Product Review: My Anita Grant Haul!!

About a month ago, the gracious staff over at Hairrogant [the US supplier of Anita Grant] offered to send me some Anita Grant products. Of course I obliged. I have heard many rave reviews on Anita's goodies, and I wanted to try them out for myself! I received a package of Whipped Butter [which I haven't tried yet], Creamy Cafe Latte, Organic Sapote Castor Hair Oil & Anita Grant's infamous Rhassoul Deep Conditioning Spa Mud. 

Rhassoul Deep Conditioning Spa Mud
$12.50 - 3 Cubes
Product Claims:
Our Rhassoul Deep Condishes contains Unrefined Black Cocoa Butter & natural Soya based Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) which helps to guard scalp & hair from free radical damage. When hot liquid is added to our Rhassoul Deep Condishes, it swells & increases its surface area like a highly porous sponge.  Attracting & trapping toxins into these open porous spaces so that when it comes time to rinse the Rhassoul Deep Condish from your hair the toxins are eliminated and you're left with detoxified fluffy soft tresses.

My review:
 This was the consistency of my mixture
Because my hair is so thick, I decided to use two cubes. I poured about 2 ounces of hot water over two cubes and mixed it with a fork until it was a creamy consistency. I then applied the mixture to freshly shampooed hair and covered it with a plastic cap for about 45 minutes without heat. I then rinsed out the mixture with lukewarm water and the result was ridiculously soft, shiny hair. If I had to rate the softness factor on a scale from 1-10 it would definitely get a ten. No doubt about it. - I also loved that it left my hair full of body and so soft that I could actually comb through my hair using my fingers without it snagging on any knots.

Who should use it: 
If you are struggling with chronic dry strands, or you just want to treat your hair to an ultra hydrating deep conditioning treat, try this out! 

Would I actually purchase this?
Most definitely! This is something that I plan on using twice a month. I love that it is natural and and that it detoxifies and hydrates my hair without leaving it feeling coated or stripped. 
My hair with the treatment
This was how shiny my hair was after rinsing out the conditioning cubes!
Organic Sapote Castor Hair Oil 
$27.00 - 3.38ounces
Product Claims: 
All of Anita Grant's Castor Hair Oils are rich in texture but light enough to be used every day to seal in moisture, protect & restore vitality to your curls. - Product also helps eliminate issues with dermatitis, helps repair damaged and over-processed hair, and also promotes hair growth. 

My review:
I used this oil on wet hair to seal in the moisture after applying my leave-in conditioner. I only used about a dime size portion on each section of hair [my hair was sectioned in four big braids; two in the front, and two in the back] and I blow-dried my hair on warm until it was slightly damp; braiding each section as I was done with it. 
My hair after blow-drying and removing braids. Still very shiny, soft and bouncy!
The Sapote Castor Hair Oil made my hair easier to manage whilst blow-drying and also kept my strands very soft and full of body. - I love that this product is light enough to be used for heat styling and hydrating enough to actually deliver moisture to highly textured hair like mine. 

Who should use it?
If you are looking for an oil to seal in the moisture, aid in heat styling, or looking for a product to use as a hot oil treatment, this is definitely for you. 

Would I actually buy this product?
Yes. I definitely plan on purchasing this product when my bottle runs out. I love the ingredients, and I love how my hair felt after using this product. - I must admit I was a little leery of this product because I am not really a fan of Castor Oil, but this is much lighter and penetrates my hair much better than Castor Oil. 
Creamy Cafe Latte
$13 - 3.5 ounces
Product Claims: 
Pure Brazilian Coffee Oil stimulates the follicles while the wholesome goodness of Organic Virgin Coconut oil, nourishes your skin and naturally curly hair. Decadent Organic, Unrefined Fair Trade Black Cocoa Butter from Ghana conditions from top to toe, and the vitamin enriched - velvety suppleness of Australian Macadamia Nut Oil lovingly caresses you everywhere. All engulfed in an abundance of delicious natural & organic skin and curly hair care loving ingredients...mmm-mmm-goodness! 

Product Review:
I think I have found the Holy Grail of butters. Some of you that read my blog may know that I am not really a fan of hair butters. It seems as though they always sit on my hair, and coat the strands rather than soften and nourish them. - 

So fast forward to the review: After each section of my hair dried thoroughly, I decided to cornrow my hair for a light, fluffy braid out. I took down my braids and used the Creamy Cafe Latte on each section as I braided it. Applying the Cafe Latte made cornrowing a breeze [something I absolutely hate doing on my natural hair], and gave my hair tons of sheen and softness.  - I think for me this is the Mecca of hair butters because it definitely made a difference in how easy it was to work with, and how soft and bouncy it left my hair. The sheen was also a definite plus.
I am feeling very "Cleo" from Set It Off in this pic. - I cornrowed my hair using Creamy Cafe Latte, it made my hair soft and manageable, and very shiny!

I don't know how it does for curl definition, as I used this on a dry braid out in which I only left the braids in for a few hours. 
Would I actually purchase this product?
Most definitely! I plan on purchasing a few more jars in the near future for myself and for friends. 

Overall I was very impressed with the performance and quality of Anita Grants products. Most of the ingredients are natural and perform well on highly textured hair! 
I did not purchase this product. This product was sent to me for review by Hairrogant courtesy of Anita Grant. In order to maintain the integrity of MTM, all samples sent by PR are for consideration only. This allows me to share with you products that work well for me and are worth spreading the word about. If you would like to read my entire policy regarding product reviews, please read the Editorial Policy by clicking {here}.

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