My Girl

Hi Everyone, I am so exited for tonight. I have a date with Pete. I got a sexy black dress that needs boob tape. I will feel like a movie star on the red carpet LOL! After a nice dinner we will have a nice stroll on the beach at sunset, then hit the cougar room! Love and romance will happen all night long :) I had a great day on Thursday with my girls. We went to Target and finished getting everything we need for Christopher's arrival. I am so glad to help them out and yet Christa keeps feeling bad, I said don't feel bad I love doing this, that is what a Mother does for her children. I realized after she said that how much she has grown. I use to play the song My Girl and video for her when she was a little girl because this song speaks of what she did for me coming into my life. How I loved her at first site and loved holding her all the time. We had so much fun growing up together. My mom always said that you grow up with your children. When she was little we would call her miss I want it! She had to have everything, but wow how that has changed since she has been out on her own. My girl has grown into a beautiful women, both spiritually and psychically, she has only gained 5 pounds this pregnancy, so she will be smaller than she was before she got pregnant like I was. With each pregnancy I got so sick after I gave birth I only weighed 120 pounds. I was not proud of that, I hated being so sick. I said to her when she was pregnant with Bri, I hope you have another you, so I can have you all over again and my wish came true. I am so proud of the person she has become and the mother she is. Dana too, they are great Parents. When she left home I listened to this song for a week from Evanescence and cried my eyes out. But I gave her roots, so I had to give her wings.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Love ya,
Janet :)

Jeffrey Campbell Score; Take II

Zebra Tick Wedge

Yup, those are tacks on the bottom of those puppies. - Here are a few more pics of the shoes scored at the LF Warehouse Sale! This set of shoes is a bit more "out there" vs the previous set.

To everyone that sent emails asking the "stock names" of the shoes from the previous post, I will send you that info today!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Mary Jane Platform Boot

Shiny Patent Alexa Wedge: The shoes my mom hates; she says they look like Ice Skating Boots. She has a point.

My Updated Skincare Regimen

I received a lot of questions about my skin, so I wanted to list my skin care regimen. - I have VERY acne prone skin that can flare up out of nowhere, so I have to first start off by consuming at least 2 bottles of water a day. If I start slacking on my water intake..."Houston, We Have a Problem"- Also, if I use a hair product that contains insane amounts of Shea Butter, I have to change my pillowcase every few days.

Next; Dermalogica products are really the only products that have consistently given me results. I use their line exclusively, and I haven't tried a Dermalogica product I didn't like. I honestly don't know many lines I can say that about.

As you can see, I have two regimens. I alternate between the two daily; I like to switch between the Dermal Clay Cleanser [this is a heavy duty deep cleanser], and the Clearing Skin Wash [this is a great basic skin cleanser]. So for example, I may use Regimen 1 on Sunday, and Regimen 2 on Monday.

You may also notice that I use the oil cleansing method at night; this is because using Dermalogica night AND day has a tendency to make my face somewhat dry and tight. To eliminate that; I oil cleanse at night, and moisturize my face w/Grapeseed Oil [a wonderful light oil for people who have oil, acne prone skin; this oil acts as a natural astringent]. 

I know Dermalogica products can be a tad pricey, so do what I do; I buy trial size versions of their products [can easily be found on Amazon], and when my money permits, I buy the full size.

Regimen 1: 
Pre Cleanse face w/Dermalogica Pre Cleanse
Cleanse face w/ Dermalogica Dermal Clay Cleanser
Gently exfoliate w/ Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant
Apply Dermalogica Skin Clearing Mattifier to acne prone, oil spots [That is usually my "T" zone, and the areas next to my hairline]
Moisturize skin w/Cetaphil Skin Moisturizer

Night Regimen:
Oil Cleanse w/Olive Oil
Moisturize w/Grapeseed

Regimen 2:
Pre Cleanse Face w/Dermalogica Pre Cleanse
Cleanse face w/Clearing Skin facial wash
Apply Dermalogica Skin Clearing Mattifier to acne prone, oil spots [That is usually my "T" zone, and the areas next to my hairline]
Moisturize skin w/Cetaphil Skin Moisturizer

Night Regimen:
Oil Cleanse w/Olive Oil
Moisturize w/Grapeseed

Friday Link Love!

 [source: tfs]

I am so happy to finally see the interview with Kim [better known as the face behind Kimmaytube] at Afroniquely You! [GO]

I think it's a sign [I have been fighting off the urge to roller set], here lately, everywhere I turn I see curlies w/fabulous roller sets; and she is no exception! [GO]

I love passing time reading her makeup reviews, she has the best taste in shadows [Did I mention she also opened a store where you can buy makeup for little of nothing?], and color combos! [GO]

Fermodyl 619 for Curly & Coarse Hair was one of my tried and true staple products [I say was because I am too lazy to include that extra step anymore] - You can use it on transitioning hair, relaxed, or natural! Robyn is hosting a giveaway on her blog! So join now for a chance to win! [GO]

Milan shares w/us how to cleanse your scalp while in twists! [GO]

Mini Eye Shadow Haul + Face of The Day

So in keeping with the spirit of playing with colors; I purchased a few NYX eye shadows over the weekend [$1.99ea], and I am extremely pleased with them all! I was eager to try the NYX eye shadows [after falling in love with those pencils mentioned in this post.], and I am glad I did!

I really wanted to do a youtube video of this look, but the lighting was all types of crazy.  So I just resorted to doing this face of the day instead. I am going to have to do my makeup videos during the day. Duly noted.

I used the following to achieve this look:
- Urban Decay Primer Potion
- NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Gold [as a base all over lid]
- NYX Yellow Pearl [inner lid]
- NYX Charcoal [outer "v"]
- Ulta Lip Liner in Flesh
- Nars Lipgloss in Giza
- MAC Blush in Love Rush
- Stila Bad Gal Mascara [my fav for more of a natural dark lash]

Here are the shadows I purchased over the weekend; All of them go on smooth, and are highly pigmented!

Princess Pink [Dupe for MAC Expensive Pink]


Charcoal [Dupe for MAC Knight Divine]

Yellow Pearl [Dupe for MAC Going Bananas]

Swatched Colors [Left to Right]: Yellow Pearl, Charcoal, Princess Pink, Navy

90 Days to a Better You | Not in His Goals, But in His Transitions Man is Great - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here lately, I have been doing a lot of reflecting, prayer, meditation and self discovery; all in the hopes of becoming a better person. As we know, in order to evolve in life, we must first asses our short comings, and work like hell to change them. Assessing those pesky bad habits with an objective eye can be very hard, especially when you find fault within yourself.

Changing your life, begins with changing your attitude; and changing your attitude begins with changing your mindset. So that is where I began. I began to analyze my inner thoughts, challenge my motivation and desires; and I must say through it all, it has been somewhat of a cathartic experience. Granted my life hasn't changed over night, but my outlook [once pessimistic] has changed, my work habits [once a procrastinator] have improved, and my attitude [once cautious and reserved] is slowly blossoming into the person I was meant to be.

I want to share these tips with all of you, in hopes that you too can apply this information to your daily life. I am not here to preach, but to pay it forward. I am breaking this up into 3 easy to digest posts [one a week], to spare you the novel!

Here are a few tasks that should be completed during Day 1 - 30
Decide whether or not you want to make a change. This may sound ludicrous, but changing your mindset requires a considerable amount of commitment. - Are you happy [not content] with your life as it is now? If you aren't happy, but aren't willing to make the change as of yet; ask yourself why. - If you are ready for this undertaking, write out a contract to yourself; in this contract outline your expectations, and consequences should you happen to breach your contract.

Write down your short term, and long term goals. Be as specific as possible; the more specific your goals, the more real your visions become. [Don't worry or stress yourself about setting dates at this point

Organize your goals; [For example. Finances, Career, Education, Marriage]

Assess the motivation behind your goals. Is it greed? Is it to prove yourself? Is it to keep up with the Joneses? Is it pressure? Is it guilt? Or is it passion? The key here is to eliminate the narcissistic motivation behind your goals. In other words, do not let selfishness order your steps. The key to successfully completing this task is h o n e s t y.

Start a journal and record your thoughts about steps 1-4. I recommend writing in a journal at least once a week. Things I normally write about are;
Everyday struggles
How to WIN the battle [between what I know is right, and taking the easy way out]
How to make MORE progress

Take baby steps; work slowly and methodically towards those goals you listed in step 2. Try to put in an hours worth of work each week towards a goal. The purpose of this is to get you used to consistently working towards goals, in hopes that it systematically changes those bad habits that prohibits growth and success. This is part of the re-wiring process. 

As you can see, days 1-30 consists more of writing in your journal and slowly [one hour a week] chipping towards those goals mentioned in step 2. 

Stay tuned next week for days 30-60!  

Kinky Curly Winner

 [source: we heart it]

According to, the winner is: African Latina! Please email me {at} to claim your prize!

Thank you so much to all that entered!! If you didn't win this time, by the looks of things it seems as though another giveaway is around the corner!!

As always, I appreciate all of you that tune in, and if I could gift every one of you to show my appreciation I would. You have all made my time on the internet loads of fun, and I have met some really cool people along the way.  Thank You :-)

Quick Tip #2 My Pre Poo Routine

[This YT vid was filmed in HD; however the vid is still processing, so quality kind of sucks for now]

I always talk about doing anything and everything related to your hair in sections. It is much easier that way. Whether natural [keeps those coils from tangling/snapping], or transitioning [keeps the hair from matting/breaking] you will definitely start to notice a difference in length retention once you utilize this technique.

I detangle in sections!
I shampoo in sections!
I condition in sections!

This quick tip video just gives a basic over-view on how I do my pre-poo routine. I switch back and forth between the mixture demonstrated in my video, and the one from this post [there is also a pretty snazzy ayurvedic recipe]; I do the latter when I have more time. 

Here's a overview on how adding a pre-poo step in your regimen can be beneficial to your hair;

Simply put, using shampoo [especially shampoo's formulated with sulfates] strips the hair of it's natural oils [sebum]. Sebum is very important because it plays a vital role in protecting the protein structure of the hair. Doing a Pre-Poo/Pre-Shampoo Treatment preps the hair by adding moisture, therefore minimizing [in most cases eliminating] the harsh effects of shampoo. 

I used the following products in my video:
Vatika Coconut Oil [this stuff is AMAZING; actually it is better than amazing]
Navratna Oil [This is an Indian Oil I purchased from Pioneer Cash & Carry in Artesia Ca; You can sub your favorite oil if you can't find this one]
Lustrasilk Shea & Mango Butter Conditioner

You may also notice I lightly detangle AFTER adding the oil:
I find it best if I detangle my hair with some type of lubricant; as it acts somewhat like a protectant. I also like to lightly detangle while my hair is dry; it makes the detangling process much smoother later [as you know your hair is at is most fragile point when wet; get those major kinks out while dry, and it should be smooth sailing after your wash].

Knocks Me Off My Feet

I see us in the park //
Strolling the summer days of imaginings in my head //
And words from our hearts //
Told only to the wind felt even without being said //
I don't want to bore you with my trouble //
But there's somethin' bout your love //
That makes me weak and //
Knocks me off my feet //

So this is the camisole, and leather skirt that I thrifted [you may recall seeing the pics in this post] this past weekend. -

Cami: Thrifted
High Waist Leather Skirt: Thrifted
Bracelets: Forever 21
Necklace: DIY
Ring: Picnic [San Francisco]
Bow: LF Stores
Socks: American Apparel
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

There is one thing I noticed after starting this blog, and that is the amount of married women that comment on my posts. Oddly enough; the readers on my blog comprise most [if not all] of the married women I know. - I started to wonder if living in the suburbs breeds more of a monogamous attitude vs city living.

I have a dear friend who is a single mother of two, and a few years ago she uprooted her family and moved to a small city in Texas. One of the motivating factors was her urge to settle down and get married. She felt that she would be single as long as she stayed and L.A, so on a whim, she left. Six months later that very same friend met her future husband. And so the story goes..they lived happily ever after.

What is it about those smaller cities? Is there more pressure to fall in line, have children and get married? Is it that there is less to do, less opportunities, less "options"? I am interested on hearing your thoughts on this.

Find Your Eden

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well. I am doing great. I was so inspired by this post on Robin Easton's Naked in Eden. I have always ran to the ocean front for my Eden. I hope you all have your Eden as well. Feel free to leave me a comment to share it with my readers and I. I am so happy that for the rest of the week I have day hours so I can go walk the waterfront that brings me so much serenity. As it say's in the song fix you by coldplay, light will guide you home. As I drove home from work tonight I was guided by a full moon or soon to be. I also find my Eden sitting on my porch on a summer's night as I stare up at the star's and moon. As I gaze upon them I am guided with my writing and inspiration comes to me so freely. So if you don't have and Eden, get one. You will be happy you did. Thank you Robin and Evita for letting me share this with all my followers, Love ya Robin hope to meet up with you in New York. I am so glad to meet you Evita, I look forward to following your Journey. As my dear friend Kimmy always ends her posts,
Love and Light
Janet :)

A Return to Eden

Posted by Robin Easton under: Hobnobbin' with Robin.

My dear friend Evita Ochel of Evolving Beings has a deep love of Nature, which you can see in her photography here and on her site Evolving Scenes. Over the last couple of years I’ve taken great joy in getting to know Evita. She is compassionate, wise and extremely passionate about everything she does. Whenever she shares with me, I always feel like mountain air has just whooshed in and filled my heart with fresh innocence. Today she talks about a beautiful dream that she’s now turning into reality; she is returning to Eden. Her dream is one that I too have lived, much of my life. And like Evita, I will again return to Eden because Eden is who I am.

A Return to Eden

My name is Evita. Throughout my life, I have also gone by Eva and Eve, which are all variations of the same name, depending on different times in my life. Bottom line, the name on my birth certificate translates to the name “Eve” as in the Biblical character who so called “messed things up” in Eden.

Personally I don’t think the Bible story went quite like the way so many of us were taught at one time or another in our lives, but I won’t get into a religious debate here (or anywhere else for that matter). That is not what this article or I am all about.

What I want to share with you, and specifically here – on my beloved friend Robin’s site and perfectly so named “Naked in Eden” – is a piece of a very special journey I am taking. I am going back to Eden.

Where is Eden?

To me “Eden” is anywhere where the natural and spiritual world merge to uncover our highest potential. It is a place that is not governed by physical obsessions or material possessions. It is a heavenly place, a blissful place – a place where we can actually feel our soul and hear our heart.

Each one of us has our own “Eden” – and just as each and every garden grows, matures, changes and evolves – our “Eden” can change throughout our existence as well.

My Journey to Eden

A few months ago, I started to entertain the idea of selling off most of our stu
My Journey to Eden

A few months ago, I started to entertain the idea of selling off most of our stuff and leaving the quaint and comfortable life of the suburbs for a more natural lifestyle. I was getting a call from Mother Nature, and I couldn’t refuse her call.

As time progressed, that call got stronger and stronger. This is not to say that I did not throughout this time entertain my share of doubts and questions. The “Ego” after all is not a fan of radical change, especially change that will alter, completely at times, what it knows about itself.

When I surrendered my heart and soul, and kept the noisy world and all of its fears and doubts out, I was sure of what I needed and wanted to do.

In a span of not even one month, my husband and I have sold our house, one of our two cars, most of our furniture and some of our clothes. We were minimalists to begin with, so this sort of purging felt almost eerie, and yet so deliciously good and freeing.

I have embarked on a journey that has already begun to completely change me and my life and will only continue to do so even more.

My Eden

So where is “my Eden”? I have to tell you, I am completely humbled and inspired by Robin for her life in the Rainforests and have seriously considered such an experience myself. My “Eden” currently however, will be in a semi-remote place in a beautiful forest, off of a lake in Ontario.

There is something within my inner being that is calling me to experience the stillness, beauty and awe of life in nature. For the past few years, my utmost love for nature, our environment and this Earth has been growing, and today I am reaping those changes in a profound way. And don’t get me wrong, I will still have a house, but it will be a very different house, in a very different place. I will still visit cities, but this is where my roots will be – at least for now.

I want to drink fresh, mountain spring water and grow my own vegetables. I want to wake up to the birds and nothing but the birds each morning. I want to melt with the water, and dance under the open sky. I want to talk to the trees and play with the chipmunks. I want to experience walking barefoot, if only on the grassy part around my home, to feel Gaia’s touch beneath me. I want to be mesmerized by the night sky, full of more stars than perhaps grains of sand in this world. I want to feel the elements of air, fire, water and Earth on a regular basis.

This is my Eden, and it feels good to be back.

I am so grateful to Robin for being such a tremendous inspiration in my life up to this point, and for this chance to share a bit of my journey here in her space.

How about you: Where is your “Eden”? What life altering changes have you perhaps considered or made, and who or what inspired you to do so?

About the author: Evita Ochel, B.Sc., B.Ed., CHN – is the main author of Evolving Beings where she writes about spiritual and personal evolution, and Evolving Wellness where she writes about optimal nutrition and holistic health. She inspires people to live consciously in every area of their lives and awaken to their highest potential, for best health and happiness. She is also the photographer and author of Evolving Scenes – a site dedicated to capturing the natural beauty of our planet.

Janet Gardner Says:
Hi Robin and Evita, My Edan is and always has been the waterfront. I have been going there since I was a young teenager to talk to my higher power and listen for answers questions in my life. I walk the Plymouth ma waterfront every night at sunset and all I can do is smile. Everyone should have an Eden. I would love to share this on my blog if it is ok with you. You have inspired me today to tears. I would like to share that with my followers. I wish you much happiness on your journey, please continue to share.
Janet :)

Evita Replies:
Hello Janet
It is so wonderful to meet you here on Robin’s welcoming site! As one of my favorite elements, I can completely understand your love for water. And absolutely you have my permission to share this, and I assume it will be okay with Robin too. Many blessings to you and thank you for sharing in this first step of mine!

2 DIY Headbands + Hair Clip | Imagination Is The Beginning of Creation. You Imagine What You Desire, You Will What You Imagine and at Last You Create What You Will - George Bernard Shaw

This is a super quick tutorial; perfect for anyone that wants to skip the long drawn out rigmarole, and get straight to the goods. This is instant gratification at its best.

I found these cool feathers downtown in the fashion district [sorry can't remember the name], and depending on where you snag them; they may be a little pricey [they typically go from $5-10 each]. I bought the headbands and comb from Walgreens, and because I wanted the feather to be the focal point, I used the thinnest headband I could find. 

I made both headbands and comb in under 30 minutes [including photographing them]. Not bad eh?

You Will Need:
Glue Gun
Hair Comb
Some sort of rhinestone accent piece [broken jewelry is perfect for this project]
If you used broken jewelry [or in my case an over-sized button] cut the protruding area in the back off with a pair of wire cutters.
Glue the accent piece near the bottom portion of your feather [I think this is guinea; I used a glue gun FYI]
Apply glue to the headband, and press the feather on top; hold until secure, and glue is dry

Repeat the same steps for the second headband [I decided to forgo the rhinestone on this piece]

Glue your comb onto the third feather [the feather contours to the comb]

Finished Feather Hair Comb :-)

Quick Tip Video; Xtreme Deep Conditioning Method

I wanted to film a series of "quick tips" to touch on certain elements of my hair regimen. So here is the first installment.

Let me first mention that I only do this Xtreme Deep Conditioning method after a Henna Treatment, OR Sebastian 2+1 Treatment [2 parts moisture, 1 part protein] only. If this treatment is done too often, it can cause your hair to be over-moisturized. This treatment should not under any circumstances take the place of your normal deep conditioning regimen.

I found out about this deep conditioning method growing up as a salon baby; as I would witness stylists create "special ad-ons" which would run anywhere from $15-30 per session. These are usually treatments that are marketed towards repairing severely damaged hair. Most of these procedures you can do in your own home, this is one of them.

They actually sell "2+1 irons" for this purpose, however you can use flat irons covered in foil as demonstrated in my video. - This treatment does not straighten the hair, or loosen the curl pattern.

To Deep Condition: 
I start off with a clean, old plug-in flat iron [mine was about $25.00]
Cover the flat iron w/clean foil
Apply conditioner liberally throughout sectioned hair
"Flat iron" each section on the lowest setting [mine is usually set to 250]
After flat ironing each section; let sit for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water to seal moisture, and close the cuticle.

Steam/heat is used to open the cuticles, allowing hair to fully absorb the vitamins and nutrients in your conditioner.
Rinsing in cold water helps seal moisture deep into the hair shaft
Reduces deep conditioning time
Imparts an incredible amount of sheen and softness

As mentioned in the video, this treatment should be done in monthly intervals [6-8 weeks is my schedule]
Flat iron should be on the lowest setting, and covered in foil

Another Sunday Morning


"Pretty Little Floral Camisole" You can never have too many camisoles. They are perfect to pair with jeans, leather, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Yup.. I am bringing you yet another "thrift haul" - To make it fun, I will post my thrift hauls and then utilize the pieces in my What I Wore photos each week [this week I will be wearing all 4 pieces].   Hopefully it inspires others who are lukewarm to the idea of thrifting to try it just once. 

These items were purchased from Thrift Town in San Fran. 

High Waist Leather Skirt - The leather on this skirt is like butter! The length of it makes it super versatile. Pair it with a lace top, or even a funky graphic tee.

Beaded Vest - I love it when I find those pieces that look brand new, this was one of them! I have been getting lucky on snagging killer beaded pieces lately.

Knit Harem Style Pants - I love these! They actually came with a sweater. However to update the look a little bit,  I will go sans sweater and pair them with something else.

Comfort Food; Southwestern Chili

I thought I would share one of my quick & easy no frills meals. I really don't recall where I got this recipe, as I have been making it for over 10 years! I love tweaking recipes to get things "just right", but this one is perfect as is.

Sometimes when I am on my healthy kick, I sub ground turkey for ground beef. It's delicious that way too, and has more of a softer texture. Just a heads-up for those that are sensitive to things that are spicy; there is a heaping 1 1/2 teaspoons of chili powder in this recipe. It isn't too hot, but it does have some kick to it.

Southwestern Chili [Adapted from an amalgamation of recipes]
1lb of Ground Beef
1 medium onion, diced
2 green chili's, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons dried basil
2 large bay leaves
2 tablespoons dried oregano
2 tablespoons cumin
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1 can kidney beans
1 can black beans
1 can diced tomatoes [the kind that has basil, and oregano in it]
1 cup water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat; add onion, garlic, and chili's and cook for 3 min or until onions are translucent. Transfer onion mixture into a large stock pan; set aside. - Brown ground beef in same pan that you used to saute onions; add cumin, chili powder, and bay leaves. Also add Sea Salt and Ground Black Pepper to taste.

After meat is cooked, add it to the stock pot you put the onion mixture in; [turn on heat to low setting]. Add beans [do not drain], tomatoes, dried oregano, basil, and water. Let chili simmer for about 25-35 minutes or until beans are soft, and the flavors are well blended.

I like to serve mine with a heaping amount of sharp cheddar, and blue tortillas.

Songs In The Key of Life: Pastime Paradise

They've been spending most their lives //
Living in a pastime paradise //
They've been spending most their lives //
Living in a pastime paradise //
They've been wasting most their lives //
Glorifying days long gone behind //
They've been wasting most their days // 

My ode to good music, cause they sure don't make it like they used to. - Some of you may remember this jacket from this post. - I was thrilled when I scored this uber ostentatious jacket,  it was definitely one of those pieces I couldn't wait to wear.  I didn't want to go over-the-top, so I paired it with my super comfy [and cheap] plain black dress I snagged from H&M; it's a lace little number that can pretty much be paired w/just about anything.

I also got a chance to break in those new Jeffrey Campbell's, they are insanely high, but surprisingly comfortable. - I am wearing a wash and go in these photos. I hated it, I must be a glutton for punishment, because I picked THAT day to experiment w/different combination's [I tried to get rid of my Miss Jessie's, so I mixed that up w/Eco Styler].

My weekend was pretty {un}eventful, I got some much needed R&R [a recurring theme these days], and did a ton of thrifting which is always fun :-)

Jacket: Thrifted
Dress: H&M
Tights: H&M
Boots: Jeffrey Campbell

Keeps Getting Better

Hi Everyone,
Happy Saturday, Another best of Ari, and a song of how my life is today. Keep's getting better :) Have a great day,
Love you all,

Mama's Got a [few] New Pairs of Shoes | Jeffrey Campbell Score

I have a jam packed day today [sitting in court], however I wanted to drop in and show you a few new items I scored from the LF Warehouse Sale. I will take more pics of the rest of the shoes/scores [I think I got 6 pair total] when I make it back to my casa :-)

Due to time restraints, I will do Link Love this coming Monday! Until then....

If you are anywhere near California, you may want to check out the LF Warehouse Sale.  All of the shoes pictured retail for over $200 [Except for the flats], and I paid less $50! Here's the info:

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