract individuals that live off of the vibrations of joy versus the parasitic friends that live by sucking energy. - That positive force-field of friends you create will help you attract more experiences and emotions that are in line with your vibration. Let 2011 be the year you let your light shine, and walk in truth with like minds. 

What energy are you bringing with you into the New Year?

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